Goodnight Moon

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Inspired by Bean texting me at 2am her time because she had fleeting thought about a playful Prem and a fond Wad.

Wad sat cross-legged on their bed, gazing expectantly at his boyfriend. He felt his chest swell with excitement as Prem pulls the guitar from its case. He strummed a few chords, making sure it was tuned.

And don't go to bed yet, love,
I think it's too early,
And we just need a little time to ourselves.

Wad felt himself flush as Prem sang the words in English. It was a song Wad had found a while back. He had showed Prem because it was just so beautifully written, and he never would have thought Prem would learn it for him.

If my wall clock tells me that it's four
In the morning,
I'll give it hell.

Prem strummed the strings and took a step closer to his seated boyfriend.

'Cause I've been trying way too long,
To try and be the perfect song,
When our hearts are heavy burdens,
We shouldn't have to bear alone.

Wad looked at him with stars in his eyes. He couldn't help but think back to the beginning of their relationship. They were both complicated and short tempered. But they learned how to be with each other, and grew together.

So goodnight moon,
And goodnight you,
When you're all that I think about.
All that I dream about.

Prem saw Wad was deep in thought so he leaned in at the last line, face just centimeters away from Wad's. A smile spread from ear to ear, teasing Wad, who, in turn, scrunched up his nose.

How'd I ever breathe without
A goodnight kiss
From goodnight you,
The kind of hope they all talk about.
The kind of feeling we sing about.
Sit in our bedroom and read aloud,
Like a passage from goodnight moon

Wad couldn't help but sway to the slow rhythm. He silently wondered if Prem really did want to sing because of him. He watched as Prem closed his eyes going into the next line.

And sing for me softly, love,
Your song for tomorrow
And tell me my name's the one sitting in there somewhere

Wad heeded the songs lyrics and started singing softly with Prem. Surprised, Prem's eyes fluttered back open. He felt a tinge if pink hit his cheeks as Wad sang the words with him.

And dream for me anything, but dream
It in color about
We know the sun's still rising but we don't care

Wad swung his legs off the edge of the bed, and stood. Prem really hadn't expected that turn of events, but it got him riled up. He sang louder then, not taking his eyes off his love.

So goodnight you,
And goodnight moon,
When you're all that I think about.
All that I dream about.

As Wad closed the distance between them, Prem stopped playing his guitar. He placed it gently against the edge of the bed where Wad had just came from. Wad was singing louder then too. He knew he didn't come close to the talent his boyfriend possessed when it came to his voice, but the way Prem was looking at him made him feel like the biggest star of them all.

How'd I ever breathe without
A goodnight kiss
From goodnight you,
The kind of hope they all talk about.
The kind of feelings we sing about.
Sit in our bedrooms and read aloud,
Like a passage from goodnight moon

Prem didn't hesitate to grab either side of Wad's face in his hands and press a soft kiss to his forehead as he sang the final lines. He chuckled after they closed it out. Suddenly, Wad's arms were thrown around Prem's neck and he was pulling his down to his level to connect their lips

"You learned our song," Wad whispered against Prem's lips.

"If I knew I was going to get this reaction out of you, I would have learned it sooner," Prem teased. He tried not to trip over his discarded guitar as he pushed Wad back to the bed.

They fell onto the covers in a flurry of kisses and soft mutterings.

"Love you to the moon and back," Prem breathed between playful nips at Wad's neck. Wad just pulled him back up and kissed him deeply in response.


Author's Note: Goodnight Moon is my #1 PremWad song and is the inspiration for many of fluffy fics. Sorry I only really know American songs and K-Pop so it might not be something they'd actually sing but ¯\_()_/¯ hope you enjoy! This one is for Sven aka Bean aka muffin-me on tumblr aka my bestie 💕

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