He stopped dancing and stepped a step away from me, holding onto my hands, looking into my eyes, and saying the sweetest things.

"Y/N, you make me feel like a new man. Ever since I met you, I've looked at things differently. When I first met you, I fell immediately. I never thought, however, that you would fall for me, too. Y/N, you light up my world like no one else ever did and I guess what In trying to say is, I love you. So very, very much. I want a future with you, Y/N." He let go of my hands and got down on one knee. While he was digging in his pocket, I felt myself get lightheaded. I squealed mentally when he looked back at me with a ring in his finger. "Y/N, will you make me the luckiest man in the world and marry me?"

"Yes! Yes of course!" I started crying tears of joy and he slid the ring onto my finger. He stood up and we kissed as the song "Perfect" continued to play.

We kissed for a long time before we took and break and I admired my diamond ring. "This is amazing Travis...I'm so happy." I smile.

He looked at me. "Y/N, you're going to tell Katelyn, right? And everyone else in the neighborhood?" He asked.

"Oh, Travis. I thought we were starting over. We don't need them in our new life, they'll only try and tear us apart." I explain.

"Y/N, they have a right to know. Besides, they can't tear us apart even if they tried." He said. "I'm just saying, maybe we should go to Phoenix Drop for the weekend, visit our old friends, tell them the great news, and if they don't accept it, we'll come back here and truly start over. I know that, deep down inside you really want to see your sister again."

I sighed. "You're right, I do want her in my life. But if we stay in Phoenix Drop, I don't want her controlling me like she used to."

"We'll get our own house." He reasoned.

"Fine, let's go."

~2 days later~

We drove along the familiar streets in Phoenix Drop and I watch as the houses pass by. "So what's the plan?" I asked.

"I've already told you. I shot a text to Aphmau saying we were coming into town so we're all going to meet at her house. We'll say we have something very important to say, show our rings, and if they disagree, we leave. If they agree, we stay and make up with everyone." He said.

"Are you sure it'll work?"

"I mean, nobody hates you and if they see how much you don't hate me, maybe they'll stop hating me, too." He stops the car in front of the purple two story house and I look at it. Through the window I could see Aphmau, Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn, and Nicole talking with drinks in their hands. "You ready?" Travis asked after he opened the passenger door. I didn't even see him come out. I just nodded at him and he held onto my hand as we walked to the front door.

Travis rang the doorbell and I heard the house fall silent. I scooted closer to Travis, afraid of their reactions. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt safe again.

The door was opened by a short girl with dark hair, a purple tank top and jeans, and flowers in her hand. She saw Travis and hugged him immediately. Travis hugged her back and Katelyn appeared behind Aphmau.

I awkwardly looked away, considering that the last time we talked we weren't on the greatest terms. Aphmau's arms wrapped around me next and I hugged back. "Hey, Aph."

"I was so worried about you...I haven't seen you for two months." Aphmau said and hugged tighter. We pulled apart and she led us into the house.

We both got hugs from everyone, well, except Katelyn. She seemed to have disappeared and I had no clue where or why. We chatted with everyone and Travis asked me if I was ready to tell everyone.

"I want to find Katelyn first.. She's the main reason I came after all." I told him.

He nodded and I went to search for her. I walked upstairs and knocked on the closed doors. I went to knock on the bathroom door, but I heard crying. I sighed. "Katelyn? Is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me." She said, trying not to cry while saying it.

"Can I come in?" I asked as I leaned against the door.

There was a silent pause between us. The door soon opened and Katelyn stood on the other side of it, her cheeks stained from crying. I hugged her and she hugged back.

"I missed you, Katelyn."

"I missed you, too. I was going to just hug you when I first saw you, but when I did see you, I remembered why you left and I regretted everything." She said into my shoulder.

"I'll be honest, I wasn't going to come home. I was pretty upset at everyone here. But, Travis brought up a good point. He said everyone here deserved to know."

"Know what?" She gasped. "Are you pregnant?!"

"No, no. It's two steps before that." She tilted her head in confusion and I showed her the ring Travis gave me. "We're engaged."

Her jaw dropped as she looked at my new ring. She gently grabbed my hand as she took a closer look at my ring. "Y/N, I don't know what to say about this..."

"Say the truth; whether you're happy for me or not I need to know so we can decide how we're going to live our life.

"Of course I'm happy for you! What and of sister would I be if I wasn't happy? But I'm also concerned...Are you sure you're ready for this type of commitment with him?" She said as she took her eyes from my ring to my eyes.

"Of course I'm sure. He loves me, he takes care of me, and he accepts me for who I am. He's better than any other guy I've dated and I'm ready to start a new, happy life with him. I want you in my new life, but I only want you in it if you don't try to tear apart."

"I don't want to tear you guys apart I just.." She cut herself off and looked at my ring. "Who else have you told?"

"I only told you. I wanted you to know first or at least when everyone else did." We smiled at each other.

"Well, go. Share your news with everyone. I'll come along too, if you don't mind." Katelyn said.

I nodded my head and we rushed downstairs. Travis saw me and I nodded at him. "Alright everyone, Y/N and I have some big news to tell you guys."

Travis and I stood next to each other and I raised my left hand, showing off my ring to everyone. "We're engaged." I smiled.

"And, we're moving back into town." Travis added on.

Everyone cheered and Travis and I kissed. It was wonderful. "Maybe it was a good idea coming back." I told him and we laughed.

~Three Months Later~

"I do." I said, holding my bouquet of flowers proudly.

"You may now, kiss the bride."

Travis dipped me and kissed me with passion, and I kissed back. He was amazing. Don't forget an amazing kisser.

But yeah, that's my story. Somebody might call it "True Love" but whenever I hear that title I'm like, "Eh... Maybe..."

The End

True Love? Maybe... A Travis X Reader Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now