As the melody softened and her last lyrics were spilled a large clap echoed the whole place making Jess blush even more. Some even whistle loudly as a gesture of admiration. A tight hug was initiated by Fred and that made Jess feel fuzzy and warm. They seemed so proud of her, and it was a whole new feeling, when she was younger, her mother never showed pleasant gestures towards her, and seeing the exultant cheer made her happy. She smiled shyly as she tried to enjoy the attention to herself.

They made another round of songs, and people joined the groove, took the front space, and jammed with them. Jess was enjoying herself. She was smiling from ear to ear while sharing the microphone with Abby and then with Leny. Fred made some arrangements that turned out well. She didn't realize that he was capable of such talent, she had found a new respect for Fred, that's for sure.

When the entire set was done, Fred took center stage again and thanked all the guests for coming. Another loud uproar was heard from the audience.

"I guess we did a good job?" Abby uttered as they slowly stepped down from the platform.

"It was more than a good job! You are great out there, Jess. I know you can sing but I did not expect that you would be such a gem!" Jose exclaimed.

"You guys did well too. Abby owned the piano and Leny was so good back there, commanding the stage with such a presence, even Fred and Jose did an amazing job! I guess we can be famous after all!" Jess uttered unknowingly. They laughed at her remark.

"You did well today, Fred. I guess your decision is right, the diner needs this..." Jess said.

Fred nodded without a word and smiled at her, he then moved away from them for a little while to check the customers, while they took center stage Fred hired some people to serve the guests while they performed, Jess shook her head. He has planned this thoroughly. That man was amazing.

"I will go to the back first to get some air." Jess excused herself.

When she led herself out to breathe, the chilly night greeted her solemnly. It felt refreshing! She looked up and saw the bright moonlight as it cast upon the dark earth, giving a little shade of enlightenment. She did not anticipate that the night would turn out to be unexpected. At long last, she was able to sing again. It was something she had forgotten for a very long time. As a little girl, she had already heard comments that she had a wonderful voice and she long believed that it would be something that her mother would like about her. She sings night and day to be better, she dedicated her singing to her mother hoping that she would embrace her and pat her head for a job well done. She practiced so much that it landed her a role in a play-school theater. She was so happy back then, finally, her mom would be able to see her talent, and at last, she would be proud of her.

But her hopes crashed on the day of the play for her mother never showed up. Not even her shadow, she was so jealous that all her classmates' parents were there as a slight tear masked their eyes but oozing with pride when they watched their kids take even the smaller role. She felt so alone back then, her young heart felt the pain that she began crying backstage. However, as she whined continuously, she noticed a presence looking at her. His eyes were fixated on her. Little Jess looks back and with all innocence, she asks.


The little blonde boy's eyes widened. "You look so pretty in your dress but now it is ruined because you're crying..." she remembered his little voice.

Jess suddenly clasped her hands. Her face burned. Why should her memories trail to that man's image again? She was so ecstatic about tonight and Shaun had to wreck it for her! In his ways, he can lessen her happiness.

Jess was about to condemn Shaun out loud when suddenly a man immersed behind her. She turned around and all instincts heightened, if this man had any plans to harm her then she would fight for her life till the very end.

"Who are you?" she asked bravely.

The man smirked like it was the funniest thing to ask. "I apologize if I startle you. My name is Alexander Miller." He introduced himself and extended his hand formally.

Jess hesitated but she noticed the man and realized that he was wearing a suit, the suit was a midnight blue with a thin green windowpane pattern. Single-breasted, but with peaked lapels. This unusual detail, along with handmade buttonholes and functional cuff buttons, gives the garment away as bespoke. The shirt was white, with lavender stripes running up it. The tie was deep purple, solid, and sleek. It's tied with an impeccable, effortless dimple. His pocket square was colorful and vibrant, yet tasteful. He looked unusual but for some reason, it suited him very well.

She took his hand and nodded "I am Jess, what can I do for you, Mr. Miller?" She asked.

Once again Alexander smirked and after a while, he smiled widely.

"Miss Jess, tell me. Do you want to be famous?" he uttered.

Jess watched him with bewilderment when she suddenly felt the cold wind blow her shivering nerves. She clasped her hands and with astonishment, she looked at him with curiosity. 

Rhythm of Heartbreak (COMPLETED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن