Chapter 29

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Amara's POV

"It's okay to cry you know."

I spoke as I walked towards Elias who was sitting on the couch in a black suit, his hands covering his face. I wrapped my arms around Elias's head to which he in turn wrapped his hands around my waist, his head resting on my stomach. His grip on me became tighter with each tear that fell from his eyes. I kissed the top of his head and rested my chin on top of it. I couldn't help but cry with him.

"He wasn't supposed to-" His voice cracked. "He wasn't supposed to die like that."

"I know." I replied softly, caressing his hair. If only he hadn't covered me. If only I still had my magic powers. If only I had somehow known about the arrow. There were infinite ifs but it was all too late.

"I don't mean it like you're thinking Amara. Don't blame yourself. I will be eternally grateful to him for saving you but I don't know if I'll ever get to thank him. I don't know if I'll ever get to thank him for everything he has done for me." He sniffled. "I can't help but remember my last words to him before he died. They weren't pleasant Amara. They weren't the words you use to send off a friend. We couldn't even find his killer. What kind of friend am I?" 

"Elias please. You're doing what you asked me not to. Don't blame yourself either. He wouldn't want that." I put my palms of his face and brought it up to face me, his teary eyes looking into my equally teary ones. "You know that Theo wouldn't want that." 

There was a knock on the door causing both of us to turn. "It's time." Came Damien's voice.

I turned back at Elias. He nodded at me and I moved back so that he could stand up. He walked to the door to open it. But he didn't walk out right away, not before taking my hand in his.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, making the atmosphere no better than how it already was. He was lying on his casket, wearing a dark blue suit, looking as handsome as he always looked but the glow and warmth of his skin was replaced by complete coldness. He looked at so much peace but at the same time as if he was going to wake up at any second.  But we all knew that he wouldn't.

All of us were standing around him. Elias, Rome, Damien, Kiara and I along with some other members of the council who had known him. Everyone spoke of their memories of him. Laughing at his silliness. Crying because we would never get to see it again.

As he was lowered into the ground, rain fell from the sky making it hard to tell whether the drops of water that fell from our face were tears or the rain. But we did know one thing that it wasn't just us who were weeping.

The heavens were weeping with us.


8 months later

I can't say that the world had become as good as it could be. But it had definitely become a better place for all the species that lived in it. 
The changes that took place weren't drastic as it would lead to confusion and chaos but laws had been amended. Werewolves weren't the rulers anymore. Though they still lived in packs with their alphas and other positions. It was necessary for them, it was how they had always lived. 

The alphas were more like governors now. The system had adopted democracy. The government bodies contained humans, werewolves and all the hidden species that had come forward. People had learned to live together. Those who despised the other had come to love. It wasn't perfect but it was a lot better than before. A lot more peaceful.

Rome and Damien had come in terms with the fact that they wouldn't have mates a long time ago. According to them they had found companionship within each other. It was true. They didn't need a mate bond to tell them to love each other and neither did Elias and I. Not anymore. 

Every sunday, all four of us would pack the breakfast and visit Theo's grave. We would talk, laugh, cry and eat with him. We would share our experience of the week, tell him secrets that we couldn't tell each other. 

That sunday was no different. We were all sitting on the mat that lay on the ground, facing his grace. Elias was next to me, his arm wrapped around my shoulder while Damien was feeding Rome fruits with a fork as he was too occupied in reading.

"It's been a long time." A familiar voice made us all turn back to look at him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"That's not how you greet a friend Amara." The god clicked his tongue.

I had met the god the day after we had buried Theo.  I had begged him. Begged him for a favour to bring him back. Deep down I knew it wasn't possible. Yet I couldn't help but have some hope. He was a god after all. 

He outright denied. I expected it but couldn't help but feel disappointed. It wasn't his fault either but now that I saw him again, those feelings came back. I tried to slap them away but I couldn't. 

"My dear Amara, I have told you before. I can't bring your friend back.I do not interfere with what fate has in mind. Even I am not in position to do that." He smiled.

His smile was what made it worse. How could he smile when we were clearly feeling loss?

"I know." I replied. "I'm sorry I know i'm being unreasonable. It's not your fault. You can't blame me for questioning your sudden arrival though. You don't really visit unless you have something to say."

"Of course. My friend knows me well." His smile widened. "Being the ideal friend I am, I am here to give you some advice."

"And what might that be?" Elias was the one to speak this time.

"Hmm, what was it again?" He brought one of his hands to his chin and tapped it, clearly pretending to be in deep thought. 

"Are you really going to play with us like that?" I sighed.

"Alright alright." He straightened his posture and his face suddenly became grim but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Help him. He has been through a lot." 

He was speaking in riddles again. Before we could ask who he just vanished into thin air leaving us with our thoughts.

These thoughts didn't last too long as our heads snapped towards the grave. All of us standing up, alert, when we heard pounding from the ground. Not from above it but from below.

I know for a fact that our eyes widened and our hearts skipped a beat in sync when we saw a hand emerge from under the ground.


Uh so yeah. 

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