Chapter 19- Now, now. Laney knows best.

Start from the beginning

I’m excited yet scared because Chase told me that his friends can’t wait to meet me. I’m excited because that means they don’t hate me but I’m scared because that means they don’t hate me yet.

I got a pointed look from Chase at that thought.

In his hometown he was a teacher as well.  He told me that in all honesty, he likes teaching at Brightwater High a lot better than at Great Heights. He says that part of the reason is me but the rest has to do with respect that the female Were’s here have.

When I asked him what he meant he told me that at his old school, unmated AND mated female students would constantly throw themselves at him.

Seriously? Unmated I get but mated? That’s horrible.

After I voiced my thoughts on that quite hysterically he laughed and continued to tell me that even though the occasional unmated she-wolf would show interest it didn’t compare to his last school.

At my frown of people showing interest in him he told me that they never acted on it. It was more of just checking him out.

I blushed from being jealous but a smile took over my face because that’s why I love my pack. Once you see that someone is not your mate you move on. Well, except for two men that had and has it out for me and Brittany with B but she’s backed off.  Apart from that, my pack has respect for mates and that fills my heart with pride. Two bad eggs aren’t going to change that.

A frown took over my face again when he said that he only has to worry about the humans now.

That’s when he told me, well showed me rather who he truly and will only ever want. If you know what I mean.

I blush thinking back on last night but no one can see because as of now my face is buried in my arms that are on my desk.

“Miss Connor can I see you after class?” My math teacher asks me.

The same question I’ve gotten after all of my classes so far.

“Yes sir.” I manage to say in a raspy voice; sitting up straight trying to stay awake.

After class I walk up to his desk and he proceeds to ask me if I’m ok. The same as all my teachers.

No, “Detention for sleeping in my class.” or anything because they know that my behavior today is out of the norm.

I smile at his concern and apologize explaining that I just didn’t get much sleep last night.

He nods his head not quite believing me but lets me go.

I wanted to tell him the closest thing to the truth but something far from it. It’s true that I didn’t get much sleep but I don’t have to tell him why. That would be quite awkward don’t you think?

‘Oh it’s nothing sir. It’s just you’re co-worker kept me up all night ravishing my body. But it’s ok because we’re getting married. Oh it’s fine because we’re mates. Mates? Well we’re both Werewolves. Isn’t that great?’

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