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Lily's Pov

"Elise! Come here! I need to get you dressed!" I said to my 2 year old daughter. "Donavan come here we need to get you dressed too!" Ashton said to my 2 year old son.

You're probally wondering why do we have two kids. Well I ended up having twins. They aren't identical (thank god) but they still looks very similar. Also thank god they both look like me and nothing like Chad. They also have some of my personality traits the rest Chad.

"No! Mama! No!" Elise said.

No is Elise's favorite word right now. Her first word ended up being Dada, as usual. Ashton was a father figure to the kids and i'm prefectly fine with that, because their father is a syco.

"Yes Elise, I need to get you into this dress! Don't tell your mama no!" I said sternly to her.

She walked over to me and sat in my lap. "Mkay." She said.

"Babe can you hand me his converse shoes?" Ashton asked me. "Well wouldn't his dress shoes be better than converse?" I said. "Yes, but he will look better in converse." He said. "Okay fine." I said agreeing.

All of us are getting ready for Jenn's graduation. Jenn is finally graduating after three years. She wasn't that far so she always visited.

I got Elise's dress on her and I put her in front of the mirror. "How do you like it honey?"

"I lwike it!" She said messing up the like. "Okay so these flats or these ones?" I asked her.

She choose the purple flats to match with her pink dress. Donovan is wearing a little dressed up shirt with a vest on and some corduroy pants.

I am wearing a pink maxi skirt with a purple top to match with Elise. I also have some black simple flats with a 1 inch heal. Ashton had on a simple dressy shirt with some jeans and dress shoes.

"Okay! You can go into mommy and daddy's room now." Ashton said.

They both ran out of their room.

We looked at each other and let out a huge sigh.

"This is exhausting." Ashton said letting out a slight chuckle. "Yes it is." I said starting to laugh too.

We both bursted out laughing. "What is wrong with us?" I said between laughs.

"I don't know!" He said smiling. "Oh my gosh I love you." I said kissing him. "Love you too." He said.

We both walked into out room to finish up ourselves. I fixed up my makeup and put on some jewelry. The last thing I did was I slipped on my promise ring and walked down stairs with Elise.

"Why is Aunt Jenn graduating?" She asked. "Well she has learned a lot and this is when she finishes her journey to start a new one." I said.

"Okay." She said even though she didn't understand.

I packed up the diaper bag. I put in two blankets some diapers and cleaning stuff. I also put some toys and other things in there too.

As soon as I was finishing up Ashton walked downstairs with Donovan in his arms. "He fell asleep while I was changing him."

I chuckled "That's my boy."

"Did you get the flowers and chocolates?" I asked him. "Yep, did you get the necklace?" He asked me. "Yeah I have it wrapped up in that bag over there."

"Okay i'm going to get Donovan in the car. You do Elise." Ashton said. "No you get Elise I will do Donovan. I need to get something from upstairs anyway." I said. "Okay then." He said and took Elise's hand and left.

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