H.P- Part 2.

Depuis le début

I immediatly closed my eyes, afraid of what I'm going to see next.

"NO! WATCH MIKAYLA!" daddy yelled at me, making me jump in my place.

"Noooo!" Mommy yelled. I didn't know what to do anymore. Should i look? Shouldn't I look?

"Micky, if you dont want this to happen to you.. You watch," daddy threatened.

I closed my eyes and the next thing I heard was the ear piercing screams that came from mommy. And then moans followed after. Father started groaning and then i heard the springs of the bed jump up and down.

"Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" I screamed an ear piercing scream as i covered my ears and shot my eyes closed running straight out of the room into my own.

Daddy did this to mommy, he did it. He hurts her. She doesn't deserve this. She doesn't deserve this. She doesn't deserve this. She. doesn't deserve. this!

"Wake up!" I heard a masculine and dominate voice shout from next to me, shaking my fragile frame as he did so.

I took a glance from beside me and noticed that same main man from earlier laying in the same bed as me. My head was rested under his bare arm. He was fucking shirtless! And we were in the same bed! At least i wasn't naked.

"Are you okay love?" He asked.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled and his eyebrows raised at my sudden tone.

I quickly got out of the bed and stood at the foot of it before he answered me, "Sleeping?"

"Sleeping? We were in one bed and i don't even know you! And to top it off, YOU'RE SHIRTLESS!"

"This is my bed," he said curtly.

I stole a quick glance at the alarm and noticed the time, '3:12 am' , so maybe he was sleeping. And it was his bed, but that didnt do him anh justice.

"How did I get here?" I asked looking at my surroundings. He was in a king sized bed with carpet flooring and very grand decorations. Things i couldn't afford by the slightest. Basically, it was magnificent.

"You fell asleep in the car, so i brought you to my room, layed you down. And from there i finished off some business, when i came back, you were still sound asleep. So i climbed in thinking that i most definitely won't sleep on the floor of my own house," he explained and i listened intensively all the while glaring daggers at him.

"So you think its okay to just climb into bed with a strange woman?"

"You're not strange. And remember who you're talking to, okay?" He demanded. I guess he got irritated at my tone, so what? They're all the same. All the men are. Selfish, ignorant, insensitive, arrogant assholes.

"And who am i talking to anyway? I don't know you!"

"Dwayne Marcano," he held out his hand for me to shake with a smile plastered across his face as he stared down at me. He had quickly made his way to me, without me even realising it.

I didn't shake his hand.

Instead, i took in his body, his well defined abs and that V line that lead to heaven...

His Possession✔ Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant