Chapter 23

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How are you doing today? I hope your day went well.

Amara's POV

"Yes, what do you wanna talk about? When I got my first period or do you wanna give me some s*x-ed?" I scowled at her.

"How about we discuss on my plan to kill your mate? I am sure you have some suggestions." She spat back.

"I do have a suggestion. It's called: Fuck off." I replied struggling to be free from Theo and the guard's hold so that I could let my hands and her face meet.

She chuckled looking at me. "You truly look pitiful, daughter. But honestly, I don't have time to talk bulls**t with you." She walked towards me and grabbed my hair, pulling it back so that I met her eyes. "I only brought you in this world for a reason and you will help me accomplish it."

"Is it to make you regret birthing me? Because trust me, i'll accomplish it." I looked at her furiously.

"Look, b***ch, I'll ask you questions and you'll answer. Got it?" She tightened her hold on my hair and brought her other hand near my neck. She traced Elias's mark and whispered some words. As soon as she did that, the mark and it's surroundings started burning, causing me to groan in pain. I knew Elias could feel it as well. She was trying to bait him.

Don't fall for it. I thought, hoping that he could somehow hear my pleading. I had to distract her somehow.

"I am going to let it hurt for as long as you're here, then i'll relieve you of it, because a dead person can't probably feel pain. Can they, Amara?" She brought her hand up to my chin. "Now all you have to do is answer me honestly. If you don't, I know how to make it hurt even more, my precious daughter." She said, ending her sentence with words laced with pure sarcasm.

I nodded.

"How did you know that it was me behind it?" She questioned.

"Well, the magic spells you were teaching me weren't approved by a friend. She let me know that those were meant to drain my spiritual energy and it lead me to wonder, why would my own mother who appears to love me so much want to drain me off of my energy? It isn't what mothers usually do, you know. Oh wait, of course you don't." I replied, earning an increase in the pain over my mark causing me to shut my eyes to prevent the tears from coming out.

"I know exactly what mothers do." I could see that she was shaking with anger. "Does Elias know that it is me?"

"Why don't you ask him?" My voice was becoming raspy and tired.

"Love, I won't have time to be asking him questions. I would rather enjoy slowly killing him." She answered in a sing-song manner. "I'll be honest here, Amara. I have nothing against you, I don't want innocent people like yourself to struggle. Just join me, I won't let any harm come to you. And when all of this is over, you can join me on my trip to the afterlife. We can all be a family. I know Robert and Jake would accept you. They would be thankful to you for avenging them."

"You think your loved-ones would be happy seeing you become the monster you have become? I'm sorry to disappoint you but I don't think so. Have you any idea how many innocent lives you've already taken? The revolts that you started have killed and destroyed lives of several families. You think your family would be grateful to you after seeing that? And about the part of being a family, I want to have nothing to do with you, my parents are dead. You killed them." I growled.

I knew my words had angered her greatly, so much for trying to distract her Amara. I thought to myself.

She released her hold on me and stepped back. Her eyes completely cold and devoid of all emotions except for one. Hatred.

She murmured a few words. I felt as if someone was cutting into different parts of my body. When I looked down at my stomach, where it hurt the most, I could see blood gushing out of me. It all hurt so badly that I couldn't even scream.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you yet. I'll heal you and do it all over again." She spoke before exiting the cell.

I had no strength to reply.


I don't know how long I lay there, feeling the pain and the metallic smell of my blood around me. I knew that my wolf couldn't heal me here. Heck, I couldn't even feel her in my mind.

I started coughing out blood. Smelling the blood was one thing, tasting it was another. It made me want to puke. I tried to ask the guards for some water but they let out a laugh after hearing me.

I'll kill you first. I thought to myself as they laughed at my misery.

Just then someone came. I could tell because the guards tensed up.

"You guys can go catch a break." The tone of the voice letting them know that he was certainly not requesting them.


The guards bowed to him and left. On hearing them leave, he appeared in front of my cell door. But he was facing the other way, towards the cell opposite to me.

"You are still alive." He commented, the words obviously being directed to me.

"Yeah, no thanks to you." I barely managed to reply. My eyes had started blurring.

"Definitely no thanks to me. How are you holding up?" He asked, putting his hands in his pocket.

"I've been better. But may I ask, why are-." I stopped speaking because of the sudden increase in the pain. "Why are you so interested in your enemy's well-being? I don't think your boss will be happy."

"My enemy is the same as you, Amara." He replied causing my eyes to widen a little in surprise. "Forgive this idiot's inability to overpower magic."

He then turned. Even with the blurriness in my eyes, I couldn't miss the colour of his eyes.


"Ezekiel." I whispered.


Theo: "I'm not an idiot."

Amara: "I don't know, I kinda agree with Ezekiel."

Theo: "You're just jealous because i'm hotter than you."

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