Moving On To Better Days

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Chapter 5

I woke up hungry. I forgot to eat breakfast, but it was now noon. I got up and walked to the living room to see Jungkook playing some video games. 

"Where is everyone?" I ask blinking a few times to get my eyes used to the different lighting.

"Oh, h-hi Nicole." Jungkook said pausing his game and standing up, "They wanted to practice their dance moves for the concert but didn't want to leave you alone. So I offered to stay here."

"Ahh okay, what game are you playing?" I ask sitting on the couch next to him. He sat back down next to me, his eyes as wide as a puppy ready to play.

"Oh, it's this cool game called DmC: Devil May Cry." He said grabbing the case, "It's a really cool game, I'm having trouble understanding the English though." He pursed his lips. It's unusual for me to not feel weak when he did that. When he was my favorite guy in the group I would have died. Now it's like he is my brother, could this be because of my feelings for Taehyung?

"I can translate if you want." I suggested smiling, "But first I want some food I am so hungry! I will be right back." I stood up and walked to the kitchen.

--- Jungkooks POV

Her smile, her voice, her. Why can't she like me instead of Taehyung?! It doesn't matter I will push my feelings aside because he is my best friend and I would never do anything to hurt him. She may be perfect, but that is not worth risking my friendship with him. I have decided to see her as a sister from now on, but I still need to talk to her about earlier this morning. As I waited for her to come back from the kitchen I saved my game.

"Okay, I'm back." Nicole said waving a peanut butter sandwich.

"You don't like jelly?" I asked confused.

"Nope." She replied biting into the sandwich. After a few moments of silence, I coughed catching her attention.

"Nicole, I am sorry." I apologized silently hoping she didn't know what I was talking about.

"It's okay, and you don't need to bring it up again. What happened before I fell asleep, we can forget it." Nicole replied bluntly, "I had a feeling you didn't want anyone to know so I will respect it." I was flabbergasted. All I could do was nod.

"Can I look at your games?" She asks with a mischievous smirk.

"Sure?" I reply curiously as to what she was looking for exactly. A minute after watching her quietly go through the big pile of games we have she stood up in triumph.

"AH-HA I found it!" She yelled.

"Found what?!" I said standing up and rushing over to her.

"Nope, you can't see until you help me move all of this furniture. It will be fun I promise." She said grabbing me and running back to the couch, "Help me push this back." I did as she asked excited to see what she was planning. After we had moved everything she popped the game currently on the Xbox One out and put another disk in.

"What are we playing?" I ask.

"Close your eyes while I set it up!" She said putting one hand over my eyes and the other grabbing the controller from my hand.

"You Americans sure do touch a lot," I said closing my eyes.

"Eh yeah, that's true." She admitted, "You can open your eyes now." She took her hand from my face and grabbed the remote to turn the volume up to the t.v. I saw JUST DANCE 2014 on the screen.

"You don't need to know a language to dance." She said in English and then repeated it in Korean, "Come on it'll be fun!" she grabbed my hand and walked me over to the area where we were supposed to be. she turned the game on and began to stretch. 

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