Chapter 26

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Woop, Chapter Dedicated to HotCoco870.

So only a few chapters of Lyon are left. We are coming to an end soon kids.

Fun fact: I sometimes read Lyon in my free time to laugh and cringe at my own jokes. 

Amara's POV

"I know that you're badly injured Amara but now is not the time to lose consciousness." Ezekiel said while stepping into the cell.

Coughing I replied. "Just get me out of here and my wolf and magic will heal me."

"I suspected so, your magic is only blocked inside the cell. I recommend you to start healing yourself as soon as we step out. Also contacting Elias now would be a good idea." He lifted me up causing me to groan in pain and him to wince slightly. "Sorry."

"It's alright." As soon as he stepped out, I worked on healing myself. I wasn't be able to heal myself completely but I concentrated on the injuries which looked more serious. "I don't think you can just carry the prisoner out of this dungeons."

He looked down at me, giving me a sad smile. "I am afraid that I can't. I also believe that as soon as your mother realises that her hold on us has gotten weak, she'll not hesitate to correct her mistake. I am not sure how for long I will be in my right mind."

That's just great. I sighed to myself. "What do you think I should do? Go back inside the cell? Who's to say that they won't injure me again and I don't think you'll be able to get out of her spell everytime."

"No, you can't go back inside." I motioned for him to set me down so I could check if I was able to stand on my own yet. "I don't think you'll be able to get far away from here either though. I suggest you camp somewhere here in the grounds. Do not tell me, she might somehow get it out of my head." He supported me before I could face plant on the ground.

How far could I go in this condition anyway. It is better to take shelter under the lion's nose though. Where could I do that was the question.

We stayed silent for around 15 minutes. I was concentrating on healing and thinking where I could hide while he was probably wondering when she was going to tighten her hold on him. When I was finally able to walk and run a little, still limping, I decided it was time for us to part.

Turning to him, I put my hands on his cheek. "I'll make sure to get you and Theo back soon. I promise."

Smiling, he put his hand over mine. "I'll be holding onto that promise."

Just then, his smiling started flickering and I could see the conflict of emotions in his mind. The witch had started tightening her hold onto him. I knew that it wouldn't take her a lot of time so I did what I thought was the best for both of us.

"Somnum." I whispered, caressing his face once and causing him to fall down immediately. This should get him to sleep for a while.

The guards would be back soon. Hiding behind one of the pillars, I waited for them. After successfully ambushing them, I exchanged my clothes with the one which I felt would fit me better. I knew that just wearing their clothes wouldn't hide me so before running out of the door, I masked my scent, making me smell like one of them. I hadn't forgotten that not only humans were a part of this scheme.

On opening the door, I was introduced to a never-ending hall. It went both ways and I could only wonder which path to choose. From one of the end, I could see a group of people coming my way. Two girls and three boys. I will be honest, I was nervous as f**k. I didn't know if my magic had even worked. 

"What are you doing here soldier?" One of the boys asked me and all of them came to a halt in front of me. I could see that all of them were regarding me. Most of them looked at me like I was normal except for one girl. She narrowed her eyes, taking my appearance in.

"I am new here, sir. I can't find my way back to the shelter for guards." I replied, trying to sound as civil as I could.

"I will take you there." The girl who looked like she would break my facade anytime spoke up. Her eyes looking at me coldly. Her voice also sounded as chilly as the look in her eyes. I tried my best not to shiver in the snowstorm created by her. On taking a well-hidden sniff, I could tell that she was human.

"I wouldn't want to bother you. I assume that you would have better jobs to do." I smiled at her.

"No, I don't." She said turning and motioning for me to follow.

I looked at the others who were clearly as surprised as me but I knew not to make her wait too much. I couldn't raise any suspicions, though  I felt that the girl had already seen through me.

We walked in complete silence. It felt like it had been hours when we finally arrived at the barracks. 

"Which room is yours?" She turned to face me.

"Huh? Uh-" I was about to give an excuse but she cut me off.

"You haven't been assigned with one yet?" 

"Yes, yes I haven't been assigned with one yet." I replied, nodding my head.

"The room behind you should do it. I don't think you have a roommate right now but don't expect it to last for long." She motioned towards the door behind me.

"Thank yo-" I was cut off again by sirens that had gone off. I had a feeling I knew why but decided to ask anyway. "What is happening?"

"A prisoner has escaped." She replied, her eyes boring into me.

"We should go then. We should go catch her." I insisted.

"I never mentioned that it was a her." She raised an eyebrow. "And besides, I don't think we need to go anywhere."

"Why?" I asked, unconsciously leaning against the door behind me.

"Because I believe that I am already looking at her."


Theo: "Damn who that?"

Amara: "I wonder who."

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