Chapter 7 //Life//

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You don't love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're not.

Jodi Picoult, My Sister's Keeper


After the kiss, I seemed to have extra strength every day. I won most fights so far, excluding one with Athena. I was happy with Marlene, who won half of her fights, which I hope would suffice to pass on to the next stage.

In this moment, I was supposed to have free time but Marlene just forced me to go shopping with her in the Pit. 'Come on. Who in Dauntless doesn't go to the Pit to shop? Don't you think wearing the same sets of training clothes everyday is boring?' Which was true- I hadn't got anything Dauntless except my training clothes. In the end, after an hour of shopping, I got a pair of new combat clothes, black sweatshirts and tights, combat boots and a low-cut black dress that Marlene made me take.

Groaning, I say, 'Great! Now I have no credits left for combat tape and my ankle support and my makeup...' 'You don't need makeup to be pretty, Beauty Queen,' a teasing voice said. 'Andrew! You're not supposed to listen in to our conversation! And you could have taken a better nickname like Warrior or Fighter.' Andrew laughed, his eyes narrowed, glinting with mirth, 'Warrior Queen then.' I couldn't help, but had to satisfy my curiosity. I asked, 'Andrew, what is the next stage? The Dauntless seem to be so mysterious about that.' He frowned, those cute eyebrows scrunched together, 'No, I don't know, but all I know is that it is nothing good.'

The next day, the fight rankings went up.


1) Kieran
2) Kat
6) Peter
7) Jamie
8) Kaileen
9) Adrianne


4 initiates were eliminated-Peter, , Kaileen, Adrianne and Jamie were gone. But the eliminations were none of my concern. Visiting Day was.

'You are not to be too attached with your parents. It is shameful and disgraces all of us Dauntless.' Amar growled. 'Who would've thought Amar would have known such complicated words like 'shameful' and 'disgrace'. I thought he only knew swear words for cursing us.' Marlene whispered. Marlene's parents would probably visit her: Amity forgives people easily and they won't reprimand their daughters. Mine... I wasn't sure my mum would make fool of herself and come, or if I even wanted her to. My mum would slay me with her words.

Nonetheless, I accompanied Marlene to the meeting place. I was introduced to Marlene's mum. We shook hands, and she gave me a smile so huge that I thought it wasn't possible. Her mother didn't seem to mind Marlene transferring. 'I knew you'd transfer. You was always restless. You would never be happy in Amity. I have long since forgiven you transferring, dear.' said Rosaline, Marlene's mum. I wish my mum would think like this.

'Katherine Sophie Winters.' a low, clear and sharp voice sounded. Damn. It was unmistakably my mother's voice. My blood turned cold and my heart nearly pumped out of my heart. The crisp, no-nonsense Erudite leader stood behind me, looking thunderous.

She pulled me away from the fray, into a dark corridor. 'What have you done? You single-handedly tarnished my reputation and yours. You are expected to be Erudite's next leader! Even your aptitude test said so! Come back in to Erudite. At once. I can use my power to restore you as initiate in Erudite. No one would question!' She was sounding a bit desperate now- almost pleading. 'Please, mom, I thought you always knew. I was too reckless to be Erudite. 'But your IQ... it's so much higher than anyone. Even me! You would give up leadership to be an adrenaline-junkie?' She sounded incredulous. But then she whispered, 'Unless... your aptitude test was tempered..... your result inconclusive... Divergent! You're one of them!' I panicked, 'No, mum, you're hyper reacting. I'm not Divergent, mom. You know I'm not one those you told me to research on.' Then I fled, before my mother exploited more evidence of my Divergence.

In dinner, I thought about my mother's words. She found out my Divergence... I may have stopped her investigation on me, but it won't last for long. I was scared and worried out of my mind.

But I didn't have long time to think, because Amar suddenly called, 'Initiates, to the train!' We thundered away as one to the train. 'What's happening?' I wondered. 'You'll know,' Andrew said, with a fake mysterious voice.

'Initiates! We are going to play a game.' Amar says once we all get on the train. His voice was casual, but his eyes implied it was a matter of importance. 'Lauren and I are going to choose the team for Capture The Flag. The rules are simple: if your team gets the flag, you win. If you get hit by these paintballs, you are out. Lauren, you choose first. Pick the transfers, as tradition calls?' She sized us all up, and said, 'Kat.' Amar shrugged, apparently surprised she chose the weak, and called unperturbed, 'Kieran.' Then they went on. Marlene and Athena was in my team, as well as a few Dauntless born which I did not know. Andrew was the other group.

We placed ourselves in the Hancock tower, and we stationed 2 in the lift to defend, and 2 at the flag to defend. Then 4 of us went to capture the flag, which we saw on in the Ferris wheel. We went on a sniper attack on the base, and the two Dauntless born stayed on the ground to defend. Andrew stood on the top, defending the flag.

I climbed up, avoiding the shots. When I went on top, Andrew said, 'Oh, it's you.' I smiled coyly, saying seductively, 'Yeah, let's have a hug before we fight.' Andrew seemed unsuspecting, saying, 'Okay...' Mission accomplished. When we hugged, Marlene creeped behind Andrew, and shot him at the back. 'Sorry, Sunshine!' We giggled and took the flag together. The flag turned blue, our team's colour. Whoops and cries of dismay sounded. Andrew groaned. 'That was unfair! You tricked me!' Marlene and I exchanged an amused look, snorted, and declared together, 'No one said cheating was not allowed.' We laughed as one, happy in Dauntless.

This is the first time I feel determination to finish initiation. This life, I could be contented with- Andrew and Mar, along happiness in, Dauntless.



Do you ship Andrew x Kat?

Hi there! An update as promised! I hope you all enjoyed it! Stay tuned!

May the force be with you! (any SW fans out there?)


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