Chapter 13

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Around 250 votes and 11 followers? You guys are spoiling me (\oAo/). 

Thank you purp127 for helping me with the chapter.

Amara's POV

I was feeling helpless.

Elias wouldn't let me help them, he wouldn't let me search for those who murdered my parents. I got that he thinks I am not stable enough, maybe I am not, but it is something I want to do, something I NEED to do. 

Since they wouldn't let me go on the search, I decided to go to my house, my parent's house. Elias had gone out for business and others were busy, so I went alone. Going inside the house reminded me of endless memories. I went to the kitchen, remembering how we laughed while cooking and eating together. Then turning away, I went to the living room, remembering all the times we argued on which movie we would watch on the T.V.

I finally made up the courage to go to their room. Even though I am not a werewolf, as soon as I opened the door, their scents hit me, the sense of familiarity hits me and it automatically brought tears to my eyes. The room was neat and clean, reminding me of my mom. She was a clean freak. Inside the bedroom, my father had a small study table, he never let me open the top drawer/cabinet, he would say that I would know when I have to open them. I had a feeling the time was now.

When I opened it, there was a piece of paper, just a half torn piece of paper. It made me wonder why father would keep it from me. I picked it up and turned it, revealing the following words written in my father's handwriting:

My precious bunny,

If you find this, then your mother and I probably aren't around to accompany you there ourselves. I apologize my princess. You know how I always told you that you were special? You are very special, my love. I cannot explain it in the letter for if anyone else finds it, they will know the secret. I need you to go somewhere, to go to someone who can explain it to you in person. She will tell you everything you need to know. Near the forest, there is a small nursery, she lives there in a cottage. Go find her, bunny. We will always be watching over you, we love you.

Always in your memories,

your dad.

A lone tear dropped on the piece of paper, bringing my attention back. I had to go to the address, I had to know the answers to the questions this letter had left me with. I couldn't tell Elias, he would insist on going there with me. I wanted to find the answers myself, and then I would tell him. I would tell them.

I messaged Elias that I would be going to a friend's and he replied with an okay and after that, I took off for the nursery. I knew which lady he was talking about, she was a regular customer in our bakery and would give us home made chocolates every few months.

I was filled with curiosity and anxiety as I neared the nursery. I could see the old lady at the door.

"I have been expecting you." She said.

I looked at her in confusion but she ignored me and started walking towards her cottage, gesturing for me to follow. I followed her with a little uneasiness but I knew she would mean no harm, my dad had known her.

She sat down on one of the chairs and pointed at the sofa, asking me to do the same. I sat down and opened my mouth to speak but she spoke before me.

"I know you must have a lot of questions. I shall answer them eventually, but you have to listen to me first." She looked at me. I nodded and she smiled. "You know about werewolves. Well, you should also know that werewolves aren't the only supernatural species. There are many others, I belong to the ones known as witches. You must've heard of us, even though most of us have gone into hiding." She said  and I nodded again.

"My father wrote in the letter that I was special. What did he mean?" I asked her.

"As you know, Dan and Kiara weren't your real parents. The speciality he was talking about is what you got from your real parents." I gulped and she continued. "You are a result of the mating of a human witch and a werewolf, ones who weren't even destined to be mates, Amara."

"How was I born, if they weren't even mates?" Werewolves's mate bond prevents them from seeding anyone except from their mates, so me being born was practically impossible.

"The human witch made it possible. She had immense powers, and she used a very powerful spell in order to make it possible. Now, if you were the result of two true mates, you would've been born a werewolf or a witch depending upon the power of the mates. But since nature itself doesn't support your birth, you are stuck between the two." She explained. "You contain immense power, which is very hard to control. I have been doing it for years, I know."

"For years?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Every few months, I would give you some chocolates. They contained rosewood crystals, they have so far been successful enough to control the beast inside." She said. "But one wrong herb could trigger and awaken the sleeping disaster."

"If my real mother went through so much to give birth to me, why did she leave me?" She had gone against nature for my birth, why would she abandon me?

"That is for your mother to answer." She replied. "We shall talk more after I prepare some tea. Would you be kind enough to help me?"

I nodded as I got up from the sofa and followed her to the kitchen. She prepared the kettle and put some tea leaves and turned to me. "Would you be a sweetheart and go to the nursery and bring some rosewood crystals for me? I think you should have some. They are green with blue dots on them." She then turned her attention towards the cake she had been preparing.

I immediately went to the nursery to find different varieties of herbs and plants. I found two similar plants which resembled the herb she had mentioned. One had thorns, while the other didn't. Assuming, both of them belonged to the same group, I took 4 leaves from the latter and went back into the cottage.

"Put the leaves in the tea, I will go get the cups." The old lady said with her back turned towards me.

I did as ordered and mixed the tea together while contemplating what had been told to me today. Will Elias accept me for who I am? He probably will, right? Maybe I am overthinking things. When would I find the right timing to tell them?

The tea was ready in the next 5 minutes and we were back sitting where we had been before. I sipped the tea, it was delicious. 

"So can I ask you-" I coughed a little, so I drank some more tea to calm my throat. "Can you-" I started coughing more and more.

"Amara, are you alright?" The old lady asked with genuine concern.

"I don't-" I spoke between my coughs.

Her eyes widened as she realised something. She sipped the tea.

"This isn't rosewood crystal." She spoke horrified. "You picked the wrong herb, Amara."

That was all I heard until my vision became red and my mind was full of one word.



Amara: "Heh, I'm probably stronger than you now, Elias." 

Theo: "Does that mean Elias would be the bottom bitch now?"

Elias: -Smacks Theo and then winks at Amara- "I wouldn't mind."

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