Good Morning

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snowdivingfox on tumblr: I'd really love to read a story about Prem's friends finding out about Premwad by accident.


"Um, hi Bright," Prem greeted warily. He didn't open his apartment door more than a crack after seeing his friend outside the door.

"Yeah hello, are you gonna let me in?" Bright ignored Prem's hesitation and tried to make his way through the door.

"It's 8am. On a Saturday. What's up?" Prem bit his lip, attempting to not sound annoyed, but failing miserably. Bright's eyebrow shot up in curiosity.

"Just wanted to talk about a part time job offer," Bright said, in a sing-song voice. "We're short on opening shifts during the week..." Prem's eyes narrowed.

"That's awfully considerate."

"I'm a considerate man. Come on Prem, I know you're tied up for cash. I'm trying to help. And I'm still standing outside of your apartment." Prem took a deep breath and moved back to let Bright walk in. Prem quickly grabbed his phone from his pocket and Bright didn't miss how he shot off a quick text to someone. "If you were trying to keep me from seeing your messy living room, I've seen much worse." Prem snorted at him.

"Yeah have you seen your apartment lately?" Prem joked, leading Bright to the table in the kitchen. "I'm assuming you're expecting tea or coffee to be offered?"

"It is the morning isn't it?" Prem huffed loudly, earning a laugh from his friend in return. "Coffee sounds good." Prem rolled his eyes but started up the coffee machine on the counter.

"So, a job? Is this a pity offer?" Prem asked, still seeming antsy. Bright shook his head.

"Despite what you might think, I have been paying attention. I know it's not what you'd like to be doing after uni, but its just something to keep you from drowning." Prem blinked.

"Who are you and what have you done with Bright?" He asked, sliding over a mug. Steam floated up from the coffee, curling around Bright's normally silly looking features during the moment of quiet. Bright just shrugged. He was about to open his mouth to speak but a door off the living room cracked open and cut off Bright's train of thought.

"Prem? I thought we agreed we'd sleep in today—" the voice stopped suddenly. Bright just sat, mouth agape, staring at Wad, who in turn was frozen in his spot halfway out of Prem's bedroom. In just boxers.

Bright spun around, eyes wide. Prem stood, face scrunched up in displeasure towards the whole situation.

"I was really hoping you'd see my warning text," Prem said, directed towards Wad.

"I'm just going to go... put some clothes on." Wad immediately disappeared back into the bedroom.

Prem turned his attention back to Bright, who was still just staring at him. Prem cocked his head to the side.

"I'm not sure I've ever seen you speechless before, especially for this long." Bright looked absolutely flabbergasted. He started trying to use his hands to portray what he wanted to say, but just came off as a flailing mess. Prem sighed before taking a sip off the hot coffee in his hands. "Wad is my boyfriend, Bright. Has been for like two years now." Prem grabbed Bright's mug from him again to pour its contents into a paper cup. He made his way to Bright's side of the table to pull him up from the chair. "He's only here until Monday and then he has to go back home to help with his dad," Prem explained as he pushed the still stunned Bright towards the door. "I'd really love to spend some quality time with him before he leaves." He pushed the paper cup into Bright's hands before opening the door. "Thanks for the job, by the way," he finished.

Bright realized he was back in the hall and Prem shut the door in his face. "Wait, So you're dating Wad?" He called.

"Goodbye Bright!" He heard Prem yell from the other side of the door. Bright started coughing on nothing.

"Okay, Prem, we'll talk Monday," he choked out.

In the apartment, Wad looked at Prem nervously. There was a second of silence before they heard Bright yelling, presumably into his phone, "PREM HAS A BOYFRIEND—"

"BRIGHT!" Prem pounded on his own door, startling his friend . "GET OUT OF HERE!" They heard a yelp and then quiet. Wad sighed loudly.

"Sorry, I know that's definitely not how you wanted to tell them." Prem ran a hand through his hair, turning to his boyfriend. He didn't look mad or upset.

"This is actually seems like the best way to have done it," he replied, laughing lightly before pressing a kiss against his boyfriend's cheek. "I'm surprised Bright didn't walk in on us sooner." Wad flushed at the comment.

"You had better made enough coffee for me too."

"Of course."


Author's Note: ayoooo I'm alive! I got my fic back and I'm here to supply another oneshot. I've been thinking about this concept for a little bit, and then I got a request for it so here we are. Hope you enjoy!
(Also, chapter three of The Blood on Your Hands is finished, and is being beta'd as we speak. I beg you to please go check that story out because I love it a lot, it's like my baby.)

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