Part 8

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Geet was smiling when she got ready for college. She felt fully avenged; the way Simran mom had scolded Maan was like eating her the whole tub of her favourite ice cream. He would now think ten times before talking like that to her. He even had to apologize. Well, sort of.

When she reached college she was still grinning. Fari teased her about it.

Geet had told three of them when they had come over for a visit yesterday.

As she was in such a good mood she even took all her classes with Fari teasing her mercilessly.


Days passed and her mid-term date sheet was announced. Maan was still tutoring her. He was working on a government tender but still helped Geet.

Fari always teased Geet about him. In the beginning, she used to get angry but slowly she started to not mind it. It was sort of funny.

Then, Maan got her notes for missing chapters from her professor and even others started teasing her about Maan. Geet started to get used to the teasing.

Geet hadn't heard anything new about Sameera. Maan now always came home at ten and didn't go out at night. He hadn't told anyone about seeing her at club.

So, Geet was also on her best behaviour with him. She attended all her lectures, okay most of them, and practiced all the math exercises he asked her to do.

She hated other subjects like economics and refused to spent more than two hours on them for anyone.

  She had started realising that she actually liked him. Ocassionally, they still end up arguing but nothing serious. In fact, she secretely thought that they fought like her parents or his parents,well like couples.

Everyone at home noticed the changes in Geet. She was always smiling, never complaining about anything.

Dev commented about it to Maan while they were exercising in gym. He said, 'I think she is in love.'

Maan who was busy thinking about a project said,' sorry, i5 was thinking about something else. what did you say?'

Dev, 'bro, I think that Geet is in love with someone.'

Maan frowned,'why do you think that?'

Dev, 'she has the usual symptoms. She is always smiling. Sometime she is so lost in thoughts that she doesn't realise if someone call her. Just yesterday, I kept calling her for five minutes but she kept staring toward wall grinning foolishly. Also,the other day she was singing ''Pehla Nasha'' at the top of her voice in kitchen and darji heard her and guess what she didn't even realize it.'

Maan thought about the club incident. May be, she went there to meet some guy and lied to me about dropping Vickey. He asked Dev, 'you two are good friends. why don't you ask her?'

Dev, 'yeah but we are not that frank. But her friends definitely know about him. The other day, they were all teasing her about someone but then they saw me and fell silent.'

Maan, 'her friends are main problem especially that Fari. I've noticed that she has changed since she met her.'

Dev, 'come on bro. She is growing up that is what's happening.  All the girls are same. They all have crushes at this stage but I'm worried about Geet. She is very innocent and that guy might take advantage of that.'

Maan, 'don't worry. I'll keep an eye on her now. I was just so busy last few weeks that I didn't notice anything.'

Maan's cell phone rang. He checked and saw that it was Sam. He told Dev that he'll talk to him later. He waited until he was alone before receiving her call. She told him that she was going on a photo-shoot to Dubai. She will be free after three days.

Maan said that he'll join her there, They chatted for a while and she told him about the movie offer she had gotten...

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