Part 21

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A week later

Sameera sighed deeply and took medicine from Sara. Sara was the private nurse maan had arranged for her. She had protested but Maan hadn't listen. She frowned thinking about Maan, he was changing especially since they came back from Simla. The changes were subtle but visible to those who really know him.

He had closed down. He didn't even listen to her talks with Geet. She was really worried about them.

At that moment, Maan entered her room. He waited until Sara was gone before giving a file to Sam.

Maan: I need your signs on these papers.

Sam opened the file and read the papers. Her face whitened a bit but other than that she gave no other sign of her sudden mental agitation. She put papers on the bed side table and she looked up at Maan and said, ' no, I won't sign them.'

Maan,'' this has to stop Sam, he has no right to treat you like that. If you won't file a report against shuriya, then I will do it on your behalf.''

'I will deny it Maan' sam said quietly. 'It was a simple misunderstanding.'

Maan looked at her determined face and then sighed deeply. He sat down on the couch and put his head in his hands. He was hurting inside, he wanted to protect her but she was not allowing it.

Sam,' stop worrying about me, I can take care of myself.' she thought about something to say. ' I spoke to geet last night. She was telling me about some organization giving her a new project. She sounded really excited.'

Maan said nothing. Sam, 'what is wrong? Why is your attitude so changed especially about Geet.'

Maan geeting up said,' I have to go now, take your medicine on time, I will see you on monday.'

He has already started toward the door when sam reached him and gently put her hand on his shoulder.

'Maan, please tell me what is wrong, we are friends right and friends don't hide things from each other.'

' I am not hiding anything Sam, I just don't want to talk about Geet.'

sameera worried about geet said,why?

Maan, ' you don't talk about shuriya to me, then why do you expect me to talk about Geet with you?'

Sameera, ' don't compare them, Geet is my friend and I care about her that is why I want to talk about her.'

Maan, 'no, Geet is to me what Shuriya is to you and if I am not careful, I will be there where

You are at this moment.'

sameera was speechless with shock for few moments but then, managed to say,' you are wrong maan. How could you even think about Geet like that. Geet loves you so much.'

Maan flashed a bitter smile, yeah, she really loves me that is why she went miles away from me. Never tried to talk to me, all of it shows her tremendous love, doesn't it?

Sameera, she tried Maan, you won't reply.

Maan, 'yeah 2 calls and a couple of messages sums up all her efforts.'

'from where is all this coming up, please don't destroy the love between you two. I never thought your ego is so big.'

Maan,' Its called self preservation.'

Sameera angrily retorted,' and when you had this epiphany?'

Maan' when I saw you lying on a hospital bed muttering the name of the man who is responsible for you getting there and you won't press charges because you still love him.'

Sameera sighed,' I love him maan but he doesn't love me back. However, geet truly loves you.'

Maan, 'love, it is so simple to say this word but very few truly mean it.'

Sameera,''I can recognize true love when I see it and Geet loves you.'

Maan looked at her intently and asked,' I don't know about Geet but I know about your love for Shuriya, so answer me truthfully, if you were in Geet's place, would you have gone away fronm Shuriya.'

Sameera,'' That is not a fair question, we are two different people.''

Maan,' I just want a yes or no.'

Sameera didn't reply, knowing he will see through any lie, and her silence was an answer in itself.

He patted her cheek and quickly said goodbye and went out leaving behind a worried Sameera behind.

Two months later

Geet was talking to Mom on mobile. Geet was discussing the colour scheme of her new bedroom with her. Earlier this year, mom had told her that they were planing to construct a new wing in the main house. She had explained that Maan wanted to buy a new house built according to his own specifications but Dadi ma didn't want him to move away. Hence, a new wing was being built to the main building.

Geet was unable to go home for vacations due to her duties in the orphanage had told Mom about things she wanted in the new wing. Mom had told her that Maan has become more busy since he Dar ji had started to hand over the control of hotels to him. Geet felt a bit ashamed. Both Geet and Dev had refuse to take charge of hotels saying that they had different plans. Geet wanted to do welfare work and Dev wanted to be surgeon. Next thing she heard was that Maan had taken the charge. Of course, Darji will still help him after all this hotel chain was his baby, he often said that I built it with my own hands and my blood and sweat is mixed in its foundations.

Dad had already retired giving free rein to Maan. Raj had been really young when his father died so he had to abandon his own plans to become the chairman but now that he was free, he had already toured the world with mom once and planing further trips.

Mom asked about her plans after her studies. Geet told her that she planned to join some welfare organization. After that they talked about some other things, then, Geet said to give her love to everyone and said bye.

One year later

Geet got ready for her graduation ceremony. She was not feeling nervous, in fact she was very happy. She was going back to Delhi today with her family. Other girls had planned a party after the ceremony but geet didn't want to spend a single day away from Maan. It's been two whole years since she met him or heard his voice. She knew that he was still angry at her for coming to university but she was now grown up enough to deal with his anger. She will meet him as his equal.

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