Chapter 6 //Him//

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Doubt thou the stars are fire, Doubt that the sun doth move. Doubt truth to be a liar, But never doubt I love.

William Shakespeare


'What's the matter, Andrew?' I was truly concerned for him - I had never seen him, or any Dauntless that decomposed and the frenzy. His eyes were frantic. 'Nothing. It's just that..... I thought you were about to jump. Some transfers can't handle pressure in initiation, you know?' I scooted closer to him. 'I would never be one of them, I promise. After all, I have you and Marlene to lean on.' 'Sorry, I shouldn't have freaked out. I just thought of something in the past.' I said gently,' Perhaps you should share it. After all, sharing makes the past easier.' ''Very well....'

Andrew's POV


It was a normal night when I woke up at that fateful day, due to loud pounding voices in the Dauntless compound. It was initiation time, and some transfers would jump. It was almost expected that I would be woken by that.

I walked to the Pit by myself. My mum and dad died in train accident and dare respectively, and my sister was in initiation dorm. It would be 4 months before she would come back, and I was alone till then. I looked around for my sister Ashley. But even among the initiation group, both transfers and Dauntless-borns, I could not find her. I began to panic. Terrible foreboding flooded me. I was frantic and kept calling 'Ash? Ash?' But then, I saw the corpse hauled up. 'Ashley!' I ran over. 'No.... She'd never leave me....' and I couldn't stop screaming.

She was doing well, third in initiation at that time, but our parents were ranked first and second, so she expected same. She had huge stress, I saw that. She was not as bubbly as before, but she had a boyfriend. She should have been happy and wouldn't jump. I had been questioning the fact that she would commit suicide. But one thing that is for sure: I've never been the same since.

~End of flashback~

Kat's POV

He continues, 'Since then, I've tried very hard to keep on living, for my sister would want it. I've gotten over it for 6 years, even felt happy at times. But when I saw you there, I hyperventilated. I didn't want to watch anyone jump, and die like my sister did.' 'There, is it better?' I murmur, wiping his tears away. He sighs. 'I am a coward, aren't I? No Dauntless would be as willing to share as I am.' 'No. In contrary, you are the bravest and my most favorite boy in this faction.' I gave a small kiss to him, on the forehead, and grinned. 'Let's go for dinner.'

Andrew, his friend Andy, Marlene and I sat at a table together, eating steak and hamburgers. Most importantly, gorging on Dauntless cakes. Marlene grinned and said, 'Hello there, I'm Mar, short for Marlene here, 16, Amity-born, and Kat's best friend.' 'It explains the hyped fangirl state,' I cut in. Mar ignores me and continue, 'Soooo... you are the boy Kat is going on and on.' I hit Marlene hard on the knee, glaring at her furiously. I hope i wasn't blushing. Mar scowled, but continued, 'Owwww.... So when do you plan on introduce yourself?' Andrew laughed and said, ' Dauntless-born male initiate here, 16, the name's Andrew.' 'I thought it was 'Ray of Sunshine' or 'Superman'. Kat was so infatuated with you, she can't stop talking about you.' To my surprise, Andrew seemed to be sheepish, mumbling, 'Apparently my name is not anything you said.' Clearing his throat, he continued, more confidently, 'Anyway, would you go to Dauntless initiation ritual with me later this evening?' 'What is it?' Marlene and me say. 'Secret.' Andrew smiles.

'I've finally given a perfect ship name for you two. Kathrew or Anderine.' Marlene says. 'You're so annoying.' 'And that's what friends are for.' I groan. We stand on the roof of highest building of our city. The eldest member, named Hercules says 'Alright guys, this is an initiation ritual, so any initiate volunteers to go first?'

Andrew beats us all in running out to be first. 'So what happens now? We jump Dauntless style and die happily?' Marlene says. 'Let's watch.' Andrew was strapped in some sort of sling, and flung over the building. 'Oh. It's ziplining. I read it from books.' Mar snorted, 'Nose.'

I waited impatiently for my turn. Not what was happening at first, Marlene and I ended up last in the queue. When it was my turn, I couldn't bottle the excitement and whooped. I felt as rough Dauntless arms strapped me in my fling. '3! 2! ...' I couldn't hear the last word, for it was lost in the wind and my exhilaration. I watched in wonder as buildings fly past, a blurred reality, and the intoxicating sense of adrenaline. The city was mine for seeing. The wind bite in my skin, gnawed at my clothes, but it didn't bother me. I had a fleeting feeling of freedom, like a bird, and eagle, and was not bound by the rules, faction boundaries. I had a sudden thought: if only not everything was bound by factions, would families have to separate? Was order so important that the freedom, like I felt just now, was to be taken away?

Too fast, the zipline ends. The Dauntless make a cradle of hands beneath me. The sense of security surrounded me, and I hear their voices beckoning, calling me as a part of them. I throw away the pins holding me tight and fall safe in their arms. They caught me and in turn, more and more members fall. One by one we catch them, for we do not let down. We trust each other, and in turn others trust us too. This is the way of the Dauntless. We are wild, free and uncontrollable. And we have are fearless.

By the time we go back to take the train, I was exhausted. I leaned on Andrew, with Marlene on my side. I felt the warmth of them pushing against me. 'I love you, Andrew. So, so much.' 'I know.' He replied softly. Our lips met then, and there was nothing else except for us. No rules, no regulations, just love and happiness. Too soon, the ride ends. We'll have to get back to initiation tomorrow. But I will have one more person to face the future together now.



What do you think about Andrew's background?

Chapter Tris. Another chapter which should have been posted earlier! Vote, comment and share.

Bye for now!


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