Valentine's Day edition 😉

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There is no remedy for love but to love more
Henry David Thoreau


I walked into the room of my angel, and was immediately dazzled. Her waist-length blond hair, glinting as sunlight from the window shone upon it. She slightly leaned against the balcony, and when a slight breeze hit, her hair was tossed up in the absolutely most gorgeous way. It could be concluded as the most beautiful scene I have ever seen in my entire life.

"Babe, what are you doing?" I asked, giving her a slight peck on her cheek. "Oh, Andrew, just look at our children, they are so wonderful and just like us when we were young..." Leaning against my shoulder, we gazed at the crystal ball, of which angels here use to observe the mundanes' lives.

"I'll go out for a while- stay here and wait for me!" I tilted her head up, leaving a quick, mischievous kiss on her lips. I would have liked to deepen the kiss but I had to leave to prepare for the surprise tonight now.

~time lapse~

Taking the crystals (which were money used by us angels) I gradually saved by working days and nights, I realised I had totally no idea of what I could do to make my gorgeous wife suprised tonight.

I pulled out my phone and texted:

Um... Hey guys? Does anyone know how to create a surprise for a girl on Valentine's Day? ~Andrew

A bunch of replies popped out:

99 roses!💕

designer clothes

kiss her!!!!

Pretend to be busy and look as if you've tried to squeeze some time for her!

My neighbours answering me eagerly in the text group, but are these suggestions good enough? I pondered as I scrolled on. Hmmm... Roses and clothes seemed great, but will she be surprised?


OH YEAH! I exclaimed internally. I owe her a wedding ring! She is still wearing the one we made on the wedding day, the makeshift one. I felt guilty of not even thinking about that.

Setting off with a jog, I quickly walked around all the jewellery shops, trying to search for the perfect ring for her, but none of the ring seems to fit her, for all her grace, beauty and elegance.

Suddenly, I laid eyes on that ring. Shimmering, intricate gold swirls decorated the surface, twisting and turning to form a exquisite rip ring. It glittered in the display lights, catching my attention. My breath caught, as I lifted it up, running a hand over it, inspecting the surface. I felt as if the ring was made- just for her.

A voice broke my awe. "Sir, this ring is created by our most famous designer, and there is only this one pair in the whole world. It's perfect and frankly, make the best gift!" the salesperson besides spoke animatedly, eager to make sales.

I had no hesitations. My heart was spurting fireworks and I couldn't contain my excitement. However expensive it was, I'll give it to her! I squeaked, "Please help me to pack this one and engrave 'K&A' please? Thanks!!!"

I checked my watch. 5:30! Only one hour left till dinner! I ran to buy 99 roses, wrapped beautifully in a bouquet, make sure my appearance is ok and gave her a call.

"Hey Kat, come to Angelic Café, I am there waiting for you! Love you!" I drummed my feet anxiously as I sat there, seizing the last chance to practice the song I have made for Kat today. Calm down, my mind screamed, as my heart refused to listen, continuing its thunder-like rhythm. Angel help me...

My heart fluttered as I witnessed her approach with a simple light purple dress, every step as graceful as a butterfly. I grabbed my guitar and start playing as soon as she entered the Café.

My heart will always belong and beat for you,
as soon as I saw you I knew.
I see your heart all radiance, good and pure,
Never tainted- like the angel you are to me, for sure
My dear, my love to you will never die,
as sure as the sun, moon and the star-studded sky.

It was simple- awkward, even. But her eyes were moist, a sure sign she was touched. I guided her to our love seat. Pulling the roses from behind, I handed it to her, kissing her hand as it reached for it. "Great surprise?" I teasingly pinched her cheeks. Kat smiled, saying, "The best." So far so good...

My anticipation grew as I reach for our rings, holding it taut in my pocket. I hope it won't be wet... Silently willing my voice doesn't tremble, I started, "Kat, do you remember in our past live when I couldn't afford a decent wedding ring for you when we were alive? Well, now I can!" Whipping out our ring boxes, I opened it before her. Her eyes grew round as she took in the utter beauty of the ring. "Wow..." she breathed.

Swallowing my excitement and nervousness, I continued, "The swirling pattern on the ring represent our love- it twirls together, showing our intwined fates, and showing never will we be parted. Thank you for staying with me all these years, even after death and I probably aren't the perfect husband. I love you Katherine, forever and ever. Happy Valentine's Day."

I slipped the ring onto her ring finger, adding a kiss on the ring in the process and slipped mine on, too.

"Happy Valentine's Day! I love you! You are the best husband ever!" Oh my stars... IT WORKED! She tipped on her toes, staring in my eyes with her sharp, crystal blue hues, in a burning ferocity I have never imagined possible, pulled me in, and gave me the most loving, passionate kiss I have ever had.


Since this is a Valentine's edition , it is quite short . Hope you guys enjoy it and wish you all have a Happy Valentine's Day😉


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