Ch1~[A Fun Ride]

Começar do início

'You're drooling on my seats and it's disgusting.' I hear a voice ring uncomfortably in my ears.

Blinking a few times in an attempt to shake away the sleepiness, I look around to find myself in some unfamiliar surroundings - the back of a car. A sharp pain on the side of my head makes me groan suddenly and bring my hands up to touch the area only to realize they're tied together.

Disoriented, I look at the drivers seat to find a head of black hair facing the empty, dark road, his hands on the wheel.

'You know, you're actually the first one who didn't wake up screaming and crying for help. What's wrong with you?'

Hearing his words made me become aware of what just happened. He's.. the one who kidnapped me, who pretended to be my one of my dad's employees. The suit he used to wear is no longer on his body, which is now hugged by a black leather jacket, making for quite the change.

'What are you doing?' I ask after a few good minutes in a raspy voice, still confused from the anesthetic.

'Kidnapping you, that should be fairly obvious. You know.. The chloroform, the car, your hands being tied. You're a slow one, aren't you?' he mumbles, eyes still fixated on the road.

'Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were taking me to a piñata party, my bad.' I snap mockingly. 'Why are you doing this?' I ask irritated, trying to alleviate the throbbing pain in my head.

Taken a bit aback by my sarcasm in such a situation, he lets out a slight chuckle.

'You're daring. Not the best thing for you in this context.'

'And you're not answering my question. I could say the same for you.' I scoff, burning holes in the back of his head. He turns, his eyebrow raised at me.

'I don't know if it's the chloroform or if you're naturally dumb but I'm the kidnapper here, you're the victim. Don't push your luck.' he mutters, sending me cold gaze. In response, I just sit there, looking out the window trying to figure out where we are or where we're heading.

'So I know you're probably not gonna answer since it defeats the purpose of abduction, but I might as well give it a shot. Where are we going?' I ask after a few minutes of silence.

'To fucking Disneyland. Next question.' Well, doesn't he have a temper? Ignoring him, I continue.

'What's your name, anyway?' I question, hoping that I'd get a genuine answer this time. As expected, I'm met with silence, so I look ahead at the road illuminated just by the headlights.

'It's Suga.' he sighs after a few minutes, making me suddenly burst out laughing but quickly cover my mouth with my hands. He shoots me a glare through the rearview mirror, as if asking 'what?'

'I suppose it's not your real name, so it must be an alias, right? Sorry, but it seems ironic to me. Suga the kidnapper.' I say through giggles.

'Just as a heads up, I have enough chloroform to knock you out for the rest of the drive so if I were you I'd learn my fucking place.' he groans, gripping the steering wheel harder. Remembering the awful experience, I decide to stop pushing him. Still drowsy from the anesthesic and from the fact that the car board showed 4:36 am, I unintentionally fall asleep.

The feeling of the car coming to a halt makes me open my eyes slowly and look around. We're at a gas station. My eyes catch him getting out of the car, filling it and then going into the store. As he returns to his seat, he notices I'm awake.

'Did you get me something?' I ask feeling my stomach rumble. He gives me an incredulous look, his eyebrows halfway through touching his hairline.

'Oh, sorry, didn't realize I'm a babysitter now.' he looks me up and down frowning, half of his body turned to the back of the car, where I was seating.

'Never said you were. But I suppose if you wanted to kill me, you would've done it so I don't see the point in starving me to death.' I raise an eyebrow at him. 'I'll give you money for it, don't fret. Unless, of course, you stole my wallet, in which case, it's on you.' I eye him up and down, noticing my bag isn't with me.

'I don't need your money. And stop being a drama queen, you won't starve. Unfortunately.' he says in a low tone, starting the engine.

'Wait, wait. I need to go to the bathroom.' I desperately tell him.

'Do I look dumb to you? I'll let you go and you'll try to escape. Which, by the way, would be an extremely bad move on your side.' he states matter-of-factly turning off the engine momentarily to get rid of the background noise.

'I won't do anything. You didn't like me drooling on your seats, but you are okay with me peeing on them?' I frown at him. He thinks it over for a second, before sighing.

'If you even think of doing something funny, I'll be there faster than you can blink.' he snarls, grabbing my hands to untie them. 'If you're not out in 3 minutes, I'll knock the damn door down. I don't care about the people inside.' he adds, looking at his wristwatch.

I just scoff and hurry inside the store. When I get to the bathroom I quickly finish my business and then glance at myself in the dirty mirror. Hair's a complete mess, my lipstick is all over my mouth and I overall look like shit. They cashier must've mistaken me for a hooker. Fixing as much as I can about my appearance I rush outside, seeing Suga resting on the hood of his black car, his eyes following me like a predator.

'Good girl. You actually listened.' he smirks, slightly surprised, as we both got in the car.

'Why wouldn't I? This is fun.' I say amused, making him freeze on the spot, before turning his body to me.

'Fun? Did you seriously just say being kidnapped is.. fun? What the hell is wrong with you?' he asks, not believing what he just heard.

'I've always had everything. And it was boring as shit. And I've always been supervised, controlled, told what to do and what not to do. So yeah, as stupid as it may sound..this is fun.'

Kidnap Me ║M.Y.GOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora