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Lily's Pov

"When are they going to get here?!" I asked Ashton worried. "Stop worrying! Jenn and April will be here soon with your family." He said and played with my hair, calming me down.

"Thanks Ashton. For everything you have done for me." I said tearing up a little. "Aw, baby. It is my pleasure to help you." He said and kissed me on the forehead.

"Sometimes I think why do you even bother to stay with me? Like you could be touring the world, all of you but you choose to stay with us, the girls you met on the beach and you were The Boy In The Bandana to me." I blurted out.

"We choose to stay because the girls on the beach are more then the girls on the beach, they are our girls." He said looking me in the eye.

"I can never loose you again. It was pain for you not being here, and the chance of you never coming back. I was depressed Lily, I couldn't focus or think right. It was hard for me knowing that I could of done better. And look where we are now." He said a tear slipping from his eye.

"When I was there he used to say that you were my ex and I would never see you again. I used to break down crying at night time when he wasn't around. I would think of you and never stop thinking of you. I don't think I went a day of tourture without thinking of you." I said.

"I need you in my life." He said holding me close.

"I need you in my life." I said.

"I love you so much Lily." He said.

I paused.

"I love you too."


After 3 hours of talking and catching up with my family, my brothers and their wife and girlfriend left, leaving it just my sister and my parents left.

Calum, Luke and Michael are all at home. Jenn and April are still here.

"So she did that twice?!" April said suprised, she was talking to my parents and Jenn was with Kayla.

I glanced over at Ashton. I then leaned over and whispered in his ear.

"Should we tell them now?" I asked. "Yes." He said. "Don't forget, I love you." He said.

I smiled.

"I love You too." I said and turned back to my parents.

"Mom, Dad, Kayla? I have something to tell you." I said nervously.

"Yes honey. Don't be afraid tell us." My mom said.

I hesitated.

"Lil? C'mon don't be nervous." Kayla said.

I looked at Ashton then to Jenn then to April.

I hesitated again.

"I-I'm Pregnant." I blurted out.

They both looked at me shocked, but at the same time expected it.

"Mom? Dad?" I said.

"Honey we understand." My mom said. "Is it his?!" My dad quickly said pointing at Ash.

"No sir!" He said quickly. "Its the guy." I said.

"Oh Lils come here." Kayla said.

"Or I can come to you." She said. Her and Ashton switched places.

"Mom what do you feel about this?" I asked her.

"I still feel the same as I did before. I love you so much and I will never stop loving you. It isn't your fault anyway." She said.

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