The New Me

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I was really surprised that Killian defended the kid like that but that still didn't change the fact that I don't like him. I head to my economics class and I sit in the back. The lecture continues and my mind wanders. That's when Robbie, Neal's cousin interrupts my day dreaming.

"Emma." I gasp. "What the hell do you want?" He shakes his head. "Emma you can't be dressing like that." I shake my head. "This is who I am." He scoffs. "I understand that you're grieving but changing everything that you are because Neal died is too much." I scoff. "Mind your own business." He sighs.

"I'm worried about you." I chuckle. "Oh so now you're worried about me?" He nods. "Why weren't you worried about Neal or I when he was alive?" He stays quiet. "Exactly so shut the hell up and focus because I doubt you're good at Econ." He shakes his head. "Who are you?" I chuckle. "The New Emma Swan, that's who." He turns around and someone sitting behind him gives me a dirty look.

"The hell you looking at?" She scoffs. "You have problems goth chick." I lift my eyebrow. "Back off princess." She chuckles. "I'm not scared of you." I laugh. I get up in her face and she flinches. "Keep that attitude up and you will suffer this year." She turns around and I laugh.

I may defend people that are bullied but I won't tolerate people bullying me and telling me what to do and who to be. I became this new Emma to help people out and to help me. The Day finally ended which meant it was time to go home. I make my way to the bus and that's when I see Killian waiting to get picked up. I scoff.

He sees me and walks up to me. I try to run but he calls out to me. "What do you want Jones?" He smiles. "Nothing I just..." That's when he hears a car honk. It was his driver picking him up. I chuckle. "Go on prince, they're waiting for you." He chuckles. "I'm not a prince," he says with a straight face.

"Look Killian, how about we just talk when we are in class and that's it ok?" The car honks and he sighs. "Fine," he says and walks away. I roll my eyes and made my way to the bus. I got in and it took me home. I got home and my did I feel relieved. "In the kitchen," I over hear my aunt say. I put my back pack down in the living room and walked up to my aunt.

"How'd it go sweetie?" I sigh. "Ok." She nods. "I'm making spaghetti and meatballs." I smile. "Sounds yummy." She smiles. I make my way to the garage and she sighs. "Are you really going to train Emma?" I nod. "I have to aunt, I have to." She sighs and nods. "Just be careful." I walked into the garage and changed into my workout clothes. I stretch out and do a couple of workouts.

I had a punching bag, and many other pieces of equipment to help me train. My aunt didn't like the idea of me getting self defense classes during the summer. But I had to get them, I needed them.


I fall hard on my back and groan. "Damn it Joe, I can't do this." He chuckles. "You want to be weak Emma?" I shake my head. "Then stop being a princess and take me down." I scoff. "Don't call me princess!" I scream out and I drop kick him. He laughs as he lays flat on his back.

"That's what I'm talking about," he says as he gets up. He then gets behind me grabs me and I jump and pull him over my shoulder and drop him to the floor, I then press my foot on his neck. He taps. "Perfect," he proudly says. I smile. "I am proud of you Emma." I smile.

"You will be an expert in no time." I nod.

End of Flashback

I smile as I'm putting on my gloves. I like the new me and if people don't like that well they can suck it. I really don't give a damn, all I care about is being an expert in self defense and in defending the ones that get picked on.

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