Chapter 1

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Amara's POV

I don't want to get up.

I've been lying down for 10 minutes just contemplating what i'm doing with my life and why I can't sleep for just 1 more hour if not 2. I have heard my mom bang at the door 10 times in order to wake me up, but I just can't seem to let go of my precious bed.

How will I travel if I don't earn money? With that thought I wake up and force my body to go take a shower and do all the necessities. 

It's around 8 A.M. when I go downstairs to the kitchen to help my mother with the breakfast. I prepare the scrambled eggs while she prepares fresh juice for all of us. She is humming her favourite song with her hair tied at the back, looking as beautiful as she always looks. Dad seems to agree with me as he keeps peeking at her again and again as he reads the newspaper. 

Dad comes to help us lay down the breakfast on the table and we all sit down and dig into our meals.

"The Christmas Celebration is going to be held at the town hall this year." my dad said.

"Yeah, I heard someone important is coming this year." my mom replied.

"By when will you be back from work, bunny?" my dad asked, using his favourite nickname for me. 

"Since it's the holiday season, the bakery will have more orders, so I guess i'll be a little late. You both can go without me, I'll head straight over there after work." I replied.

"Will there be someone to accompany you? The streets can be dangerous at night honey, you know that." inquired my mom.

"Don't worry mom, i'll ask Ella to come with me and even if someone tries to attack me, i'll just have to use dad's training on him." 

"Bunny, don't say things like that. You'll make papa bear grow protective." my dad replied.

My alarm rings as dad finishes his sentence to notify me that if I don't leave my house this second, i'll be late for work. I put my breakfast inside my mouth all at once and hug my mom and dad as I try not to choke and die. 

As I arrive at the bakery, I can already see a line of customers. Not trying to brag or anything, but we are the best bakery of the town, and the only one. 

I walk in and greet the manager. Tying my apron, I look around for Ella but she doesn't seem to be anywhere.

"Isn't Ella here yet, Tim?" I ask the manager.

"She called in sick today. What a great day to be sick, isn't it?" he replies.

I sigh as I realise that i'll have to go to the celebration alone which won't really be appreciated by my parents. Most of the werewolves have learnt to live with us humans, but every species has it's pests and it seems as if the werewolf pests usually come out at night to prey on humans.

My parents are werewolves themselves. Well, I guess you can tell that i'm adopted. I had been abandoned by my "real" parents when dad and mom took me in. They both couldn't have children of their own but they have treated me very very preciously and i'm really grateful for it.

It's around 8 P.M. when the last customer leaves and Tim announces that the workers can retire. I ask the other workers if they can accompany me to the celebration but most of them have to go back home and get ready along with their dates.

I put my coat over me as I come out of the bakery. I can feel the cold wind gushing over my face as the full moon lightens the whole area. 

I walk in the moonlight as I notice that i'm just a few minutes away from the town hall. As I am lost into my deep thoughts of philosophy, I hear something creek from behind me. My head turns as fast as lightening as I look back to see the source of the sound. 

No one.

I sigh in relief as I turn back only to see a creepy guy standing before me.

"You really shouldn't be walking alone at night, little human." he says in a voice as disgusting as his face.

"It's none of your business, sir." I reply.

"If it isn't, i'll make it so. It has been so long since i've tasted human flesh, did you know that little lady?" he asks.

"Ah, i'm sorry. I'm kind of running late for the celebration. I'll listen to your story later?" 

"If you're alive to hear it." He replies as he grabs my hand pulling me towards him.

As I am pulled towards him, I notice 4 men in a distance, just watching the situation.

I guess they won't be of any help? I think to myself. As i'm pulled, I pull my hand backwards to make his stance unstable as I lift my feet to kick him where the sun doesn't shine. He cries in pain as he moves backward with his hands over his baby maker.

"You shouldn't have done that. I was going to kill you without much pain, but i'll make sure it is slow and painful." he replies as he shivers with anger.

I step back as his eyes turn black, allowing me to know that i've managed to rage both him and his wolf. I look back at the 4 men, 1 of them comes a little forward as he notices the sudden change in situation.

I guess they're humans as well, they can't do much to save me. The town hall isn't too far away, so maybe if I scream...

The creepy man turned into his werewolf and leapt towards me.

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