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A/N-This is taken place before they found out Lily was pregnant.

April Pov

"Wait so when did you get your license?" Luke asked me.

"When I was 17! Well I got my permit at 16." I said.

Luke and I are at home just talking. We couldn't really handle the hospital with Luke and his wheelchair.

"I suck at driving." He said and laid back. "My mum is always scared to be in the same car as me when I am driving." He said.

"Yeah, thanks for letting me know that." I said chuckling to myself.

"Sooooo, what do you want to do babe?" He asked bored. "I don't know... Hm maybe we could make cupcakes?" I suggested.

"Noooo. That requires standing. And baking." He said complaining.

"Then what do you want to do?!" I asked him.

"I have no clue! That is why i'm asking you!" He said. "Ugh! You are so frustrating!!" I said in a huff.

"Aw babe! Don't get mad at me!" He said and cuddled next to me. "You can't be mad at me!" He said and looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh! I can't!" I said and kissed him on the lips slightly. "I know i'm pretty freaking awesome." He said proud of himself.

"Lucas! No you aren't! I am more awesome than you are." I said and turned around. "Okay, okay! I guess you are." He said and kissed me.

"Did you know, that you are a pretty good kisser." He said with his forehead resting on mine. "No..." I said blushing.


Luke and I were cuddling on the couch talking about random things.

"So do you um want to go to the-" I started to say before I was cut off.

Calum ran down stairs.

"Do you two love birds want to go to the hospital? I kinda want to see Lily." Calum said.

"Sure!" I said. "But you are going to have to help Luke. I want to go do something before we go." I say.

"No! I don't want to set him up! He is a big grouch when I help him!" Calum said. "Hey! I don't want you to help me too!" Luke said in defense.

I ran upstairs while they were busy bickering.

I walked into Ashton's and Lily's room and went to her bags. Before we left for Australia I put her diary in her bag. I know weird right? Well she can't handle not l writing in it, and she wanted to go this trip with out it. Of course I knew she couldn't.

I just figured she might want to write in it.

I walked down stairs 10 mins later and there stood Luke and Calum on the floor with Calum tangled up in the wheelchair's foot rest and Luke just on the floor.

I burst out laughing. "How the hell did this happen?!" I said in-between laughs. Luke huffed. "Just help me up!"

"Okay, okay Mr.Grumpy pants." I said and went to help Calum first just to annoy him. "APRILLLL!" Luke whined.

I helped Calum up and detached the wheelchair from him. "Thanks love. Now don't ever tell me to help Luke. I will be in the car." He said and grabbed his stuff and walked out.

I then walked over to Luke and burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing?!" He asked.

"Because my smart boyfriend decided to do all of this." I said smiling down at him.

"Babe can you please just get me up?" He said politely. "Yes baby I will. After I am done laughing." I said.


We arrived at the hospital 20 mins later.

We all walked to the room and was greeted by Ashton on the floor laughing and Lily trying to get him up.

When we entered they noticed us and stared at us shocked and embarrassed.

"Why hello to you guys too." I said and walked over to the couch, stepping over Ashton.

"Hiii!!!" Lily said excitedly and awkwardly.

"I'm not going to even ask what you two were doing." Calum said chuckling and sat next to me.

"Hey you forgot me!" Luke said still by the door. "You can get here by yourself." Calum said.

"Oh yeah! I can." He said and came by me. "So whats up friends?" I said.

"The doctor is going to come in and try to get Lily walking." Ashton said. "Try? He won't get me out of this bed!" She said and laid down.

"Hello! I'm back! I brought some food!" Jenn said entering the room. "Oh hi!" She said.

"Hey." We all said.


We all caught up and talked for a while waiting for the doctor to come in. This is crazy. I feel bad for Lily she has been in the hospital for almost a week.

I couldn't handle that at all. I mean how can she handle the food here?! Have you seen how much she eats.

I also wonder what is going on between Luke and Calum. They seemed to be getting in to fights more often and seem distant from each other.

"APRILL!!!" Lily screamed inturupting my thoughts. "Wait, what?!" I said shocked.

"Nothing you just weren't paying attention!" She said. "Babe don't scream like that!" Ashton said.

"YOU CAN'T STOP ME!!!" She screamed again and attempted to get up but Ash wouldn't allow her.

"No babe don't get up. The doctor is going to be here soon." He said. "Ugh, fineee." She said.

Right as Ashton said that the doctor walked in.

"Okay! Now Lily you are going to walk around the room first and then I will have someone go with you to walk outside." He said.

She got up and started to walk around. It was kinda funny because she was practically waddling around.

"You're walking like you have cramps in your legs!" Calum said. "Wow so encouraging Calum." Lily said back. "Hey! Just the truth." He said throwing his hands up.

"Yes Calum that is very truthful." I said. "Babe, can you get my phone from my bag over there?" Luke asked. "Sure." I said and gave him it.

After a couple mins passed, watching Lily fall two times and having to help her up because Calum would just stand there and laugh. She was ready to go outside.

I volunteered but they needed a male with her. So Calum went because Ashton was with the doctor.

They went outside and I was left alone with Luke. He was just on twitter ignoring me.

I poked him.

"Mhm" He muttered.

I poked him again.

"What." He said without looking up from his phone.

I poked him again.

"Babe? What do you want!?" He asked finally looking up from his phone.

"Your attention." I said. "Aw babe you could of just said that!" He said.

I put my head on his lap and put my feet up.

"When is that damn wheelchair going to disappear." I said. "In a couple of weeks." He said. "Its like blocking us from doing couple things." I said. "Aw, you know we could do anything together. No matter what blocks us." He said and kissed me softly on my lips.

"Can you stop." I said. "Stop what?" He asked worried.

"Being so perfect." I said.



An April and Lucas chapter.

I like to do this to you people. Leave you on cliffhangers. mwhahah.

k bye.

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