Chapter 13//Judas kiss//

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Sometimes you must lose everything to gain it again, and the regaining is the sweeter for the pain of loss.

Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire

Judas kiss- the kiss of betrayal


I stormed away. How dare him. And her-stealing my boyfriend. Well, its ex-boyfriend now... I trusted him so much, and he betrayed me.

The dark, grey malevolent clouds toiled above head and the forest's winds blew relentlessly. I ran as fast as I could, tears threatening and heart aching terribly.

Images flashed in my mind: Andrew and I kissing, fierce and passionate love burning, an unquenchable flame. We training together in initiation, fighting our fears, sometimes screaming at nights, and comforting each other. Running away from imprisonment, and exiled to the forest. All these we've been through, but he still had the nerve to go behind my back and date.

Stop it, Kat! You left him, and that's it. The end of your fairy tale. He shouldn't bother you! I told myself firmly that. He is a liar, betrayer, and worthless to me! But yet, something pulled at my heart. Perhaps it was just that I loved him or simply I was lonely.

Either way, I headed back to where I saw Andrew. I perched on a tree nearby and watched them. I watched as Andrew was cared by Priscilla, both jealousy and pity burning bright in my heart. Both Priscilla and Andrew looked miserable. Priscilla tried to feed Andrew, but he refused to be cared. Could I have mistaken? Did Priscilla try to make Andrew kiss her, not the other way round?

A couple of day passed. Andrew looked gaunt, thinner than I had ever seen. He refused to eat or sleep. When I was about to drop down and admit I was wrong, he announced he would go hunting. Naturally, I had to follow him. I watched as he stumbled, disoriented. I leaned forward, worried. Suddenly, Andrew keeled over. I was terrified. I checked his breathing, heartbeat, and nearly everything. He seems to be fine, except for having fatigue and starvation. Priscilla wasn't around, so I carried him near the camp, stroking his face. 'Oh, Andrew, did you have to be so stupid? I'm not worth that. Why did you starve yourself?' Then his eyes, sea green eyes, widened and focused on my face. Then he fell back, smiling, limp on my arms. I lay him down gently and leapt on to my tree.

I watch him heal in a few weeks. He constantly asked for me, and told the stars he missed me. 'I miss you too!' I whispered back. I decided to go back to Andrew the next day. I've battled with pride and stalled this decision for too long. I was unable to sleep, as can't wait to see Andrew happy again. But for Priscilla, it might be a totally different... treatment. (Do you even need a hint?)

I awoke to a piercing scream. It's Priscilla's. Despite my burning hate, I jumped stealthily and ran to the cave. But at the clearing, I saw six people pointing guns at Priscilla and Andrew. The guns in the cave... Only Priscilla and Andrew has them. What can I do? How were we tracked here? The leader of the team stepped out, demanding, 'Surrender! Even if you run, you cannot win! There are six of us in total, and you'll have an imminent and painful death.' He laughed indulging, pleased by his 'cleverness'. Well, there was the Dauntless flaw: pride.

'Obviously.' Andrew said, almost boredly. I saw Priscilla glance at my direction. I guess she saw me. Perhaps she wants me to retrieve the guns. I readied myself to bolt for the guns, when everything burst apart in front of me. 'Run!' Priscilla howled, pushing Andrew away.

And Andrew did. We ran miles away, and climbed inside the trees, observing from a part. 'Damn it! We lost the two! Let's leave her to die here then.' The Dauntless soldiers sighed, and left.

I looked until the coast was clear. We ran to Priscilla. She was so pale, blood running down her sides and lump on the blood. Andrew let out a anguished moan. Priscilla's eyes fluttered open. 'I told you I'd gladly die for you.' She smiled weakly, coughing out blood, and pain wreaking her body, and she shuddered from the small movements. 'Kiss me, please....' Andrew leaned down, and kissed her tenderly, 'Priscilla, why? Did you have to be all that fearless? You didn't have to die for me... You don't deserve such a death! I'm going to turn myself in, and send you to the hospital!' Priscilla laughed, a melancholy one, bitter and mocking ,'Oh my Andrew, it's too late for that. I lov....' Then she gasped, choked on her blood and fell limp, blood spilling everywhere, her eyes closed for eternity. An angel-like half smile hung on her face, haunting but yet so innocent, sincere and beautiful.

We couldn't dig a grave for her. We had no tools, no power and no place for her. Lighting her on fire in the cave, cremating her, saving it in one of the washed food can, was all we could do. 'Did you mind when I kissed her?' Andrew inquired, worrying about me even in times of grief. 'No. Of course not! You are friends! And look what happened when I tried stopping you? You nearly died and Priscilla actually died. Why does everyone I love or know around me is dead?' I buried my head in his shoulder and cried.

'You still have me...' he murmured to me. 'I love you, and I will protect you forever.'


What do you think will happen next? How will Priscilla's death affect them?

Chickie001 are you happy your character actually lasted 3 instead of 2 chapters :)

Peace out,


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