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A lone red soldier watches as the ship full of Reds, Blues, and reporters takes off into space. His armor looks a lot like Sarge but instead of a trusty shotgun, he holds a Rail Gun.. much like the one Locus had.

Once the ship was out of site, he quickly calls someone on his comm. "Surge to HQ. Surge to HQ."

"HQ here, status."

"Sensors pulled through. It's them alright." Surge replied. "Tangos to Oscar Mike."

He had been watching them from afar.. seeing their every move. He knows that they are tracing the fake SOS signal that Loco made and it was working like a charm.

"Copy. Get back here on the double. I wouldn't want you missing out on the party. Temple out."

The red signs off and walks back to ship to prepares for take-off.

On another planet, Temple looked around the canyon and smiled.

He was going to finally get his revenge on the UNSC.. no matter the cost.


"This isn't good." A white, gray, and green soldier mutters, leaning on the table in a makeshift War Room. "They are taking the bait."

"Well sir, the Reds and Blues have been through a lot of crazy things. I'm sure they can handle the Blues and Reds." A male's voice said over a comm.

The white soldier sighed and looked at his partner. "What do you think?"

She pushed off the wall she was leaning on and walked up to the table.

"As long as they have each other, the Blues and Reds don't stand a chance."

Welcome guys to the 3rd book of the Agent Alaska series!! I can't believe that I'm already on my 3rd book and it's only been like 3-4 months since I began writing the series. Thank you all for your support!!

If you haven't read the previous books, I recommend that you do or else you may get confused.

1st book- Agent Alaska: Sorry
2nd book- Agent Alaska: Ghost

So I hope you guys enjoy this book and I'll see you later :)

~ Spartan Abby

Agent Alaska: New Threat (Red vs Blue)Where stories live. Discover now