Chapter 11

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"I got your distress signals. Is something wrong?" I ask is all seriousness.

You can say I'm mad sure, but at this point I don't care. I have a mission to complete.

Wash clears his throat. "I was hoping that it would alert other Agents that we were still alive-"

"Wash, as of right now we are the only ones left." I say, remembering the information I gathered during the mission. "Activating your beacons will only bring trouble."

"How do you know?" Caroline asks, surprised.

"That's classified." I replied.

"Classified?" Carolina echoed.

"Alaska, we are your friends. You can trust us." Wash tried to reassure me.

"Trust.. now that's a strong word." I laughed.

Wait.. what's happening to me? I'm starting to sound like Locus when he was a Merc..

Oh forget it. Priority is to stop the Blues and Reds and keep the Reds and Blues safe.

"Are you ok Tiger? Because you're not acting like yourself." Wash asks concerned and moves towards me.

Not myself? Pffff. You're fault for making me think that you loved me when you really didn't.

"I'm fine Washington." I forced out as I stepped back. I can tell that he's hurt but once again:

I don't care.

"There's something you aren't telling us." Carolina crosses her arms. "This isn't like you."

Beta appears. "Hey we have a Pelican approaching."

And on cue, a Pelican does appear in the sky. But the markings on it, makes me want to puke.

It's the Blues and Reds.

"DAMMIT. Beta, active camo. Now."

I disappear in front of Wash and Carolina, leaving them worried and confused.

I run to my Sabre and take-off before the enemy can pick up my signal. I set my Sabre to revolve around a nearby moon and leaned back into my chair. Beta sadly reported during our flight that the Reds and Blues are with the enemy.

Which is not good at all.

"I suggest that you should get some sleep." Beta says.

Sleep is the last thing I have to do.


"No buts. Go to sleep." Beta orders. "You haven't had a good night's sleep in about a month and you will definitely need all your strength to break them out."

"Fine.." I groaned. I hate it when she's right. I reclined my seat backwards a bit and closed my eyes. Then sleep hit me like a train.


Blues and Reds Base
Wash's POV

"You wanted to show us, what?" I asks.

"Uh, we just gathered some relics from Project Freelancer." Temple explained. "I thought you both would appreciate the collection."

As we followed this Temple guy and I couldn't help but worry about Abby. Something happened to her during her.. trip. She's different, more soldier-like. The only time I see her like this was back at the Project during the first years of knowing her and..

When she's mad.

Wait.. is she mad?

The thought vanishes as Temple stops in front of a doorway leading to a room where there were suits of armor can be barely seen. Carolina and I walk into the room, not suspecting a thing.

"Oh, lemme get the lights."

The lights turn on to reveal several suits of armor of spartans in various poses: some aiming their weapons at something, others looking as if they were about to fight something, and a couple of them looking as if they were trying to stab something or someone.

"Recognize anyone?" Temple asks.

"Oh man, that's Agent Arizona's armor, isn't it?" I recognize his armor from when we did a training session together.

Carolina continues on. "And Maryland's. There's Alaska."

'Her old armor.' Wash silently adds but then ends up gagging because of the smell in the room, "Uh, I think you need to check your plumbing. That smell..."

"That's...not...sewage." Carolina says slowly.

I examine the room again and noticed Illinois, holding a bottle.

"I. Don't think these are just suits of armor." She continues.

I look at her, bewildered. "What? That's..."

We slowly turn to Temple. He definitely has something to do with this.

"You." Carolina growls.

"Guilty." Came his response.

"What did you do to them?"

"I killed them. I MURDERED them." Temple says. "I set my vengeance free upon them and it felt so good! But not as half as good as this feels."

I huffed. "Well, if its a fight you want––"

"Then I think we can oblige." Carolina finishes.

I draw out and aim my BR while Carolina holsters her's and sets herself into a defensive position.

Temple laughs. "I could never best you in a fight. And anyway, don't they say that revenge is a dish best served... frozen?"

Temple brings out a toyish looking radio and presses a button.

I feel my armor start to weigh me down and suddenly.. I can't move.

What did this guy do?

"My greatest fear is that you would know me Carolina." Temple goes on. "That you'd recognize my voice and the game would be up."

"Carolina. I can't..."

Carolina must of known what I was trying to say because she replied, "I can't... move either. I'm locked."

Temple sighed. "Ah, the armor lock technology was salvaged from Project Freelancer. Fate is not without irony, and the past, is not with its just dessert."

"That yarn about the UNSC, they're not really killing Freelancers." I say in realization.

"Of course not! I am!"

This guy needs some serious help..

"Why?" Carolina asks.

"Because of you did to us. For what she," He looks at Carolina, "did most of all. The record, for staying alive in this room, locked in your armor is eight days, and eleven hours. I know you've always been the most competitive of the Freelancers, Agent Carolina. So, do try to do better for me."

He turns to leave. But I call out, struggling to talk. "The Reds and Blues... will come looking ..."

"The Reds and Blues will be dead before they even miss you." He retorts. "So long, Agent Washington."

"NOOOOOO!!!!!!" Carolina screams.

Temple slowly walks out of the room leaving Carolina and I, frozen in our armor with a bunch of frozen dead bodies.

This is the worst retirement.. of all time.

Agent Alaska: New Threat (Red vs Blue)Where stories live. Discover now