Chapter 7

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I leap over a crate and moved stealthy down a narrow alleyway towards the real destination of the objective. I hid behind a crate at the end and cautiously looked around, SMGs ready. But I immediately had to duck back down as a soldier walked by. All of the civilians were ordered to stay in their houses and I can tell that they are all afraid.

"Lots of partols up and down the street." My A.I. replies. "We won't be able to get past it."

"Crap.." I mutter under my breath.

"But there's one place that we can go."

"Which is what?" I whisper.


I scanned the alley behind me, looking for a ladder or something. "Ok, but how do we get up there? There's nothing I can climb."

Alpha appears beside me with his arms crossed.

"There's a reason why Carolina gave you a grappling gun."

I look at my utility belt and see the gun.

"Oh.. right.."


After running across the rooftops, Alpha and I reached the back of the main building holding the objective.

"There's the back entrance-"

I stand up and stare at what lies before me: two guards knocked out or possibly dead and an open door leading inside the facility.

"Well, at least she's here." I ran through the doorway and followed the trail of bodies leading to a very secure hallway and the doors holding the objective. I hid behind a vending machine (wait why is there a vending machine in this building? And why is everything behind a secured door?) and tried to observe them until a voice from behind me asked,

"Alaska is that you?"

I turned around quickly and pointed my gun and the air, trying to pin point where it came from. A few moments later a figure appeared infront of my gun. Agent Texas.

"Oh it's just you." I say, lowering my gun.

"You don't sound surprised." She whispers, now hiding beside me.

"I mean if the fallen soldiers didn't give it away.."

"Fair point."

"So do you know a way through this?" I ask.

"We fight through it." She said getting her own SMGs ready.

"I have to agree with her, A. We don't have the equipment to sneak in." Alpha says in my head.

"Alright." I say, bringing out my Sniper Rifle. "On your mark?"

She nods and goes invisibile. I make sure my sniper is ready and wait for her signal.

"Ready... Mark."

I did a side roll to the middle of the hallway and propped myself up on one knee, sniper in hand. Some of the soldiers noticed me and started to scramble to form a defensive line.

"Tex, light it up."

"Roger that 'laska."

Two bright bursts appear in the room, spewing out deadly bullets. With Alpha's guidance, I pick off soldiers that Tex's bullets miss. In about 30 seconds, the hallway was cleared.

I stood up and jogged up to Tex. She nods to me and I hacked into the lock. Once it was opened we entered a storage room filled with boxes.

"So.. what exactly are we looking for?" I ask my A.I.

"A box full of Covenant A.I. stoarge units." He replies.

"Ok.. but why does the Director-"

"Alaska, over here!"

I quickly jog over to Tex who was by a box full of purple alien devices.

"I believe we have found the objective." She says.

"No kidding.."

"A, I need your help getting the comms back online. I need a computer." Alpha says in my head.

"Right.." I whispered. "If you can get these loaded up and ready to go, I'm going to try to get the comms back online."

"Copy that."

I head over to the nearest computer and helped Alpha with hacking the comms. Once we finally break through the last firewall, I contacted Carolina.

"Carolina, this is Alaska. Come in."


"Objective is secure Alaska." Tex says. "I'll call in a Pelican to pick us up."

I give her a nod and tried to reach Carolina again.

Again. Nothing.

So I tried to comm Wash.

"Wash, it's Alaska. Is everything alright?"

And he picks up right away.

"This is Wash and everything is fine besides Carolina. We're heading to the rendezvous point as we speak."

I sigh with relief. "That's good. Anyway, tell Carolina that the objective is secured. Tex and I will meet you guys back at home."

"You actually found the objective?"

"Mostly Tex but yes we did."

"At least the mission was a success after all."

"Let's just hope Carolina doesn't kill me for running off."

"Nah, I don't think she can."

Wait, is Wash saying.. "Are you saying that I could beat Carolina?"

Wash doesn't answer right away but he replies saying, "479er is here, I'll talk to you when we get home."

I sigh. "Copy that, see you."

After a Pelican came and brought Tex and I home, I never talked to Wash about what happened. I only trained. I trained to try to become the perfect soldier.

Until that one day I finally gave in and let Wash in.


"Omega Base"
Present Day

I'm so screwed right now.

Because I just walked into a city that absolutely hates me and possibly wants to kill me.

Agent Alaska: New Threat (Red vs Blue)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon