Chapter thirty- seven

Start from the beginning

 "Now, all I want is hair- dye remover, and no more sympathy, just... treat me like a normal person. Be happy and not sad that I'm alive."


 For three days in the hospital, I haven't seen anyone but Mom and Dad. Finally today, Alicia and Cole are allowed to come in.

 It was hard, because all they wanted to talk about was what they could've done. Which is nonsense to me. If they went with me, yes, none of this would've happened but they didn't and that's just the truth.

"I made all this happen. I shouldn't have left my bag."

 "Alicia, there's nothing you can do about that. It's okay, I'm not blaming you."

 "A week, you freaked us out, Molly." I glare at Cole for saying that.

 "No, not really. I didn't freak you out. Rohypnol guy did."

 "But I thought you died."

 More of these questions and concerns that I don't want to hear. Not now at least, I may want to talk about it later, but not now. Finally, I decided to ask the question, I've been dreading for so long.

 "Where's Gayheart? Is he dead?"

 "I don't know." Cole answers.

 "Does that mean he escaped?"

 "I don't know."

 "Thanks." I sigh. "Let's not talk about this, Cole, you're going back to California with your totally fabulous full of kindness wife soon, we won't be seeing each other for very long." I grin, mimicking Kimberly's bragging voice.

 We talked for a long time, and finally they left. That's when Eleanor walked in, I didn't expect her, and so my mouth dropped open.

 "Oh god! Where were you!?" I cried.

 "I tried to help after I left, crept up to your sister at night, since she's the most desperate one to find you, I think she thought that she was dreaming, when I tried to tell her where you were and what happened, that's why she ended up in a night club looking for you."


 The next day, I was allowed to go home, finally. When I stepped out of the hospital with Alicia, Cole, and Kimberly- who's been a little less cold- Ashton is standing there, waiting for me. I haven't seen him since four days ago, when he and Alicia rescued me.


 "I don't want to talk about what happened."

 "Okay, but... can I at least tell you where he is now?"

 "Gayheart? Really?" I ask, eagerly. "Where is he?"

 "We caught him. My mom knows all the answers. It turns out he's a kid who ran away from home, and decided to start killing girls. The reason why he didn't want to kill you was because he wanted a partner, and according to him, you were perfect."

 "I look like I'm capable of killing?"

 "No. I don't think so, at least."

 "Thanks." I smile a little bit, the first time since forever. "I want to forget this now."

 "You could, you don't have to see him anymore at least. I'm so glad you made it." He blushes. "You're going back to New York City, now. Right?"

 "Yeah, I'll miss you." I say, feeling longing. After all that's happened, he was the friend who was with me. It could've been cool if we actually got a chance to start a psychic business together.

 "Don't worry." He grins, then blushes and looks down at the ground. "I'm moving there."



  I stared out the window during the plane ride, wondering why Ashton just decided to move. And not just to move, to move to where I live.

 "I can't believe we're finally going home." My sister says beside me.

 "I can't even wait." I smile.

 I have more hospital appointments, and psychiatrist stuff to go through, not really excited to go through that but I am dying to go home. Even though I'd be missing a ton of school when I get there, and I've already missed enough. Emily and Lexica. I wonder how they took the news, when Alicia told them.

 "Apple, orange, or cranberry." I'm about to shoo that annoying waitress away, but after this, I'm not planning on getting on a plane any time soon.

 "I'm trying orange this time." I say. It feels so different to be with your family again. Do whatever you want. I was kidnapped for a week and a few more days, but it feels like I've been imprisoned for twenty years or more. I can finally relax and not worry about dying. We started to land; Alicia and I excitedly looked out the window, seeing the airport at New York.

 "We're back, finally!" Alicia squeals. We should've been back a long time ago. I shake the thought out of my head and force myself to smile.

 "I know right? We're... home."

 The plane landed on its runway and soon, we were allowed to exit. My heart soared, as Alicia and I grabbed our bags, and ran down the aisle, unfortunately our seats are at the very back.

 Then, my parents, Alicia, and I drove all the way back to that apparition haunted house. I nearly cried when I bursted out of the car and ran past the front door.

 The staircase, in a separate room with the broken railing. The living room with no lights (the light bulb died). The long halls.  My bedroom. My sister's bedroom (I go there when Shane gets too annoying.) And leading from that- Shane. Annoying but still. The kitchen with that window which gives me nightmares about someone breaking in the same way Eleanor's killer did.

 That room. The secret room with the bodies.

 I run upstairs, and the second I get to my room, I throw my stupid Seattle bag on the ground, and collapse on my bed, sobbing.

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