S Episode 1

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Prem was hoping that his friends wouldn't see past his facade. Yeah, he could joke about not having a job, pretending it didn't hurt. He could act like everything was normal even though he didn't know what to do. He could act happy even though he wasn't.

Bright opened a bar. He knew he should be happy for his friend but there was a part of him that hated Bright. Bright. He was the goofball, the comic relief and yet somehow Prem was the failure.

Prem winced at his own thoughts, suddenly feeling very guilty. He picked up the shot glass and threw it back. He needed it.

The night went on. He sat and politely listened to all his friends talk about their lives and how everything is just so great. He drank more and more but no one really seemed to notice.

The night was dying down. After Knot, Tuta, and Kong's friends left, he pulled out his phone. This always seemed to happen. The screen open to their last conversation. He always just stared at it, reminiscing, remembering, regretting, but there was fire in his veins. Before he could really think it through, he typed out "I miss you" and hit send.

Prem shoved his phone back into his pocket and focused back on his friends before him. He knew he wouldn't be getting a response. Wad never responded anymore.


Author's Note: hello everyone here's some angst no one asked for because guess who just watched the first episode of Sotus S. Since Wad doesn't exist anymore, I decided to start a little background story. Hope you enjoy it and I hope I didn't upset anyone too much. I know I'm the queen of fluff but somehow this happened. RIP

UPDATE: this is now its own, multi chapter work called SOTUS S: Prem and Wad.

A Series of PremWad OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now