Chapter 9 (Part II)

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Updated part II early so that I can update chapter 10 soon :P.

Thank you for 1k reads. ^^

Amara's POV

The dinner went quite nicely. Emily had been quiet for most of it and the food was good. It was now time for the discussion regarding humans and werewolves. We were now in a gallery, with everyone sitting on sofas.

"The elders have decided on implementing a few rules and we all are here to discuss whether they will be passed or not." Spoke  one of the men and everyone nodded.

"We shall discuss about the first rule and probably the most important one." He said while lifting up the letter and opening it. "Humans have been quiet for sometime. It is impossible to think that they aren't planning anything. It cannot be a mere coincidence that all the figures present here had their houses burnt in a fire. It has to be the humans planning a revolt. We have decided to ban travelling for them. They cannot leave their packs unless permitted to, or if they have a werewolf mate accompanying them." He finished.  "Any suggestions?"

"Where is the proof?" I spoke up.

"Proof?" He eyed me while raising one of his eyebrows.

"The proof that it was the humans who burnt your houses. It could've been someone else." I replied.

"No offence, my dear, but we werewolves do not betray our brothers and sisters like the humans." He smirked.

"Even if it was the humans, instead of banning travelling for all them, shouldn't you be looking for the ones who did it?" I was getting annoyed. All of us cannot be punished just because of a few. It wasn't fair, they were going to take every pinch of freedom from us  and I couldn't stay quiet. "I am pretty sure not all of the humans were part of this, how can you punish everyone?"

"Don't you know how humans work? If they don't listen, you punish them to set an example so that they won't do it again." Spoke another person from the group.

"If you keep punishing us, eventually not only a few, but all of us will be against you." I stated.

"Are you threatening us, little girl?" Emily spoke standing up while fixing her blood red gown. "Lyon, perhaps it would be better if your mate goes to a room for the time being. After the discussion is over, she can come back." 

I looked at Lyon/Elias, and I could see an internal battle in his eyes. Then I looked at the other people and realised the only reason why I got all the warm smiles is because i'm his mate, not because I am an individual with my own thoughts. I didn't blame him for not standing up for me, but it did hurt. Instead, I stood up myself and turned towards Emily.

"Would you be kind enough to tell me where the room is?" I asked politely.

"Second floor, far left corner." She dismissed me. 

As I started walking, I could hear Lyon/Elias faintly whispering "Sorry, but I will do something." I walked up the stairs, trying to sway my mind onto other things. The corridor of the second floor had large windows which let the moonlight sweep in and light it up beautifully. If I wasn't in a bad mood, I would've stayed to admire the beauty more.

I finally reached the room and opened the door. It was probably one of the many guest rooms in the castle. It was well decorated with all the required necessities. I went and sat on the chair near the opened window, which I supposed was there to let the air in. I sighed as the air flew against my face.

"Got kicked out of the discussion?" A voice spoke from behind me causing me to flinch and look back. It wasn't anyone who I remembered from downstairs.

"Who are you?" I said while standing up and looking around the room, looking for anything with which I could defend myself.

"Amara,  the mate of the one guy who brought us doom." He said while talking steps towards me causing me to move backwards until I almost fell out of the window but he caught me. "Tch tch, wouldn't want to die falling from here now, would you?" He moved his fingers along my face. I cringed and pushed him which made him stumble backwards.

"What do you want?" I asked him. "Are you one of them, the ones who caused the fire?"

"Aren't you an intelligent mind? And if by one of them, you mean humans, yes I am. You are the one missing the human in her here. Didn't you see how they aren't ready to listen to anything? How did you not kill any of them?" He spoke with anger evident in his words. "What I want is to kill every one of them, starting with your hero of a mate." He sat on the bed. "But killing him won't be enough. I think killing you would make him more terrible. Do you think so as well?"

I knew that this guy was psychotic and that I had to get out of here and get help before he does anything so I decided to rush towards the door, but he was fast enough to stop me and yank me away from the door while covering my mouth to prevent me from screaming. "Shh shh now."

I struggled and fought his hold. My back was turned towards him and I decided to do the only thing I was good at doing. I kicked his balls. causing him to cry in pain and me to take this opportunity. I did kick hard enough but he still grabbed me by my hair, pulling me back and causing me immense agony by kicking me in the stomach. I fell down while holding my stomach tightly.

"I would've considered taking you." He spoke while bending down. "But now, I'd rather see you burning with this mansion." He whispered.

He walked away from the room. I tried standing up, but the blow to my stomach was hard which caused me to fall back into the same position. As I lay down there, I suddenly sensed the burning smell and saw the light which was probably the fire coming towards me while destroying everything in it's path. 

I screamed for help but no one came. As my eyes started blurring I saw a shadow near the door but it quickly turned when it saw me looking. As it turned, it caused whatever it was wearing to flow and allowed me to see the colour. It was Blood Red.

I knew Elias would come looking for me, and if he did, the fire would consume us both. I decided this wasn't the time for me to die and stood up with all my will. I took the blanket I found on the bed and covered myself with it and walked out of the door. The fire was everywhere.

Somehow I managed to come down the stairs and in the dinning room. I could see that the fire was spreading really fast. As I started moving forward, the blanket I was wearing got stuck on a nail and was snatched away from me. At the same time, the chandelier on top of me fell, I had some time to respond and backed away enough to prevent it from falling on my head but not enough to prevent it from falling on my legs.

The fire was reaching my body slowly, starting from my legs. I saw Elias standing on the corridor looking everywhere frantically. I wanted to scream his name but my body didn't allow me, all that came out was a faint whisper before I fell into the abyss of darkness.


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