Chapter 20

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Amara's POV

"Where'd you get that?" I growled as soon as I saw the weapon in his hand.

"Wasn't that difficult. You shouldn't trust old people with such important things such as these. It's not that difficult to take it from their frail hands." He chirped.

With all of my strength, I stood up and tried to grab Theo who was standing just outside the bars of the cell but failed and grabbed onto the same bars for support. "What did you do to her? What did you do to my mother?" I cried out.

"Nothing much, she'll survive." He replied uninterested.

"Listen Th-" My words were cut off with Theo putting his hands over mine and crushing them against the bars causing me to hiss in pain.

He leaned closer. "No, you listen to me because I won't be repeating what I am going to say now. I don't know if you've tried yet but when you do, you will realise that your mind-link won't be working here. Why? Magic. I will come inside and remove the mind-link for 5 minutes. In those 5 minutes, I want you to tell Elias to come here. Ask him to come here alone. I'll be listening to your whole conversation so don't try to pull something off. Trust me when I say this, I will hurt you."

Registering his words, I replied. "How will he know where to come even if I ask him to."

"It's Elias, he'll figure it out. We just need him to come here while we carry out the plans for doomsday." He finally removed his hands and motioned the guard to unlock the door. "You might wanna move. Unless, of course, you'd prefer to get hit by the door which we'll be happy to provide."

Choosing to keep my mouth shut, I slowly backed off as the guard opened the door. Theo walked in, closing the door behind him.

"Theo, why are you doing this? Is this what you want? You know what this "boss" of yours wants right? To terminate werewolves, you want to betray your own species?" I asked him while looking at him in the eye. This wasn't the Theo I knew.

"Shut the f***k up Amara. I don't need a life lesson right now. Just do what I asked you to. Make it easier for the both of us, why don't you?" He replied.

"You aren't Theo. I know that you aren't." I whispered to myself, but loud enough for him to hear. His expression changed for a second. His eyes were clouded in confusion but soon returned to normal.

"You know nothing about me. You are just a fool who fell for my tricks. I don't have any more time to waste with your bullshit. I'll be removing the mind-link now." He closed his eyes and concentrated for a few seconds. "Now."

I knew that it was going to drain me. My wolf was already trying to heal my bruises and cuts. If I did this, this world's future would be at stake. If I didn't do it, Elias would still look for me but he might be able to figure something out. But if Elias knew my location...I had to do it. I gathered all my power into one place to send this information to him. I had to do this.

F***k you Theo. Go eat some shit.

As soon as I mind-linked that, Theo grabbed me by my hair and pulled it backwards and landed a kick on my stomach causing me to spit out blood. He then punched me in the face which immediately threw me into darkness.


Theo's POV

Why can't she ever f***king listen to some orders? I walked out of the cell while ruffling my hair. As I began to ascend the stairs, my head starting aching immensely causing me to take support from the wall. This had been happening for a while now but I couldn't remember since when.

The pain increased until it was impossible for me to stand. I crouched down with my hands over my head. 

"Theo, what are you doing?" A voice inside my head questioned.

"Who are you?" I mumbled coherently to myself.

"You forget me? Dumbass, it's me Ezekiel."  The voice replied. "And stop calling me "the voice"."

I am going crazy.

"You definitely are. You just hurt Amara. I will kill you before Elias does. Gain your f***king senses back before you do something unforgivable."

"Theo are you okay?" Emily descended down the stairs and helped me up by grabbing my arm.

I pushed the voice back and pulled my arm away from her. "Do you need something?"

"She wants to see you." She frowned. "Do you want to play with me once you're done?"

"Just because Amara killed your last master doesn't mean that you immediately set out to find a new one. At least give him some mourn time." I walked past her to go and see what the boss needed this time.

I opened the doors to the dimly lit room. Our boss preferred it to be dark around her most of the time. Since her real form wasn't quite pleasant to be seen.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked while closing the door and approaching her.

"I did." She turned towards me.  "How is Amara doing? Did she ask Elias to come here?"

"No. But we will make her." I replied.

"Of course she didn't." She took a few steps towards her chair which was probably a throne and sat down. "I should've just killed Elias as soon as he met her. After all, he was to become mortal when he met her. So were you."

I didn't reply and waited for her to continue.

"I don't know what I was thinking while cursing you all. Giving you an immortal life and then giving him the opportunity to meet a mate and live happily while I mourned the death of my husband and my child? No no no. I can't let that happen. I have gone through so much to reach to this point. I will destroy Elias and all the werewolves in existence." She almost screamed the last sentence.

Snapping her fingers, she made the light above her glow revealing herself in front of me. She looked more than a 100 years old which she probably was. She snapped her fingers once again to grab my attention. I usually get lost in other thoughts when she repeats the same things over.

"Tell the guards that I will be coming to the dungeons soon. I think it's time to reveal myself to my beloved daughter."


Theo: "Damn, it's yo momma"

Amara: "I wonder who all saw that coming."

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