Chapter 3 //Wild//

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How wild it was, to let it be.

Cheryl Strayed, Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail


I was very exhausted after days of hard work. Even Andy, the notoriously hyperactive boy, seemed fatigued.

I promised myself that I will be the best, so I will never give up, I have to be the best. So I kept my nocturnal trainings and as a result, I gained lots of muscles and bruises on my hand.

Today would be the last day of my private trainings. Fights will start and I can't afford to get hurt before them. I went back to my room, laid down on my bed, closed my eyes and let myself relax. I dreamt of that Erudite girl-the first jumper. Although I hate even the thought of Erudite, I have great feelings towards her.


'Who would like to volunteer?' I saw the Erudite transfer run out, her beautiful blond hair whipping out and sky blue eyes glimmering, sparkling intelligence. Without thinking, she jumped. She was so strong, yet fragile looking, like porcelain. She was so brave, and in that moment, I felt like electrocuted. I jumped after her, bouncing on the net as I jumped, feeling the fragrance left behind. And I can't forget the bold blonde transfer- her hair, her eyes, her fluttering eyelashes, her everything.


I jolted awake from my watch alarm, which wasset it to remind me of breakfast time. Having dressed quickly, I went down before most. I wolfed down hash browns, chocolate muffins and pancakes. I sat down and waited for my best friend Andy to finish his. We jogged down to the arena. Today we had knife throwing classes with the transfers. So I will see the mysterious Erudite transfer. I feel my lips automatically pull up in pleasure and anticipation.

Once everyone was there, Amar showed the technique to how to throw knifes. I saw as the knifes hit the board at the same place and thought inwardly: Easy. I could the same.

I stood between the Erudite transfer and Andy. I threw my first round of knifes and all struck the center. I felt immense pride. When I saw the Erudite transfer struggling, I tried to help her. 'There!' I corrected her posture and throwing arms. She threw it hesitantly and it hit the board in the middle. She turned around to thank me. Wow. Her blond hair caught in the sunlight, momentarily glinting like molten gold, fire bouncing around. She was captivating. 'Thanks...?' 'It's Andrew and you're very welcome.' I gave a smile to her, and smirked, 'After all, hot girls deserve my full attention. What's your name, dear sweet hottie?' She blushed fiercely. 'Kat Winters, short for Katherine.' We threw knifes and every struck their target. Without her even knowing, Katherine Winters has struck my heart.

'You look like a lovesick puppy.' Andy mentioned when we were having our lunch, I smiled at him stupidly, and I did not respond. Today, Kat and I have been the best of all the people being trained. She learns fast and once she got the hang of it, and excelled in it.

'Andrew, Andrew! Back to Earth. What are you thinking about again?' Andy screamed at me. I frowned at him impatiently. He interrupted my thoughts. Rude. He said, 'Why are you looking at my face like that? Lunch time is finished, and it's time for training. Again.' Right. Training! I nearly forgot about it. 'What? I knew lunch time ended, you dope, no need to remind.' I smirked and stood up, I rushed towards the training room.

It's time to fight, time to shine.


Fight list:

1) Uriah vs Cassie

2) Andrew vs Andy

3) Fawn vs Priscilla

4) Alec vs Percy

5) Cato vs Evelyn

6) Blaze


Fights commence. 'Hey, go easy on me, muscle boy.' Andy said. ' Never, we embrace Dauntless spirit.' Soon it was our turn. I cracked my muscles and grinned. ' Ready to take on me, you think?' From the years I've known him, he always makes first move- impatient. And when he makes a punch and I'm ready to block it. I returned a roundhouse kick and a punch. It must have hurt , since well, I broke a sandbag using that move. But he surged forward, and placed a hit on my face. I grunted and kicked him below and punch him yet again. He fell to the ground and I kicked him once. 'Alright, you win!' Andy surrendered. 'Next, Fawn to Priscilla!' We laughed and clapped each other's shoulder. 'You fought well, though I took it easy on you.' I smirked, cockily saying, 'Huh. But alas, I couldn't help but to be born perfectly awesome.'

After resting for a while, I decided to go down to the chasm for a walk. I bought a beer and walked down. Then I saw her. Sitting at the chasm, ready to jump. 'No!' It had been a long time since I was so scared. She can't die. I was panicked.

Not after her. Again.



What happened to Andrew that affected him so hard?

Hope you like the chapter! Vote comment and enjoy!

Thanks and goodbye,


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