Chapter 5

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Journal Entry 309

After about two hours, I finished working on Freckles and showed him to Caboose, who was thrilled to see Freckles in his new body. His face was priceless. He looked like a child on Christmas morning, so happy and over-joyed.

Now here I am, standing first watch on top of Blue Base. Well, technically sitting, watching the stars and writing this entry.

Honestly, I have no idea how the Reds and Blues take it when they find my note. They may say I'm a traitor, deserter, or worst girlfriend ever of all time! Ok, maybe I'm overreacting but I've kinda been running things around here and if I leave, hell is going to break loose.

But then I have to consider the stake of the Universe. If these Blues and Reds really want to destroy the UNSC, then that's something bigger than having to control the chaos here.

I hate having to do this to them, but as a soldier and hero: saving people is what I do and nothing can change that.

I put away my journal and took out the note I pre-written for Wash. I know who is on watch next, and he's not going to like reading this.

Beta appears to me and brings me the news. "A, it's time."

I left the note on top of the weapon cleaning table, half under a box of ammo, and went into the base. I take off my helmet and stopped in front of the door of the next person on watch. With a bit of hesitation, I knock on the door and it opened to reveal Wash, already in his armor and helmet in hand.

"Guess your here to tell me it's my shift now?" He smirks.

"You know me too well." I joked. He laughs and picks up his BR. "Go get some rest Tiger. You need it." He only takes one step out of his room before I grabbed him by his chest piece, pulled him down to my height, and kissed him. He immediately kisses back, slipping his hand around my waist. We slowly break the the kiss and Wash smirks, "Looks like the Tiger is being feisty now, isn't she?"

I roll my eyes. "Can't a girl kiss her man?" Ha, more like 'Can't a girl kiss her man for the last time before she goes off on a dangerous mission that could get her killed.'

"In that case.." He captures me in another kiss, putting his BR and puts both hands on my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. After a short make-out session, I pull back and tell him. "You better get going in case Sarge decides to do something crazy."

"Just a few more minutes.."

"Can you two keep it down out there? Some of us are trying to sleep!" Tucker yelled from his room.

"Well there's your answer." I say.

"Yea I heard it." He lets me go and picks up his belongings. "Go get some rest Tiger. I'll see you in the morning."

He walks away, leaving me to grab my sniper and other necessities and teleport away to my cave.


Third Person POV

Wash circled around the top of Blue Base, BR in hand. His senses were on high alert for danger. In the distance, he saw a soldier standing guard on top of Red Base. It was too dark to see who it was, but he could faintly see the soldier holding a shotgun which means it's most likely to be Sarge.

"This is kind of pointless.." The former freelancer muttered. He quickly studied his gun. 'Could use some cleaning.' He thought. He sets his gun down on the table and reaches for a cloth, only to find a piece of paper.

'Odd.. what's this?' He picks up the paper to reveal it was note written by his lover.

"Oh no..."


Alaska quickly recovered from her jump to her cave and went straight to work, packing all her weapons and supplies into the Lone Wolf.

"Beta, run a quick scan of the ship. Make sure that everything is in working order." She ordered her A.I.

"On it boss." Beta replied.


Wash carefully read the note, still shocked.

Dear David,

I'm sorry that you have to read this love, but I have to leave you guys for a while.


"Ship's all good and ready." Beta reported.

Alaska smiled. "Perfect."

She quickly slips on her helmet and climbs up the ladder and hops into the pilot's seat.


Now it's not because I'm tired of being around the Reds and Blues or having to deal with every problem that comes up. It's something.. bigger.


Alaska started up the engines and leaned back in her chair, realizing: She was actually leaving.

She sighs while Beta tapped into the ship's systems. She has no idea what the crew or even Wash will think or what she is getting herself into but she knows that strangely enough: it's the right thing to do.


An old friend of mine asked me for help. I can't tell you who or what it is because I was also asked not to, but I can tell you that it's really important and I have to leave.


As the Lone Wolf rolls out of the cave, Beta turns the ship invisible and sets the coordinates in the navigation system.

"Everything is all set and ready for take-off." The A.I. reported. The ship started to pick up speed as it continues down the valley.


I promise I'll be back soon. The crew needs me and I need them. And most importantly..

I need you.


"Alright. Let's go meet up with some former Merc friends." Alaska skillfully got the Sabre into the air.

She looks out the window and sees the makeshift bases of the Reds and Blues.

'No turning back.' She thought and guided her ship towards space.


I love you David. And if there was another way that I could stay with you, I would.

Please take care of them and make sure that nothing bad happens to them.

Love, Abby <3

Wash looks up and sees a faint shimmer in the sky, just about to break through the atmosphere. He knows for certain what it was and who is flying it.

He sighs, knowing that he can't do anything to stop her.

"Stay safe Tiger and come back home soon."

Agent Alaska: New Threat (Red vs Blue)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon