Swan, will you...?

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It's Friday and I told Emma that I was going to her house to help out with the project, but in reality I used it as an excuse to ask her something very important. I want to ask her out on a date, and if she says yes I want to ask her to be my girlfriend during our date. It's a long shot but I hope she says yes.

I get to her house and I'm greeted by her aunt at the door. "How are you Killian?" I smile. "Good, and you?" She nods and escorts me in. She walks over to the kitchen and smiles. "Emma is out in the back." I smile. "Thanks." I open the sliding door and I see Emma standing there wearing a baseball cap.

"Hey Swan?" She turns around and smiles. I gasp when I see her. She had no black make up on and her hair was back to being blonde. That's why she didn't come to school today. I stood there in awe. She took off the cap and smiled nervously. "Emma you look..." She smiles. "I look like the nerd you met last year huh?" I laugh.

"Maybe." She laughs. "So you kept your word." I nod. "What do you need help on Emma?" She smiles. "The project is almost done, I just need you to help me with building the stand." I nod. She took out pieces of wood to building the small stand. As she was gluing some small pieces I couldn't help but stare at her.

"Emma can I ask you something?" She nods. "Yes what is it?" She asks without making eye contact with me. I start to get nervous but I stood my ground. "Swan will you go out with me?" She drops all the pieces of wood and stands there completely frozen. Damn, I shouldn't have asked her.

"Umm sorry Killian, I didn't think you were going to ask me that," she says as she starts to pick up the pieces of wood. I go and help her and she backs away from me. "So is that a no?" She sighs and goes back to gluing. "Emma?" She starts to cut something and I touch her shoulder. She sighs.

"I can't go out with you." I sigh. "Too soon?" She shakes her head. "It's because of Neal huh?" She stays quiet. "Emma just give me a chance, I know..." "Killian I'm sorry but I can't..." I sigh and went back to do my part of the project. "Alright Emma, I will respect your decision." She sighs.

"Killian the reason why I can't go out with you is because..." I started to get nervous. She sighs. "I've never gone out with anyone." I gave her a baffled look. "You've never gone out on any date?" She shakes her head. "Is that the real reason why?" She nods. I sigh in relief then chuckle.

"Why are you laughing?" I smile. "Well Emma, I thought it was something else but Emma just say yes and go out with me, I'm the one who's planning the date anyways." She looks down. "What if I embarrass you, or I spill something on you, or..." I lift up her chin. "Emma don't worry about a thing, give me this chance, I know you will have a lot of fun."

She blushes. "Ok." I smile. "So is that a yes?" She nods. I hug her then spin her around. She giggles as I spin her around. "Oh Swan you will not be disappointed." She smiles. "Are you sure you want to go out with me?" I give her a baffled look. "Of course Emma, why wouldn't I?" She half smiles. "Well look at me, I'm not your type and frankly I think I still might hate you, I mean we never got along." I chuckle.

"Well just so you know miss Swan, you are indeed my type, you were my type when you were wearing all that black make up but now the real Swan is standing in front of me and I love it." She blushes. "Oh and isn't there a saying that says from Hate to Love there's only one step?" She blushes. I smile and caresses her cheek.

"I do hope you don't feel overwhelmed, I don't want you to think I'm rushing into things?" She shakes her head. "No I don't, I've never experienced this and I gotta say it feels good." I smile. We went back to our project and after an hour and a half we finished. Our project was finally done, well the display at least. I still need to type up everything, God I'm such a procrastinator.

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