Chapter 2

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                     Chapter 2


The bell rang, signaling we had 5 minutes before the first classes start. "Hey, do you know where room 104 is?" I asked Adi

"Yeah, that's right next to my first class! I'll take you, but we have to stop at my locker first, k?"

I mumbled an ok, and we headed off down the halls. People were still staring at me with the same kind of wide-eyed look Adi gave me. Great, now I have the attention I didn't want.


Finally the lunch bell rang. I collected my stuff and went to the cafeteria. I got my food, and found Adi sitting with 3 guys.

"Hey Nikki! This is Ashton, Calum and Michael. Guys, this is Nikki." Adi introduced us. I place my things on the table and before I even sat down, Ashton goes, "Did you really kick Max?"

"Ash!" Calum half-yelled at him.

"What?" He said

I interrupted, "Yes, I am the one who may or may not have accidentally ran into his shin. Just sayin' that dude had it coming."

Michael cracked up, and Ashton muttered "You are asking for it."

I just ignored him and continued eating. The bell rang too quickly, and Ashton walked me to my next class, since it was on the way for him.

"You work with Adi, right?" he starts. "She talks about you."

"Only good things, I hope," I laugh.

"Eh, more or less," he grins, "Well, here we are, room 223. Have a good class," He waves as he continues down the hall.

I take a seat next to the wall about half-way back. Then that blue-eyed boy came in. he walked by me and slowed down as he said in a low voice, "You better watch your back, Max has it out for you."

"Whatever," I mumble and glare at the back of his head as he walked to the back of the class. This whole intimidation thing seems rather pointless.

I learned a couple things in that class.

1. The blue-eyed boy's name is Luke

2. He is actually pretty smart

The rest of the day didn't seem to bad, but I was so ready to go home. I quickly stopped by my locker, said goodbye to my friends and started out of school.

As I was walking, still more stares. This school has problems. They looked at me as I was going to my death. That's when I realized that group of boys were practically blocking my path, taking up a good half of the halway I walk walking down. Maybe the wouldn't notice me? Luke caught my eye and mouthed 'run', The other boys turned to see where Luke was looking, and locked on me. Max, the one that hit me, looked furious. Maybe I should try to avoid him. I find the nearest exit,  a side door leading out of the building. Although it is the opposite way from where I need to go, at this point, I just wanna get out of there.


"Hey honey! How was your first day?" My mom questioned just as I walked in the door.

"Good. Adi and I are I some of the same classes. And I made some more friends." I decided to leave out that someone already wanted to kill me.

"That's great! Well I got that job I wanted, but I got a later shift. So I won't be here when you get home, and I wont be back 'til late. Is that good?"

"Yep! I'm glad you got the job. I'll be upstairs if you need me." Finally, my mom got a job! Okay don't get me wrong, I love my mom, but she can be nosy. And then I can hang out with my friends without her asking a million questions. And my dad's job was really demanding, and a couple hours away, so he stayed there during the week and came back during the weekends. We couldn't afford to live right in the city, and besides, my parents wanted me to go to this school.

I got a text from Adi:

A- ya wanna go to a movie

N- sure I'll be at ur house in 10

"Mom I'm going to a movie with Adie, should be back 'round 10ish!" I yelled across the house as I got on my vans.

"ok sweetie! Have fun, but not too much!" She called and laughed to herself as I was walking out the door. I just chuckled.


I pulled up to Adi's house and noticed a few extra cars. That was odd. I walked in and heard voices and laughter coming from the kitchen. Turns out Ashton, Calum and Michael were there.

"So I'm guessing we aren't going to a movie?" I rhetorically questioned after walking into the kitchen.

"Nah, but I figured that if you told your mom that you were gonna be hanging out with a bunch of guys, she wouldn't let you come." Adi confirmed my assumption.

"mmhmm" I agreed taking a handful of popcorn and began eating. My mother is strict, and she claims it only because she loves me so much.

"what time did you say you'd be home."


"cool, so what do ya wanna do?" Adi asked looking at the boys.

"Fifa?" Michael offered.

"sounds good to me, Nikki?" Adi said looking back at me.

"Ok, but just so you know, I pretty much suck, that game is not popular in America," I started playing a few months ago, and am still pretty bad.

"Don't worry there is no way you can be worse than Ash." Michael countered.

"Hey!" Ashton said defensively, as the rest of us started laughing.

Turns out Ashton was actually better than me, but Calum always won. We ordered pizza and it came about 8. The game was immedeatly dropped as we devoured both pies. We then went back and watched TV. About 9 all the boys had to leave. Adi and I began to clean up, its amazing the mess we made in just a few hours.

"That was way more fun than sitting in a theatre for hours." I admitted

"Yeah, totally! You aren't that bad a Fifa," Adi says, I roll my eyes.

"Does Calum always win?"

"yeah pretty much, except when he lets me win." Adi stated, a stupid grin crossing her face

"Aww, does someone have a wittle cwush on Cal?" I said

Adi didn't say anything, but she didnt have to, her face was bright red.

"Ok, well I think I'm gonna go before my mom flips." It was 10 now, and my mom hates me being late, but hey, I have an excuse.

"Cool well I'll see ya tomorrow" Adi said in an exhausted voice.

I got home, but my mom had apparently gone to bed, because she wasn't there waiting. So I went up stairs as noiselessly as I could and went to sleep.


there's the second chapter! Thanks for reading it really does mean alot to me



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