Part 5

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Few days later

Geet was lying on her bed reading some magazine, when there was a knock on the door, it was Nakul, the servant. He told her that Maan was calling her in his room and asking her to bring her books and class notes.

Geet nodded amd dismissed him. Then, she went to his room with her college bag.

He was sitting on sofa with his laptop and studying something. It must be about the new company which he was launching. Unlike other companies under Khaurana group, this company totally belonged to Maan. He had invested his whole bank account into it.Raj dad was  bit miffed about him taking such a risk  but she had seen dad smile prpudly after Maan had left.

Maan looked up at her, and said,' take out your books and tell me about syllabus, class notes, timetable and show me how far you have studied.

Geet looked pointly at him and said,' I will after you make a space for me on that sofa. Why can't you buy another sofa or chair?'

His room contained minimum furniture. There was just a huge dressing table along with a king sized bed in the middle of room and one sofa in the corner. That's it. No table, no chair nothing, and he only allowed few selected people in his room, and I was the only one among that small group who complained about the lack of furniture.

He just gave her a glare. Geet knew that his reasoning was that it was pointless as he always met his friends outside (after the scolding years ago from his dad for sheesha) and stayed in the outhouse where his gym along with his study and a home office was set. But she  loved to argue with him.

He moved to one side and Geet sat on the other side.

She handed him her math syllabus and told him,' I think ,we are at fourth chapter.'

Maan raised a brow, 'you think'

Geet started looking at her nails. 

Maan picked up her notebook and looked at the classes schedule and then looked at her notes. 'Geet, where are rest of your notes?'

Geet stared back at him defiantly, ' these are all.'

There was silence for few seconds.  Then, Maan said slowly as if trying to keep to his temper,' these are only 2 pages. And you said that you were on chapter 4.'

Geet replied,' does it really matter? I'm am going to fail anyway. I told mama that I don't want to study math but she didn't listen. I know that she has a PhD in applied maths but that doesn't mean that I've to do same.'

Maan closed his eyes and looked away from her. He breathed deeply for few minutes and then rounded on her again, 'yes, you're going to fail!  But only due to lack of interest. And if not maths then what? you aren't interested in studying anything else.'

Geet,' why do I've to study anyway? I'm rich. And its not like that female literacy rate depend on my studies.'

Maan shook his head,'do you even know how many girls out there, would like to study but their circumstances will not permit them?'

Geet perked up immediately with excitement,' That's what I've  been telling you lot. Let me join NGO work with Simran mom. I'll be able to help many such women.'

Maan closed the notebook with a loud  smack and said sarcastically,' yeah right. You can't even attend your classes and yet you want to help others.  One should always lead by example. Stop having delusions about yourself.'

Geet fumed at his words,' you've called me here to tutor or fight with me?'

Maan,'Unlike you, I've the mental capacity to do both at same time.'

Geet, 'enough! who want tuition from you anyway? Mama asked me. Otherwise, I won't step in your room.'

Maan smiled slowly and said,'then, go and inform Roshini mama.'

Geet suddenly understood everything from his wicked smile. He had staged the whole thing, so that he wouldn't have to teach her but still save face with Mama.

Geet felt angry as she knew that she wont be able to complain to mama because she won't believe her. To avenge herself, she looked around and saw the water bottle in her bag. She  grabbed it and opened the cap and threw all the water on his head.

He shrieked ''GEEEEEET'' and tried to grab her but she was already running full speed toward the room door and was out of his room and running into her room. Once there, she tried to close the door and lock it but he forced his way in.

Geet ran back and grabbed the cushions from chairs and threw it at him. He dodged them expertly. Geet was about to grab the vase but he managed to grab her arm and twist it hard. Tears came into her eyes. She  shoved him toward bed at the same time stepping on his feet hard (he wasn't wearing any shoes). He yelled and fell on the bed taking her along with him, Geet fell atop him, his hard body knocking the breath out of her and that was how Fari found them when she entered the room.

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