Young Love (2)

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Chapter 2

The rest of the week had passed in a blur. Between school, loads of homework, and still keeping up my social status, I had barely any time to think. You would expect the first week back to school would be the easiest week throughout the whole school year. Well, my school isn't like that. Norcross High School is an Ivy League school that doesn't except anything but the best. The best grades, the best attendance, and the best behavior. But because the schools administrators are so hard and expect us to be perfect, most of the students resent the school and the staff. Though I could care less about the school. I'm not the brightest cookie in the bunch, but I'm not stupid either. I wouldn't classify myself as a popular, but I have a lot of friends and I like most everyone, the students at Norcross are all so nice. It's a small school so everyone knows everyone, and everyone knows everyone else's business. For example, if you get a boyfriend on, let’s say Thursday, then everyone would know by Friday. Also another reason why Norcross is better than most high schools is because there aren't any groups. There are no "the popular’s," "the nerds," "the band geeks," or "the loners." Everyone is friends with everyone. There is also not a lot of bullying and drama. So basically, Norcross is the best high school ever. I'm so glad that I am able to go to Norcross because if I hadn't, I wouldn't be the person I am today.

It was the first Saturday of the school year, and I had plans to meet up with Jake and Athena at the local movie theater. We were going to see 'Snow White and the Huntsman'. When my mom dropped me off at the entrance, I paid for my ticket, got some popcorn and a sprit, while I waited for Jake and Athena. I felt my pants pocket vibrate with an incoming text.

Hey, I can't come to the movie. I'm really sorry. I have to babysit my sister, but Jake is still going ;) Enjoy your alone time with him.  XOXO, Athena.

Athena had a 5 year old baby sister that she has to babysit constantly. Her mom has horrible hours. Thus leaving Athena to babysit instead of hanging out with her friends. Although on special occasions, Athena will bring her sister along to hang out with us, but that's not often. Her sister, Olivia, is a sweetheart. She's so adorable and sweet. You just want to eat her up.

That's okay, girly. Tell little Miss Olivia I said "Hey" and that I miss her. And shut up! I didn't tell you my secret so you could talk about it. I told you that if anybody finds out and they tell Jake then our friendship will be ruined. He doesn't see me as anything more than a best friend. But anyways Jake just got here, so I'll talk to you later, girly. I love you.:) Bye. XOXO, Emma.

Jake paid for his ticket, then came inside to meet up with me. He was wearing a white undershirt, a plaid button up shirt, and jeans. His usual. He looked H O T. Hot. He looked around the lobby for me, but I was sitting down at one of the waiting tables, so he couldn't see me.

"Hey, Jake" I called out to get his attention. It worked. He came over and started eating my popcorn.

"Hey, Emma." He said smiling "This is some good popcorn." God, I loved his smile. His lips were so full and plump. Wait, what am I thinking. I scolded myself. I shouldn't be thinking those things. Jake is my best friend, and that's all he will ever be.

"Earth to Emma." Jake said frowning. He had been saying something that I hadn't been paying attention to.

"Huh? What were you saying?" I asked confused.

"I said that the movie is going to start in a few minutes, so we should probably head on in. Where's Athena by the way?" He told me, obviously irritated.

"Oh yeah, Athena can't make it. She had to babysit Olivia, again. So I guess it's just you and me, kiddo." I told him while we walked to the theater.

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