Knight in Shining Armor

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"I didn't need a knight in shining armor!" Wad huffed, his hands flying up in defeat. Prem just shook his head and laughed humorlessly.

"You may not have thought you needed one but... you got me, man," Prem clenched his jaw, expectantly gazing at Wad. He was staring right back at Prem, unwavering. "Wad. You've got me," he said again. There was a pregnant pause. "Fuck it."

In an instant, Prem closed the distance between them. He pressed his body flush up against Wad and grabbed either side of Wad's face in his rough hands. In another swift movement, he tilted up Wad's face in order to press a hard kiss on his lips.

Wad left out a muffled exclamation of surprise against Prem's mouth and his hands pressed flat, firmly against Prem's chest. But he wasn't being shoved away.

There was beat where they were both frozen. Prem had a million regrets in that moment alone, but then the hands on his chest became fists clenching the fabric of his shirt and lips were moving slowly against his own.

Wad pressed himself up against him, kissing him until he couldn't breathe. He felt lightheaded but so grounded and safe at the same time.

Prem was shamelessly panting once he pulled away from Wad; his junior's eyes remained closed and his cheeks were flushed.

Prem was still holding Wad's face in his hands and just looked down at him. Wad licked his lips before letting his eyes flutter open to look at Prem.

"P'..." he was breathless. He didn't know what to say.

"If you let me, Wad, I'd very much like to be yours," Prem delivered easily. Wad let out a shakey breath of laughter before letting his forehead fall onto Prem's lips. Prem absentmindedly pressed a kiss to it.

"I think I'd like that."

Author's Note: this is an extremely self indulgent fic I wrote because I really am obsessed with their knight-in-shining-armor dynamic. I wish I could say that I'm sorry but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Please ignore that 1. Gunsmile and Fluke are roughly the same height irl and 2. I know there is little to no build up or explanation for why Wad is even bringing it up but just let me live in this fantasy world. Shout out to hreyina on Tumblr for being my #1 and to all the babes actually reading my garbage.

A Series of PremWad OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now