My Brothers Bestfriend 17

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Caleb sets the table with knives and forks and glasses while I help with taking out the maple syrup, ice cream, Nutella and the jug of juice.

Jacob fills the three plates up with pancakes before slamming himself down in his chair and groaning. I laugh at him but immediately try to stop when he glares at me.

"I am seriously never ever drinking again," Jacob insists, his face displaying how tired he is from lack of sleep.

"You mean you aren't drinking for another few days?" I ask sarcastically.

He winces and I try not to laugh. "What's happening in another few days?"

"That's usually how long it takes you to recover, and then another party will be announced and you'll get wasted," I shove a spoonful of Nutella into my mouth. "And then you'll have a hangover and you'll bitch to us that you're 'never drinking again'," I mock him.

Caleb laughs loudly and I smirk at him.

"Not gonna happen!" Jacob says as he points his fork from me to Caleb. "I can assure you retards that as of today, I'm giving up the grog,"

I raise my eyebrow at Caleb and he shakes his head slowly, making me giggle.

Jacob's P.O.V

Caleb thinks I'm an idiot; does he honestly believe I can't see the way his eyes brighten every time he looks at her? Because I can. He's my best mate, he should know I'm observant. He should know I'd figure it out.

My best mate. My best mate who's in love with my little sister. What the hell do I do about it? God am I angry, I've been warning him off of her since we were toddlers. He can never fucking listen.

I know as much as the next person how hard it is to try to prevent having feelings for somebody, but damn, my little sister!

I groan and run my hands through my hair. It's too fucking early to deal with their indiscreet flirting. I'm hungover as fuck and my bed is calling me.

Caleb's P.O.V

Jacob makes his way up the stairs as Kasey takes on clean up duty. I watch as she stupidly lets the dishes fall into the sink and she gets splashed. She groans and I chuckle.

I take my chance and make my way over to her silently while she's distracted by trying to clean the wet patch on her top. She doesn't realise I've moved and I chuckle as I snake my arms around her small waist.

"Caleb!" She squeaks, turning in my arms. She narrows her eyes as she tries to get out of my grip, feigning anger. I can see the amusement in her eyes. "Let me go," She breathes.

"Nah," I smirk. I can't help but stare into her eyes. They're such a beautiful green. I smile down at her. "You are gorgeous,"

She beams up at me as though I'm something from her dreams. If anything, I am the winner in this scenario because she is the one who is so prize worthy. I just can't see how she can even give me the time of day, she is too precious for me.

I brush my lips against hers softly and a shiver runs through me. I take both of her hands in one of mine and deepen the kiss, running my hand down her body to grip her waist. I squeeze her slightly and she sighs into the kiss.

Kasey's P.O.V

My body heats as Caleb continues kissing me. I'm immensely turned on as I struggle to make him release my hands. Eventually he lets them go and I bring them up to run them through his hair.

I don't think it's actually hit me yet that I'm making out with Caleb. Caleb! It's mostly that he's my brother's best friend that is playing on my mind, but part of it is also the fact that he's a massive player.

Not to mention that I've never kissed anybody like I've been kissing Caleb lately. Sure I've made out with boys before, but none of them ever kissed me the way Caleb is doing right now. And none of them ever made me feel the way Caleb does.

My brain switches off when he pushes me against the sink and nips my tongue playfully. I moan into his mouth and he groans in response.

Eventually I pull away for air, breathing embarrassingly fast. He just stares down at me, a wide smile on his face and I can't help but blush. I rarely see Caleb smile, he's usually up to mischief with that damn smirk of his that I love so much. I love his smile.

I rest my head against his chest and wrap my arms around his neck, pushing myself against him and forcing him into a hug. Hugs speak volumes that words and kisses sometimes can't. When he in turn encircles me and pulls me closer, I know he understands.

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