My Brothers Bestfriend 47

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------JOSH'S P.O.V!------

I felt beyond awkward as I continued to sit on the toilet seat lid. What am I suppose to do? There's no way that I'm gonna admit my feelings, I mean, I don't even know what my feelings ARE! I've never felt like this, just, so... Bound to someone. I'm not sure whether I like it, or I don't. I like sex, a lot. And for me to not even so much as look at a girl like the sex-craved boy I use to be, freaks me out a little bit. I haven't thought about any other girl like that for a few weeks now, but how I feel about her? That's a completely different thing. And how I feel about my new fondness of Dayna? Well... Mostly, I'm scared.

I chanced a glance at Dayna and saw she was sitting on the bench with her head in her hands. Was I that bad? I suddenly felt self-conscious. How can one girl's opinion of me affect me so much? Especially when all the girls at school practically fall at my feet! I just don't get it, I truly don't. I sighed as I also put my head in my hands.

------DAYNA'S P.O.V!------

'SHIT FUCKER SHIT FUCKER SHIT FUCKER!' Was all that was running through my mind at the moment. Until I realized something suddenly; Jake said, 'Until you both', or something like that. Both... BOTH? Wait, does that mean that Josh like- "OI! HURRY UP GUYS! If yous don't, as I said, you'll both be SLEEPING in there!" Jacob called through the door to us, interrupting my thoughts. So anyway, he lik- "Hellooo0oo0o00o?" Jake interrupted again, being an idiot. He's really pissing me off. So if he said both, that means that Josh definite- "DAYNA, JOSH! Common dud-" I suddenly burst out in anger and frustration.

I jumped down from my place on the bench as I yelled out, "FOR FUCKS SAKE! OKAY, I LIKE HIM! NOW WOULD YOU SHUT UP ALREADY? I'M TRYING TO THINK HERE! FUCK!" I got back up onto the bench and sighed in annoyance, and then that's when I realized what I had just done. I slowly looked up, my cheeks scorching with red, and looked at Joshua. He was looking over at me with shock and, uh... I'm not really good at reading people, but I did see that the shock was definitely there.

------JOSH'S P.O.V!------

What just happened? Did Dayna just, gulp, admit her feelings for me? Wait, I didn't even know she HAD feelings! I didn't even know she, in a sense, knew who I was?! She's just staring in disbelief, what the fuck do I say back to that? I'm not cheesy, and I can't just outright say I like her too, how embarrassing!

Suddenly my body was moving without my command, or consent, and was heading towards where Dayna sat, frozen in shock with what I'm guessing was realization and maybe even embarrassment? I somehow couldn't suppress the lust that came over me, and I couldn't help but walk right over to her, grabbing her face gently and wasting no time whatsoever as I pushed my lips to hers. She was more shocked then before at first, until she, about ten seconds later, kissed me back, running her hands through my hair. It was a soft, gentle kiss, and her beautiful, plump lips had me moaning as I ran my tongue along them both.

'BANG!' The door burst open and I broke apart from Dayna and her me as we both looked over towards the door. I saw in the corner of my left eye that Dayna had raised her right hand to her lips, feeling them. I smirked a little, but then groaned as it turned into a grimace, knowing the face that Jake was wearing. "Well, it looks like my mission is COMPLETE! Duh, nah nuh nah," He hummed mission impossible as he walked away, smirk still in place. I sighed as I looked back at Dayna, who was now smiling slyly at me. I grinned at her as I pecked her; once, twice, third time. I couldn't help but enjoy the sensations she gave my body.

I grabbed her hand gently and told her to, 'Come.' She nodded her head like she had a choice and jumped down from the bench, trailing after me. We walked back through the door Jake had left open in his reenact of mission impossible, and as we did I kept her right hand firmly in my left one.

------KASEY'S P.O.V!------

I laughed as Jake recalled mine and his bestfriends both kissing. It's like all our friends are together! I laughed again to myself, and decided to voice my thoughts as they all looked at me weirdly, even Stef made the effort of taking her head off my shoulder. "Oh. I was, just thinking, you know... About the fact that all our friends are weirdly together now..." I explained uncomfortably under all their gazes, Dayna and Josh's too, since they just entered the room, holding hands.

"Naaaaaw!" I cooed as I looked at their hands, and Stef joined after agreeing with me about all of us being together. The boys looked over at them and Caleb went and slapped Josh's hand, and spun Dayna around. "Welcome to the world of love! Trust me, in time; you'll do anything for each other!" He looked at me as he said this and smiled his most beautiful, mesmerizing smile. I blushed, and then looked down as he winked. There were, 'Naw's, and 'How cute!'s, and in Jake's case, fake gagging.

I didn't realize that Stef had fallen asleep until I had looked at her whilst looking down, an excuse so as to have something to look at. I smiled at the scene and then kissed her forehead. "I love you biffle." I whispered before I lye us both back. And soon enough I fell asleep with her, blocking out the laughter and everything else of the others.

------STEF'S P.O.V!------

I woke up to Jake shaking me gently, and I quickly sat up. "What happened?" I asked worriedly, and he only chuckled slightly, and as I looked around I realized. "Oh." The others were laughing a little too, as was a new, throaty chuckle I'd never heard before. I looked over towards the door to see a doctor, maybe in his thirties? I smiled a small smile as he smiled at me. "Uh, what's up?" I asked, and his face immediately fell. That was something I should have taken into account, but I ignored it.

"Well Ms. Elliot, are your parents about? We have your results back, and I'm not sure if you'd like to ring them, or if you'd like some privacy?" He asked me unsurely as he looked around the room. I followed his gaze around to all my friends scattered about in the room; Jake sitting in the chair beside me, his left hand resting on my thigh, Josh sitting on the end of the bed, Dayna leaning against him, Caleb sprawled out in two long chairs, and finally, Kasey, asleep next to me.

"My parents' wont mind and anything you tell me can be told to this lot..." I inclined my head around the room, and then continued. "But just let me wake up Kay." He nodded understandingly as I gently shook Kasey, and a minute later, she finally stirred. "Hm?" She asked me tiredly, and I laughed. I guess that's why they laughed at me. "Uh, the doctor has my results back." I told her as she sat up, and then she took my left hand whilst Jake had my right. "Oka-" But she was cut short by Jake. "I'm sure it's nothing too bad." He gave my hand a little squeeze, and immediately Kasey snapped at him. "Oi! Dickhead! That's my line, you ass!" She cussed at him, and he only rolled his eyes. "She's my girlfriend!" "Yeah well she was my bestfriend first!" Kay retorted back, and we all laughed at them. "Guys, calm down! Sorry, Doc. So, what's the uh, situation?" I turned the attention back to the amused doctor standing now just before me.

Again his face fell, and again this should have struck me as not normal, that bad news was coming... But it didn't. "Stefanie, the knife pierced you just a centimeter away from any main organs -" And that's when I lost him. I didn't understand anything of what he was droning on about, and even when I tried to understand him, it only made me more confused. I felt rude, but interrupting him every other moment and asking him to explain to me would seem even ruder, wouldn't it? And then he said the last bit, that bad news that I should have been prepared for, that I should have known was coming.

"...And the damage was done; now we're not sure if you'll be able to have... Children in the future." My heart dropped and my eyes widened.

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