Chapter 17

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Amara's POV

I could see myself standing in a room, it was dimly lit but there were 3 other people apart from me. I couldn't hear what they were saying but I could see 2 of them.

One of them was Emily and the other was Theo. The third one was a blur as if it didn't want me to see who it was. The blurred figure was sitting on a chair while Theo and Emily were standing with their arms crossed.Through what I could see, it looked as if they were arguing about something.

The figure suddenly stood up and started walking towards me until it was standing right infront of me. I still couldn't see the face but somehow the picture of a smirk came into my mind as the figure put their hands around my neck, grabbing it tightly. Then came a voice.


Mother? I thought to myself while looking at the figure.

"Amara, wake up." 

Huh? And just then the figure squeezed my neck. I finally jolted up from the dream while covered in sweat.

"Amara, are you ok?" My mother asked concerned.

"Ah, just a bad dream." I brushed it off and gave her a smile. I looked around to see where Elias was.

"The 3 have gone out." She answered reading my mind. "Come on, freshen up and have breakfast. We have a class to begin soon." She said causing me to remember that she was going to teach me some magic today.

I freshened up and we had a quick breakfast.

She told me that magic wasn't something that could be  learnt in a day. It cannot be taught by anyone. One has to learn about the magic inside them themselves. All that she would help me do is help me concentrate my power.

For that, we went into a clearing in the forest located just outside the city. I sat down next to the lake as commanded. She asked me to look at my own reflection, concentrate on it and try to control the water.

I sat down there looking at my own self for about 3 hours until a frown found it's way to my face.

"This isn't working." I said turning towards her.

"It isn't something that is going to happen within a day. It would be surprising if you are able to do it within a week. Come on now."

I turned back sighing while looking at my reflection. If only it was Elias's reflection instead.

Cheesy as f**k, Amara. Elias's voice circled in my head

Shut up and tell me did you find something? I replied.

Yes, we did. We'll tell you when we come back. Now concentrate, my sweet. 

With that, I stayed there looking at my reflection until the sun decided to set. 

On reaching back home, we were greeted by Elias, Rome and Damien.

"Come on, let's sit in the living room and discuss." My mother suggested while motioning for us to move to the room. We all sat down 

"We had informed some trusted people of the werewolf community." Damien started. "They helped us gather some information. Apparently, it's not only humans who are part of the revolt, some werewolves are also betraying their own kind for higher power and fake promises. This plan isn't recent. It had been started years ago. They all went underground to prepare for this a long time ago."

"Did you find anything about the next attack?" I asked.

"No, but we are trying to narrow it down to some cities." Rome replied.

"Maybe we could use your mother's magic." Damien suggested.

"My magic cannot predict what is going to happen. But I shall try to find a way to get control one of the enemies. The problem is, I don't know any of them." She sighed.

"I do. Emily." I replied, causing others to look at me.

"Are you sure that she is a part of this, Amara?" Elias questioned.

"It's my gut feeling." and what my dream showed...I told them.

"Do you have any pictures of her and any of her belongings?" Mother asked Damien.

"Yeah, come. We'll show you." Rome lead the way until they all were out of the room.

"So.." Elias whispered as he pulled me closer to him. "How did your practice session go?" 

"Couldn't do it." I pouted.

With his hand, he removed a strand of hair from my face. "I believe in you. You'll be able to do it." He smiled causing me to smile back.


The next few days comprised of my mother helping the 3 of them to get more leads while I went to the clearing everyday. It had been almost a week and I was there again, at the clearing concentrating at my reflection and the water as much as I could.

The sun was about to set. I decided to give it a last try before going home for today. And then the miracle happened.

The water started moving. A few droplets defied gravity and started floating in the air until they were right in front of me. It was finally working. I couldn't be happier.

Then I heard a clap which caused me to turn around immediately.

"Well done, Amara." A man dressed up in a loose shirt and jeans came from behind the trees. His hair rested on his shoulders. His face finely defined as if god took his time to curve the creature. His eyes were like a constellation, the colour of the night sky with specks of white on them. 

It felt weird. I was attracted to him and I couldn't understand why. I knew Elias could feel what I felt, and he would be feeling this as well. It felt like I was cheating. Who was he?

"Who am I?" He smiled as he took his steps towards me. "I am know by many names, but by the wrong gender. Well, I have never bothered to correct them."

"What?" I looked at him confused. What was he talking about?

"You know, the names the werewolves and the humans gave me. Moon goddess, Artemis, Luna..." He shook his head. Bowing down he let out the words which I couldn't believe I was really hearing.

"Well, I am the Moon God. And I have been waiting to meet you, Amara."


This chapter was comparatively shorter than the others but only because the next part wouldn't fit in with this.

Theo: "Wow, Amara. I knew you would leave Elias for someone with good looks."

Amara: "I am not leaving him, Theo."

Theo: "Well he is hot though."

Moon God while winking at Theo: "Am I?"

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