Chapter 9

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UNSC Suppy Depot

"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction! That's Fig Newton bunny!" McCready lectures.

"Uh-huh." The female Transfer responded.

They continue walking through the complex while McCready continued on.

"You touch my baked beans, I put dogcrap in your pillow case. Action. Reaction. That's rule number 1."

She nodded. "Got it. Don't touch your beans."

"Rule Number 2: Every other person in this miserable place is literal garbage. Don't talk to them, don't listen to them, don't become cute friends with them!"

"Got it, no friends."

"Rule Number 3: Keep your radio on at all times!"

After he said that, Vargas comes running up some stairs to meet them.

"Hey, McCready!" He greeted him. "'s off."

"I'm busy." McCready replied.

"Something tripped the motion sensor, one floor down. Command wants you to take a look." He says.

"Freaken I look like a goshdamn exterminator? Vargas, show this bunny around." He orders and walks off to do what Command told him to do.

Vargas turns to the new Transfer. "He's, uh, always like that."

In the distance, they hear McCready cursing about something.

Vargas sighs. "All bite, no bark. So, first deployment?"

"Mmhmm." She responded.

Vargas and the new soldier walk down some stairs.

"Well, if you signed up looking for action, you won't be finding it here." Vargas explained. "We're a long way from Chorus."

She replied, amused. "No, I don't want to fight anyone."

"Ain't that the whole deal?"

"Tuition!" She exclaimed. "When I get out I'll have a full ride to the college of my choice. I'm going to be a botanist."

Vargas smiled. "Botanist, huh? Well, I've never much trusted robots myself, but that's just because I grew up in the South. Out here, your main enemy is boredom...boredom and a CO who really loves putting dogcrap in pillow cases."

"Oh, I anticipated the boredom. That's why I brought along some books on tape."

"Books on tape?" Vargas says confused. "What's the appeal of that? Don't the pages get stuck together?"

Suddenly huge explosions erupted from the platform that they were standing on. Three-fourths of the base burst into flames.

Those responsible for the bomb, the Blues and Reds, killed off any survivors. Once they were mostly gone, a Pelican came and landed on a main platform. The Sim Troopers stood in formation while they watched the Pelican's back door opened, revealing another Sim Trooper, his armor, cobalt.

I watch in regret as they kill another survivor and start searching around for parts.

"Zander you seeing this?" I asks over a private comm.

"Yep. They are after parts again." Came her partner's response.

"That's the 5th time in the past three weeks, which means they are building something."

"But what are they building?" Zander asks.

I sniper into it's holster on her back and pulls out my SMGs. "Only one way to find out."

"Are you actually going to follow them around?"

"What better idea do you have in mind as of right now?" I retorts quietly as I silently jumps down and starts following the Blue sim trooper that looks like Caboose.

"Good point. Good luck Alaska. Zander out."

The comm goes dead and I smiles slightly. "Thanks. Won't need it."


"Beta.. what are they grabbing?"

I was hidden up on a ledge inside the Main Control Room. Below me was "Caboose" was taking apart a control panel and only putting certain parts in a box.

My grip around my SMGs tighten but Beta appears on a little screen on my hud and shook her head. I sigh as I watch the Blue Trooper walk out of the room with his newly required parts. 

"Coast is clear." Beta reported.

I silently jumped down from my hiding spot and quickly followed "Caboose" back to the Pelican where the rest of his team was at. I teleported to the top of a building where I laid low on my stomach and used my sniper to watch the Blues and Reds.

"You got everything you need Loco?" The Group leader asked.

"YES. I got all that I need from here. AND another things that I didn't know were here."

"So I'm guessing we chose a good base this time Temple?" The trooper that looked like Sarge asked.

"In that we did, Surge." Temple says, sounding like a poet. "This means that we are one step closer to striking down the people who sold us into slavery: the UNSC."

"You heard that?" I whispered.

"Yes.. looks like the info was right when it said that the are against the UNSC." Beta says. "And now we know a few names."

"Yep." I reply, adjusting my sniper's zoom on the group.

"Gene, how's the fake message?" Temple asks the maroon trooper.

Fake message?

"The President of Chorus picked up the message and will hopefully send it to the Reds and Blues soon."

"Excellent." Temple says. "Now let's get a move on. We don't want to fall behind schedule."

They all piled into the Pelican with what they came for and took off into space. I got up to one knee and commed Locus, "I need a ride to my ship."

"On our way."

"Abby you have to heard this." Beta says urgently.

"What is it?"

"It's the fake message."

"Play it."

"Are you sure because-"

"Beta, play it. I need to know what they sent out."

"Ok.. sending it to your datapad."

I lifted my wrist and a hologram popped up.

Of Church.

"No.." I whispered.

The hologram started to speak. "This is Church *Static* Alpha *Static* if you're getting this, it's an emergency *Static* send help.. please. Send. Help. *Static*"

The hologram disappears and I'm left with a problem:

If the Reds and Blues get this fake message, they are going to believe it and do everything they can to find "Church".

"Boys, we have a new mission." I commed as I see Locus's ship approaching. "We have to go to Chorus."

Agent Alaska: New Threat (Red vs Blue)Where stories live. Discover now