I Linger By Your Side

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"Are you even listening to me?" Wad didn't mean for his tone to change, but he couldn't help let the emotion reach his voice.

"I'm actually in the middle of something, if you couldn't tell!" Prem yelled back at him, obviously frustrated. Wad flinched. He knew he might have instigated, but it still stung. Prem sighed and ran his hand through his hair before looking up. He met Wad's gaze and froze. "Wad—"

"I'm going for a walk."

"Wad—" Prem couldn't finish since Wad already turned on his heel and was headed to their apartment door.

He made it to the hallway and the door slammed shut behind him. He didn't actually make a move to leave the building. Tears pricked his eyes before he roughly brushed them away.

He heard the door open behind him before arms wrapped around his middle.

"I'm sorry," Prem said into the crook of Wad's neck. Wad didn't move.

"You haven't yelled at me like that since you were a hazer," Wad replied, barely registering above a whisper. "I thought we moved past that," he finished, voice cracking as he tried not to cry.

"I know, I'm sorry, it just came out." A neighbor came up the stairs at the end of the hall and glanced at them with a furrowed brow before turning towards their own door.

Wad reached for Prem's hands clasped in front of him and broke them apart. "Let's just go back inside." Prem silently followed his boyfriend back into the apartment. Wad sat on the kitchen counter and Prem stopped in front of him. "I didn't mean to overreact like that—"

"What? No, it was justified. I was being an ass, I shouldn't have yelled—"

"It just brought back the bad memories—"

"Ive always had a short fuse, you know that, but—"

"No, I know, and the job thing has you on edge—"

"You shouldn't have to make excuses for me, Wad. I'm apologizing for my behavior." The air between them stilled as Wad absorbed Prem's words. Prem came into his space again, tentatively caressing Wad's cheek. "I don't ever want to make you feel like... like you're small. Or you aren't being respected. I don't want to bring back those memories because... my heart shattered when I saw your face when I yelled. I know couples fight, but couples shouldn't hurt each other. I'm sorry Wad."

Wad clenched his jaw before pulling Prem forward by the elbow to bury his face into the soft fabric of his boyfriend's shirt. Prem wrapped his arms around Wad again. "I'm sorry, too."

"It's okay," Prem cooed, brushing back Wad's hair gently, "We're okay."


Author's Note: hello I had a fleeting thought about how my soft boys used to not be so soft with each other and I wanted to write about them addressing that. I don't know why I wrote this actually. Don't read this.

Title is lyrics from Hello by Boys Republic (thank you Nico)

PS: go watch Seventeen's comeback performance of Thanks and then come cry with me

A Series of PremWad Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن