My Brothers Bestfriend 48

Start from the beginning

------CALEBS P.O.V!------

I drove us home as Kasey slept, her head leaning against the cold window. I sped up so that she wouldn't have to be uncomfortable for long. Sighing, I turned down Shontelle that was playing out from the radio; Kasey was asleep now anyway, she shouldn't mind. Finally reaching home, well, Kasey's home, I shut off the engine and jumped out, coming around to Kace's side of the car. I picked her up in my arms and stayed still while she murmured quietly to herself and repositioned. Finally she was comfortable enough and I shut her door quietly before locking the car.

Once she was upstairs in bed, I decided it wasn't right for her to sleep without food; she hadn't eaten ANYTHING since this morning! And so I let her rest a while why I went downstairs and poked around in the cupboards, fridge and what-not. I decided on making just a simple eggs, bacon, toast and tomato dinner with orange juice. Yum. I better make enough for two, I think...

As I sizzled the bacon and the eggs fried, I put four pieces of toast in their huge toaster - benefits of being rich, I guess - and then reasoned I may as well cook the tomatoes now, too, and so I chucked them into the frying pan as well, and then plunked myself down on the kitchen bench, yawning in tiredness. So in the order it comes - eat and then sleep. Then maybe eat some more in the morning. Sounds good to me!

Finally when everything was done, I dished it out equally on to two plates and set the table. If I thought about me doing this, doing ANYTHING I've been doing, a month ago, I would laugh and say, 'Yeah right! I'll be banging chicks, dude!' And now that I've changed, I can realize that and just laugh. Man I was a fucking idiot! I should have just told Kace about my feelings for her years ago, when they developed, or even started. But I guess I was pretty young... Eleven years old. I mean I always loved Kasey, but I discovered my liking for her at eleven was more then I though, more then a brotherly sisterly relationship that I use to have with her.

I ran up the stairs two at a time, wanting to waste no time, not wanting the food to go cold, and rushed quietly into Kasey's room. I hope she isn't pissed off that I'm going to wake her up at - I looked at the time; what's the time now? - Oh, I hope she's not mad because it's now 1:37am. Huh, I thought I'd sped... But I guess that's not that bad, considering I had to get us home and Kasey in bed, and then the food cooked and prepared. Yeah, not bad at all; in under an hour!

"Kace..." I shook her gently, calling her name softly. She was lying on her stomach and her face was buried in her pillow. After about a minute she finally stirred. "Caleb?" She asked with her voice husky from the sleep. Man, her voice is sexy when she just wakes up! What am I saying, her voice is ALWAYS sexy! "Is everything - Oh no!" She quickly sat up, looking at the clock. "Is Stefanie okay? What happened?" Her eyes we wide, sleep gone and she was kneeling on her knees. Damn, not the thoughts to be having Caleb! Cut it out, dude! - I told myself.

"Kace! Everything's fine! All is good, calm down! I only woke you up at this time because I think you need to eat, you can't really sleep on an empty stomach... I just cooked up some eggs and bacon, common." I told her as I took her hand, and she sighed in relief. "Thanks Caleb, a lot. For everything, you know?" She said quietly, smiling up at me as we walked down stairs together. "Of course, it's fine." I smiled back, and then her eyes opened in shock as she saw all the food. "Wow. Do I look like I eat that much?" She asked me seriously and I laughed. "No, but -" I was interrupted by her stomach growling, and I laughed as her cheeks flamed red. "But..." I emphasized as we sat down next to each other. "I know you must be hungry, what with not eating all day. And now I have proof." She rolled her eyes as she dug in. "I guess you ARE right." She laughed with me now, and then it was silent as we both stuffed our faces.

Suddenly my phone vibrated and I pulled it out of my pocket to read my one new message... "It's from Jake." I told a curious Kace as I opened it and read it. Immediately I felt thankfulness; relief. "He said that your family lawyers or some rubbish contacted him and told him that Moei and his accomplices are getting sent to jail... But they aren't sure for how long yet. There's going to be a court case next month on the first." She sighed in relief and she grabbed my hand and squeezed it, continuing to eat. I text Jake back, "Thank fuck! See you tomorrow, mate." before I continued with my food as well.

It was silent for a while until Kace spoke. "You know..." She took a break before even starting to shove some egg in her mouth. I laughed as she continued. "There's only..." She quickly used her fingers to work something out, counting by the looks of it. "About, seven weeks left of school, at the most. And then you graduate." She told me, and I couldn't help the sadness in my voice as I said, "I know." I could see the curiosity on her face as she asked, "Why are you sad?" I sighed before turning in my chair and deserting my food; I was getting full anyway. "It's just that... I don't want to go to college, but at the same time, I do... I want to go and play football like I planned, but I don't want to leave you alone, I want to be with you, live with you, wait for you until you graduate and then we can both go to school together, if that's what you wanted to do... And even if it's not, I though we could get an apartment together, near the college, and just see where life takes us." I shrugged my shoulders as she nodded her head thoughtfully. "I mean, at least I'd still be near college, and still be with you. Well, that's if you even want to move out of this house, maybe you don't want to get away... But that's just what I've been wondering, you know?" She nodded her head as she said, "Don't worry; I DO want to get away... But you can't really put college off... For a whole year..." She said sadly, and this time I nodded my head. "We'll just have to see how we go, huh?" She smiled and said, "As long as I'm with you, I don't care." She admitted, and I felt my heart miss a beat. "I love you." I told her, and she laughed as she said, "I love you, also."

We turned back to our food after sharing a small kiss, and then I bumped into her shoulder as she went to put bacon in her mouth, causing it all to fall over her lap. "Good on you!" She jokingly glared... I hope it was jokingly. I laughed before wiggling my eyebrows at her, moving my hand to her lap to take off the bacon.

------KASEY'S P.O.V!------

He wiggled his eyebrows at me before he purposely brought his hands to my lap SLOWLY. The bacon was resting in between my top thighs, and as his hand roamed it, I let out a moan. Just like that, I was in the mood. I didn't wait for him to finish his teasing as I turned my body, the bacon dropping to the floor, and grabbed his face, bringing his lips to my eager ones. We went into a passionate kiss full of spark, his tongue entering my mouth straight away, no permission needed.

Suddenly he stood, picking me up and carrying me over to the stairs and up, all without breaking the kiss. Soon enough we ran out of breath, and he lowered his lips just below my ear, biting and sucking until we were both air-ready again. He brought his lips down to mine roughly, and man did it feel good. He slammed the door behind us after taking me into my room... Damn his love is addictive!

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