Chapter 28

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This chapter is probably longer than the others. If you have an issue with long things, I truly apologize.

Amara's POV

Found you. Elias spoke. Mountains of Ephesus, not that far from the city. It will take us 2 hours max. Good location for a hideout, people are inhibited from going there since they're holy grounds and with your mother's powers, unnoticeable. 

These people really need to step up their security. Revolters living right in their holy grounds, pathetic. Rome growled. They couldn't have been totally unnoticeable. Would have to buy their supplies from somewhere.

A little bit of magic and fertile land can do a lot of wonders, Rome. I replied. Anyway, I think i'm healed for the most part, I'll head out. You'll need some distraction.

Amara, you said they're already distracted as they're looking for you. No need to go out until we reach. We don't know how many enemies we're against. Elias responded.

Around 300 on the grounds. 

How do you know? Damien questioned.

I took a sniff. I answered.

We are on our way, we'll keep you updated. Stay where you are Amara. Elias warned.

And if I don't? 

I'll make sure that next time you'll obey even without me telling you. He growled.

Never thought that you'd be a sadist. I chuckled.

Love, when we are done with this, I'll make sure you know exactly what I can be. He promised.

I choked on air. 

Uh well bye, Amara. We'll see you soon. Damien was the one to finally speak up after an awkward silence.


While they were making their way to the mountains, I decided that I should retrieve the weapon from a friend. But I had no idea how to. 

"O Dear Moon God." I started. "I summon you."


"I pray to you, Moon God. Give me the weapon."


"Um, Grace me with your presence, my God."


"Hey you piece of-"

"I heard you the first time Amara." A voice came from behind me, startling me and causing me to jump. I turned to see the God lying on the bed with his head lazily resting on one of his arm.

"Could you try not to give me a heart attack everytime we meet?" I kept a hand over my chest, patting it to calm my heart.

"You are the one who called me, you should be prepared to see me. It's entirely your fault." His lips twitched upwards.

"Well where is it?" I asked.

"Where is what, my dear friend? I'm afraid I can't read your mind." A full smile had now appeared on his face.

"I damn know well that you can read my mind. Where is the weapon?" 

"Ahhh that. Why? It's safe with me like I promised, of course." He replied.

"I think it's time you returned it. I need it to end a certain someone." I crossed my hands.

"As you say, friend." He held his hand out and closed his eyes. As soon as he opened them back, a dagger appeared on his hand. With the dagger in his hand, he gestured me to come over to him.

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