Chapter 2 //Set free//

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Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird,
That cannot fly.

Langston Hughes


I looked up from my book to check the time. 1:30. Great. I can finally get away from the study group. Sure, I loved reading and studying, but in my faction, all of they knew nothing but reading and being logical, and don't have an ounce of humour.  I walk alone to the City Center to take the aptitude test.

I guess I'll get Erudite, as I love reading and I'm best in class (thanks to my mother's help) , but deep down, I'd always admired the Dauntless. I loved their bravery and determination. I once hoped Dauntless as my result, but anyone can see that was impossible. I sighed deeply.

~Time lapse~

'Katherine Winters of Erudite'. I walked into a room where an Abnegation sat. All Erudites hated Abnegation because of their power, but I never hated them, as they were selfless, taking the power from the vain and power-hungry Erudites and bearing with the insults along. I smiled at the Abnegation women, hoping she won't find me hostile. She asked me gently to sit down, and I did. Before I moved, I felt a prick and everything went black.

After what that seemed an eternity, I woke and stood up. I heard 'Choose'. I looked forward and saw a piece of wasteland and a green land, full of happiness. 'Why?' I asked. 'Just choose!' 'Fine' I huffed. I walked towards the wasteland. And the scene changes. I was in a lava pit, trapped with a huge monster. There was supposed to be no way to escape, but well, as Erudite, I am supposed to exceed expectations. I grinned to myself. I jumped on a rock, held on a ledge and climbed away. I looked down, prideful of the feat, but then, a saw a small girl, cowering. I couldn't bear to leave her. I dropped down and tried to distract the monster. I yelled' 'Go!' to the girl. And the scene changed.

I was in a park, sitting with a frail old lady. I was vaguely aware of an apple resting in my pocket. The old lady rasped suddenly,' Have you stolen an apple?' I answered gently,' I would never steal an apple, but I have one in my pocket.' I took it out and said, 'You must be terribly hungry. Would you like it?' 'It's mine! You stole it! Give it back! 'she screeched. By the time she finished her rant, a crowd had gathered around. I was thoroughly embarrassed. Suddenly I remembered: I had indeed stolen it. I said, ' I am sorry, I stole it.' Then my vision turned black.


I sat up groggily. 'You could have told me before you pinched me with the needle!' I said, rubbing the injection site. 'By the way, what was my result?' 'It was inconclusive.' she whispered in my ear, kneeling beside me. 'Your results are... Abnegation, Candor, Erudite and Dauntless. Divergent. You showed your bravery and curiosity by choosing the wasteland, intelligence and boldness in escaping the lava pit, selflessness in saving the girl and soothing and offering the apple to the old lady and finally, your honesty in telling the truth to the old lady, risking embarrassment. I have changed your result manually to Erudite, since you can brush it off that by saying it was a habit of your brought up. Do not tell anyone your result. Now, you should think carefully for the night what you would choose. Go, and I wish you best of luck tomorrow.' The lady stepped back, staring at me blankly, as if she had just seen a ghost.

I sighed wearily, exhausted by today's ordeals. I was confused by the results. I once believed that the test could solve my question of where to transfer, but apparently, it did not. And even worse, I am to be hunted by my own mother for being Divergent. Divergents, as defined by my mother was a nuisance to the society. They disrupted the peace of the world. What could be worse?

At dinner, my mum asked me, 'What did you get in the test?' I answered half-truthfully, 'Erudite.' She briskly said, 'That's good. Well, I'll see you in Erudite three weeks later then.'

My mum is the most intelligent person in our faction, therefore she is the representative of Erudite. She expects me to follow her footsteps, but what she does not know is that I plan to choose to anywhere but Erudite: I cannot handle the huge expectations laid down and I was not patient enough to read all day long.

In addition, I am Divergent and I risk discovery by my mother and an execution. But if I left, my mother would be left alone, heirless and embarrassed. She would be questioned the right of leadership, as even her own daughter left. That thought is when I start to feel guilty.

I lay in bed, unable to sleep. I could never go to Amity: I wasn't the kind that smile all day long doing nothing. Or Candor: I was honest, but not the brutal honesty that Candors advocate. Nor could I go to Abnegation: I cannot stand the insults and being my mother's enemy. It leaves Dauntless, which I had always admired, and Erudite, which I never liked. It wasn't so hard to choose after all.

This year, my mother was the announcer. She went on the stupid speech said in every ceremony, about how the ancestors made the factions, so on, making me bored out of my mind. I sat impatiently for my turn to choose, drumming my feet. I couldn't wait to determine my future. The choice is made- no turning back. 'Winters, Katherine' Finally. I walked out calmly, and gave my blood willingly to the sizzling coals. I saw my blood run on the coals, sparks dancing around. My blood, ruby, shining, traitorous blood flowed on the coals, with a gnawing regret at my stomach.

'Dauntless.' My mum said unenthusiastically. I tried not to flinch at my mom's stone-hard gaze. Her eyes showed hurt and pain, seemingly accusing: Why did you leave your life as an Erudite? You could have been a leader with me. I turned away, left and didn't look back, for fear she would see the regret in leaving my family.

I left the ceremony with the Dauntless, whooping with the other initiates and members, with the prickling presence of guilt. My old life in Erudite was gone: in its place a colorful and brilliant life in Dauntless.

I leapt on the train with other initiates, savoring every second. We jumped after ten minutes or so. I followed the landed on the roof, laughing with joy.

After everyone landed, the Dauntless leader asked for volunteers to jump in the roof to reach the campus. I volunteered and jumped over the edge without thinking. If anything I have most, it is pride, and I indulge in the fact that I am the bravest of all initiates.

As I fell, I thought: If every moment is as happy as this in Dauntless, it is worth trading a life of leadership and expectations in Erudite.



Who do you like more? Andrew or Katherine?

So, how was the chapter? Hope anyone reading it like it.

Peace out,


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