She breathed. A lot had happened that day and sometimes she couldn't even cope with its pace. However, she wasn't complaining, so far, the changes have been very good for her, and she felt blessed more than anything else. Suddenly the image of Rick popped into her head.

She frowned. "Leave me alone you evil spirit!" She whispered.

She then decided that she needed to set aside what had occurred earlier. She needs to pay attention to the opportunity that crosses her path and see what possibilities it would bring for her. She wanted to challenge herself, but she never had a chance to do something that could make her feel proud of her achievements, she was always a pleaser and always selflessly did things for the sake of other people. This is her chance to use her abilities. She needs to work harder for it.

She breathed and a new determination sealed her mind. She investigated the bus window and saw the variety of lights in the city. The cityscape was unapologetically urban. There were no trees or city-planted blooms, just monoliths of concrete soaring out of the sidewalk in an exact grid pattern. At night it was beautiful in its way, with so many lights. By day you relied on the sky to let you know that it wasn't a monochromatic world; just one in which the people were too busy for art. For over a generation progress had meant the teaching of specific skill sets to the children of the metropolis and art had been the first casualty, then dance, then music and television. In this city people only work and eat, there is no time to sweep fall leaves or plant spring flowers, hardly even enough to notice the blue above. She suddenly missed her old home. It was peaceful, the life of the provinces was often predictable and stultifying, but it blended into a single, comprehensible entity. Somehow, she longed for it, but she went to the city for a reason, the same reason that she needed to take revenge.

For now, she must be the best in this industry and give her all. She doesn't want regrets this time and there's only one way for her to achieve that. She needs to maximize what she has and hone it even more.

Jess suddenly closed her eyes, for now, that's the plan. She clasped her knuckles tightly.

She stayed like that for the rest of the bus ride. It had been a long day for her, but her mind and heart were excited for the days to come.


"What?!" Jess's gazes were shooting daggers directly at Alexander's placid demeanor.

The past few weeks have been nonstop preparation for her and the agency to build up her image and her name. A lot of plans have been laid out on how she would be introduced to the public. Jess was torn between animosity and excitement, however, she knew that she wouldn't be able to get away with it, so she braced herself.

That morning Alexander told her about the discussion of her long-awaited public appearance. He was casual about the whole news like it was the most natural thing to say.

"The president and I agreed that for us to make a stir of your career and to formally broadcast you as our new talent, we think that it would be best that we do it in the annual Music Awards. It would be the best venue to showcase what you have. So, we both decided to let you take part in that ceremony, with you will take the opening presentation of that prestigious event and set the bar for the rest of the artists. Isn't it amazing?" Alexander uttered.

Jess was beyond appalled.

The Annual Music Award is an award presented by the Music Academy to recognize achievements mainly the artists in the music industry. The annual presentation ceremony features performances by prominent artists, and the presentation of those awards is a more popular interest. It shares recognition of the music industry as that of the other performances in songwriting and is most popular in the top charts. It's the most sought-after gathering not only for the musicians but also for the live audience. It's one of the most awaited awards each year where people gossip about designer clothes, music inspiration, and a lot more. The nominees of each category play the highest caliber and are the most talked about singers. Everyone from the music icon will be there to make history. It's the perfect way to boost her career in music but one mistake in her act or performance could ruin her for good. That made her heart sink.

She looked at Alexander again who didn't even flinch at all. Her insides were in turmoil but the person in front of her was composed and even smiling.

She breathed.

"I appreciate this opportunity, but do you think it's a bit too much for me? I'm just a little bird who is trying to find my wings in this strange abyss for now." She said she hoped she could try to make a point.

Alexander made a dismissing gesture with his hand in the air. His head shook in disagreement.

"You wouldn't be able to test your limits on how high you can fly if you crumble in your insecurities and fear." He stood up suddenly and held her arms tightly while his eyes were squinting. "You are born to sing, and you know that you are here today because you wanted this. You should be able to conquer whatever your inhibitions are. No great artist reached the top without stepping into the abyss with certainty. You must do this Jess. It is now or never." He narrated.

Jess swallowed her saliva hard. She fully understood what Alexander meant, however the pressure was too overwhelming. Thinking about it was pushing her to the edge of how much more she would be doing the actual performance. She suddenly felt the pit of her stomach and the distaste of bitterness in her mouth. She wanted to vomit as the heavy compression continued to build.

She was digesting the reaction her body was making within her when she saw Alexander's mischievous smile.

She panicked.

"If it will make you feel any better... You won't be doing this alone..." He spoke.

Jess's eyes were confused.

"Since this will be your first time, we won't let you go to the battlefield alone and vulnerable." He continued.

Suddenly Jess felt a little bit of consolation from what he was saying. He was thinking of her welfare after all. She breathed.

"You will be joining the stage by none other than the most popular singer of our generation nowadays. This will be a duet presentation by you and the magnificent Rick Reed..." He uttered with much enthusiasm.

Jess felt lightheaded and she was unable to comprehend anymore what Alexander was sharing. The last thing she remembered was the feeling of complete emptiness, the soothing feeling of the unknown. Her surroundings turned to pitch black and for some reason, she found it comforting, she then felt a sense of complete abandonment. At that moment she needed it, it was the coward's way, but it was the only way to flee from the horrible reality.

She knew that when her eyes woke up, she would have to face the catastrophic truth, however for now she allowed the darkness to consume her, to fill her in, it was enough for her... 

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