So It Begins

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Chapter 7

"You should know. . ." I paused, "I was the queen of checkers in second grade." After helping set up the game I motioned toward him and lifted my hoodie up to cover some light that hit my face. I tried to  look intimidating. He laughed which caused me to pout and we began our game. After ten games I was successful in winning five as was he.

"We need a different game to break this tie now." He huffed and I couldn't help but laugh, "Oh what are you laughing at hmm? Just two minutes ago you were whining because you lost two games in a row."

"Not fair!" I yelled out and tackled him. Wrapping his arms around me I smiled wide. He was warm and I felt safe. I sat up in his lap and blushed at the situation stuttering, "I-I. . " Before I could respond he pulled me close and kissed my cheek softly. 

Whispering he spoke softly, "Very fair." and with that he cupped my face and gently pressed his lips to mine, sealing them in a kiss. I melted into his touch, kissing back as I brought my arms to lay lazily on his shoulders. A moment that had lasted for eternity was gone within an instant as we pulled away slowly to catch our own air. My eyes were still closed, and the corners of my lips were curled up into a smile. Caressing my face I leaned in to his touch and then forward. I moved to hug him and he did the same, but it was short lived as we heard a 'B A N G' and the lights went out. I clinged to him and felt his body tense. 

"Stay here." He warned and stood up, leaving me alone as he walked towards the door.  My body was trembling as I nodded and watched. Before I could react I heard a groan and Taehyung was tackled onto the floor. 

"Taehyung!" I screamed and stood up rushing to pull the figure dressed in all black off of him. Taehyung grunted and kicked the person off of him but as soon as he did I was tackled and on the floor. My arm hit a sharp edge and I couldn't focus.

---Taehyungs POV

Face still heated from a kiss I shared with Nicole I couldn't seem to think right. Being pushed onto the floor I was knocked off my feet by a man in all black. I heard her scream, and I was free. Just before I was able to regain composure I saw her being tackled. Her arm hitting a sharp edge. The man quickly got up and ran away. I grimaced. I wanted to chase after the person who had interrupted one of their firsts. I wanted to hurt the man who hurt Nicole, but I couldn't. Not only would it ruin my reputation as a singer and the band as a whole, but Nicole was also hurt. Be fast. "J-Just hang on Nicole." I said choking on my words as my eyes brimmed with tears. I picked her up and walked out of the building. Sitting the both of us down at the edge of a parking lot I pulled out my phone and quickly dialed Namjoon. "H-Hyung! Nicole is hurt! Please come quick!" I yelled out as soon as he answered.

"What?! What happened?!!" He questioned. I could only imagine how much trouble I'd be in.

"Ask later she isn't awake and lost a lot of blood." I replied with a stern voice. tears were falling and I moved the hair from her face, "I'm at our hang out spot by the abandoned amusement park." After what seemed a long time of waiting Namjoon peeled in, a bodyguard of ours was driving.

"I-I'm fine. My arm just has some blood and m-my head hurts. I'm alive Taehyung." She said quietly and wincing as she used her injured arm to wrap around the arm I had on her. I stood up carrying her to the car. After getting in Namjoon turned around and looked at us.

"Taehyung. What the hell happened?" He asked, demanding an answer.

"A man in all black. H-He attacked me, Nicole tried to stop him but then he w-went after her." I tried to explain only meeting his eyes for a second before returning my gaze to Nicole.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, her face soaked in tears. I shook my head and once again moved the hair from her face smiling softly trying to tell her it was okay. I was not sure if Namjoon had responded but if he did I had failed to hear him. She was the only thing on my mind. After Namjoon called in a few favors we were able to sneak into the hospital unnoticed. The doctor allowed me to stay in the room to explain the situation as he stitched up her wounds and put her arm in a brace. After he had left I rushed to stand by her side and held her hand.

"Nicole. . . Wh-" I began to speak but she stopped me. She had placed a paper in my hand and nodded to tell me to read it.

"I got this off of him before he ran off." She informed me.

It read:

I ended your family but lost a few, now you're all there is left to eliminate. 

I crumpled the note and shoved it into my pocket before looking at her, "We can talk about that later. For now you need to heal." After waiting for an hour we were finally discharged we made our way to the car through back exits of the building. Namjoon waved at us as we walked. Before we entered the car I stopped and held Nicole still, "Will you stay with me?" I asked without context.

Not seeming to understand she replied with both an answer and question, "Yes, why wouldn't I?" I shook my head.

"Will you stay with me even if fans get mean? Even if there are horrible rumors? Even if we aren't together yet, will you stay?" I restated and explained. Namjoon looked confused I could see him from the corner of my eye. He was listening and waiting for her answer just like I was.

"I already said yes Taehyung. I don't care about what they say as long as you promise to stay by my side too." Nicole looked at my with wide eyes and a small smile, holding my hands. I leaned down and pecked her cheek before walking her to the car. The both of us got into the car and fastened our seatbelts. 

"Did you finally ask her to be your girlfriend?" Namjoon asked with a smirk as he turned to look at us from the passenger seat in the front. The car began to drive and I could tell we'd be home soon. "The boys are all at the house, they will be happy to hear this." He stated.

"N-No. He didn't ask yet." Nicole spoke up her cheeks showed various shades of pinks and reds. I smiled while taking in this image. I understood her in this moment. It did not need to be rushed and both of them knew that. I nodded and looked at Namjoon.

"I will soon though Hyung. I can promise that." I said and leaned on Nicole. All I could think of was her. Her. I wanted her to be safe. I wanted her to be mine. If any of that were to happen we would need to get rid of the man in all black. It will be hard, between performing and traveling along with all the other numerous jobs that I had it would take private investigators. I am willing to pay but will the others allow it is the question. I closed my eyes and gave in to the heaviness of the day. The challenges that will face me in the months to come will be worth it in the years to follow. With that I fell asleep. 



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