The Mystery Girl

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Chapter 2

I wake up remembering what had happened the day before. Was it just a dream? I sat up to stretch and heard my phone buzz.


Taehyung- Hey I had a great time at the wedding, hope you got home safe.

Nicole- Thanks, I did too! I got home fine. I didn't expect you to message me so soon.  :p   I thought you might forget about me.....

Taehyung- How could I forget about you!? 

Nicole- I am boring, especially for a kpop idol like you.

Taehyung- Nope you are refreshing and definitely not boring. Most fans always scream by me and ask me questions, some even stalk me. It gets scary sometimes. Xw

Nicole- Lol, well I am not like that :)  I'm still shocked that I can be your friend. Are you sure the other members approve of you being my friend?

Taehyung- They will love you! You're like a mixture of all of us! XD

Nicole- How do you know?

Taehyung- Faith and Lyla talk about you a lot. I have to go, but I will talk to you later!

Nicole- Ahhh, Okiii bye!


"OOO who are you texting, I've never seen you smile like that." Alie said plopping down on my bed while trying to look at my phone. "Do you have a boyfriend!" She asked gasping.

"No, he isn't my boyfriend." I said laughing, "He is just a friend okay. I'm not sure I can even tell you that I know him."

"Come on! We tell each other everything." She said prodding, "We're best friends."

"Fine, I will give you ONE letter." I replied, "V."

"What?" She responded confused, "WAIT, V as in Taehyung?!" I didn't respond and began to blush.

"HOW?" She replied practically jumping on me.

"Well I was the wedding planner so I had to meet the people who were preforming." I explained, "I just ended up talking to him the most. He is really nice." 

"Awww." She said poking me, "Wait, but I thought you liked Jungkook." She looked at me with a confused face.

"I did, I still do. I think its not as much romantically now, but he is still super cute." I reply, I think I am starting to like Taehyung. It's not like anything will happen anyways I mean he is an idol."

"So, and you guys are around the same age, he's only two years older than you." Well almost two years his birthday is in December and yours is in October. I mean if you really want to think about it you are like a year, one month, and 24 days apart."

"You're rambling." I interrupted, "How are you so good at math that was like your worst subject."

"Huh?" She said looking confused, "Oh well I am good at it, but when they add letters and stuff it's harder."

"Oh." I replied smiling as I stood up stretching, "Since it's Sunday and I have no classes today I have nothing to do."

"I have work today sorry." She replied grabbing my phone.

"Hey! What are you doing." I said trying to grab my phone.

"Nothing..." She replied smiling, "Here you go."

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