Chapter 11

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So hi everyone and just wanted to say that I won't really talk about the Elenas friends a lot but the guys will be in it a lot and eventually all the guys will be datig one of Elenas friends so yeah okay.

Love my fans!

Chapter 11

Today is the day I go to the set of The Vampire Diaries, I am so excited right now I don't think I have ever been so excited in my whole life except for when I saw One Direction in concert before I met them.

I get to meet the actors in my most favorite show ever. I am driving to the set right now and after I am meeting all the lads and the girlies for dinner.

I have arived at the set and had no trouble getting in and I am aut to meet Ian, Nina, and of course Paul.

"Hey Elena" I heard someone call my name.

I turned around to see Ian, no matter how hard I tried to contain my excitement I just couldn't.

"OMG OMG OMG, you don't know how much I love TVD"

"Hey thats great, I am glad I could meet you we are about to shoot season 4 episode 5 scene 1"


"So what is it like to act?"

"It is great the whole cast becomes like a family, I love what I do and I am glad I make fans like you happy." 

"You really are an amazing actor, I couldn't imagine anyone else playing your role as Damon"

"Thanks Elena!"

"Call me El!"

"Okay so El would you like to meet Paul and Nina?"


As we looked for Nina and Paul we talked about the show and how my reaction was to the season finale.

"I sobbed!"


"Yeah I was so upset when Stefan got the goodbye but I was also like what the fuck when Bonnie and Taylor Lockwood were like talking about how she saved your butts!"

"That was a good twist!"

"I was sobbing when I thought you were gunna die, Damon is my favorite character! I was like WHY Damon WHY!"

"Haha, and what do you think of as Elena as a vampire?"

"I am happy now because she can be with Stefan now! Also season 3 was a very very SAD season, with Stefan with Klaus and all that, very sad"

"Yeah but season 4 will cheer it up a little bit,  Hey Nina, Paul!" Ian Called.

"Whats up Ian, who is this?" Nina asked.

"This is the lovely Elena"

"Call me El!"

"Hello I am Nina and this is Paul"

"Oh I know I love TVD it is my favorite show!"

"Thats great" Paul said

"OH and I just wanted you guys to know that I know you really are vampires, Niall told me about it and everything" I wispered so others couldn't hear.

"And are you scared" Ian said Winking at me.

"Nope not at all you guys are like 'vegetarians' and I think that is really great!"

"ALL ON SET" Called the director.

"We better go now, see you in a few" Said Ian and he winked at me and walked to the set with Paul and Nina.

Ian is so AMAZING! My favorite actor, I can't believe I just met him, he is so totally hot! What am I thinking I have Niall, and I love him to bits.


After they shot the episode Ian walked back over to me and asked me how I thought it was.

"OMG season 4 is going to be amazing I am so glad I got to come but now, season 4 is runined cause I know what happens, shux!"

"Ohhhh I am sorry, I never thought about that!"

"Anyways I have to go now I am meeting with some friends!"

"Oh okay, do you want me to walk you out?"


We had a very interesting conversation on the way to my car and talked about the Ian Somerhalder Foundation and how he is helping the world and stuff and when we reached my car...

We stopped for a moment after saying good bye and he leaned in and kissed me and you know whats worse, I kissed back.

Finally I pulled away and...

"oh my gawd why did we just do that! I have a boyfriend, Niall and I love him!"

"I am so sorry El"

"I have to go" I rushed into my car and drove out as fast as possible sobbing the entire way.


I  got to the dinner place and found the guys and girls.

I plled myself together as best I could, wiped away my tears and tried to smile.

"Whats wrong El" Lily asked.

"Nothing I am fine, awww did you and Liam get together?!?!" Her and Liam were holding hands.

"Yes, He broke up with Danielle for me, can you believe that!"


Niall camed and tapped my shoulder and asked...

"El will you come with me" He held out his hand and I took it, we walked outside and sat in 2 chairs that were under the stars.

"El I have something I want to give you, it is a promise ring."

He pulled out the most beautiful ring that says 'You have that One Thing' and on the Inside says,'I love you will all my heart -Niall' I burst into tears right there and then, sad tears.

"Whats wrong El?"

"Niall I have something to tell you"

"Anything what is it"

"Ian kissed me, and the worst part is, I kissed him back, but I holered after and I love you Ni"

"I have to go" and Niall runs out and I just sit there and sob my heart out.


well thats a rap on chapter 11, its all wraped up 

wraptop lol

when Andy wrapped up liams laptop haha and then when Andy got wrapped up by liam in the toilet paper LOL!


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