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The air was crisp, stagnant, flush against Wad's skin and his chest ached dully as he breathed in. It was light enough to see the black silhouettes of the trees and telephone lines flat against the sky but dark enough to see the scattered lights burst to prepare for the actual show. He sat on the small blanket, knees pulled up to his chin, and gazed at the sky.

Wad has always loved fireworks. He was amazed by the intricacies of the chemical compositions that created such a beautiful display in the sky. He loved the fleeting colors; it was beautiful yet impermanent and Wad loved how poetic that seemed.

There was suddenly a pressure on his shoulder. Wad glanced over to his side to see Prem getting comfortable next to him. Prem let his hand drift from his shoulder down his back, where it found a home. He let his fingers curl and uncurl in the fabric of Wad's shirt. It sent a familiar shiver up his spine.

"Are you thirsty?" Prem asked, taking his hand back to pull his drink holder into his lap. "I brought some coffee, sorry it's a bit chillier out here than I expected."

"I'm fine," Wad answered genuinely. His body tended to warm up significantly when he's around Prem. He took the paper cup from Prem anyway, the heat radiating through his fingers.

Prem decided there was too much space between them and scooted himself over, so his shoulder was grazing Wad's. Wad smiled softly to himself and hid his face behind his knees.

"Are you excited, babe?" Prem asked him, finally taking his eyes off Wad to look up to the sky.

"You know I am," Wad replied, still blushing behind his knees. Prem always had the uncanny ability to make Wad feel so shy even though they had been together for a year.

"Well good, tonight is supposed to be special."

"It's already amazing," Wad made himself look up to meet his boyfriend's eyes. "Thank you P'." He smiled. "Happy anniversary."

"Happy anniversary," Prem repeated. He glanced around to the other spectators really quickly, before leaning over to press a quick kiss on Wad's cheek. An explosion above their heads went off just as Prem pulled away. Wad bit his lip to stop himself from smiling too widely. "I love you, Wad."

"I love you too, Prem," Wad told him before changing his focus back onto the bursts of color above. "Now stop looking at me and watch the fireworks." He heard a chuckle beside him and smiled again.


Author's Note: I got a request on my tumblr from my bae hreyina for a fic about fireworks and I happily obliged. My tumblr (doctorbeam) is still open for requests as well!

A Series of PremWad OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora